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One more interesting tidbit...

As I work on improving my "recon" skills in this arcade shooter, I attempt to tackle missions with as many intels acquired and scanned out of combat as possible. I also seek to always engage combat rather than react to it.

Just for kicks, I wanted to beat the first quick mission in such a manner as to acquire every "quick mission achievement" at one go. Now, I already had acquired some of them on previous attempts, so I just figured I would meet the necessary criteria and call it good.

After a little practice, I did it today. No hits against (me or team), 100% accuracy, all intels acquired out of combat, all battles engaged by me, Teammates have 50% or more kills...I think that's all of them. My score was 13,000 something and I was rated a Ghost.

Here's the question: If you complete a mission in this fashion, should it not render the highest score possible? One would think that the Dev's would reward someone who can do it with a great score. And mine wasn't bad on the leaderboards. But it wasn't tops or even tied for tops. In fact the top score was rated "lone-wolf" and in the 15,000. They fired 500 rounds and hit roughly 25% accuracy...

The difference between us was time...11 minutes vs. 20 minutes.

But I'm confused, isn't this a Ghost Recon Game? The Dev's don't reward being a Ghost or being recon oriented...

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