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Multiplayer Question? Need Help


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Just copped this game last week and played online yesterday for my first time. It is Crack man.

Well my question is, how do you know which player are on your team and which one's are not???

The outfits are different by the different designs but it still looks the same to me from a distant. So how can ya'll tell because I can't. Help me please, I think I shot my own teammate like two times yesterday and they retaliate back at me the next round by shooting me up right when the round started. Help me understand guys.

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If the IFF setting is on ( this is the case with 99% of rooms ) then your guys will light up with a blue outline when you put your crosshairs on them. Plus you can always check your map. Your team will be represents as dots on the map.

If IFF is off ( very rare ) then you need to communicate with your team so you know where each other are plus use the map as well.

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