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My minimap is black...


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Hi all

I have just realized the minimap of a new map which setting is by night.

The problem is that on having done the minimap, it works out very dark, almost black, and does not identify at all.

I have tried to put the setting by day (lagoon) and it happens to me equally, I do not achieve that one sees correctly.

Does someone know because?

Thank you

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Nothing ... there is no form :wacko:

I have tried to do an apprehension " sight of bird " with the program FRAPS to do the minimap with this imágen, but me the location of the player does not coincide, with that of the arrow in the map (the player is some 10m to the right of where it marks the arrow).

Can someone orientate me? I have the ready map for lack of being able to do the minimap.... :(

Edited by windidi
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Nothing ... there is no form :wacko:

I have tried to do an apprehension " sight of bird " with the program FRAPS to do the minimap with this imágen, but me the location of the player does not coincide, with that of the arrow in the map (the player is some 10m to the right of where it marks the arrow).

Can someone orientate me? I have the ready map for lack of being able to do the minimap.... :(

Zip it up and send it over and I'll take a look at it.

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