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OK guys. I got some secret info on Half Life 2. Yesterday I was sent to infiltrate the Valve offices and steal documents on HL2....no, not really.

PC Zone (a UK PC magazine) have managed to get hold of the first info on HL2. The secret has been let out. For 5 years they have kept HL2 quiet.

One of the PC Zone went to the US to see it in action. He met Gabe Newell the managing director of Valve. Gabe started:

"Once again, you play as Gordon Freeman. A certain amount of time has passed since HL, and you've moved well beyond Black Mesa. However, the alien threat has now spread to various reaches of the world, and a great deal of it takes place in a fictional city called City 17 in north central Europe, although you won't be restricted just to this area"

Wooo....sounds scary. He also said that the aliens are even worse than the original HL ones; the ones in HL were merely scouts. This is the full scale invasion....

The guy writing the article said that Gabe then showed him an ingame ally called Alyx (a hottie!). He was amazed,

"The facial textures were real. Not gaming real, but REAL real."

I think the screenies prove that. The is also brilliant AI that know exactly how to react to your actions. HL2's AI system has been designed to give the player a sense of total freedom an immersion - no scenes are scripted....

The screenshots are brillianty amazing....I am still in awe....me want....HL2 come to me!! :wacko:

ETA: 30 September 2003

Website: www.valvesoftware.com

U might find some screenies at their website.This is the game the world has been waiting for.

There's only one life worth living now....HALF LIFE 2(™)

Edited by -[NCM]- .:Nightmare:.
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Hehe, the ragdoll stuff. If you look closely in the picture of the soldier shooting the alien with the submachine gun..... there is a dead soldier at his feet. There is a small clipping problem because you can see his foot is actually in the dead soldier's foot.... anybody else notice that? :)

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