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Need help with texturing


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Sure, but can you specify more what's ure problem? Can you see the landscape inside the editor with the texture on? Is the landscape there, but with no texture on? (can check this by dropping a dynamic object down after placing the landscape? Or is the texture just basically bad? A screenshot would be good in this case!

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Sure, but can you specify more what's ure problem? Can you see the landscape inside the editor with the texture on? Is the landscape there, but with no texture on? (can check this by dropping a dynamic object down after placing the landscape? Or is the texture just basically bad? A screenshot would be good in this case!

Ok, First of all thanks for the quick reply.

Here's my point:

Can you send me a sample of one of your landscape models, including the materials and the XML's. So i can check out how you made them work.

The problem is there are so mutch ways to get the textures on there and since im not that good in 3ds max.. i don't realy know were to start.

My e-mail = gapeters@home.nl if you want to sent them.'

Thanks so far,

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There's a tutorial on how to get a terrain into GRAW in this download: http://www.ghostrecon.net/files2/index.php...view&id=353

It's the same for GRAW2 with some few minor adjustments.

If you're unsure how to texture something in 3d Max, search up some tutorials on the net around UVW unwrap texturing and go through the tuts that follows 3d max. You have to know the very basic in max before you can get something going from there I think.

When you get a bit further and start to add detail in the terrain, check this peltmapping tutorial. It will do wonders for you as it did to me!


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in 3dsmax after some trial and error i found that to texture your terrain, add the diffuse texture to a slot in the material editor ( the one with the balls).

then..click on the arrow under and to the right of the balls that is the "go to parent"(Here is a screenshot) click on it until you back to the place you added the diffuse texture. probably half way down the material editor, there's a slot with a "+" that is named "maps" click on the "+" (see a screen of it here)and go down to where it has a slot for bump. this is where you add the bump map that is the sister to the diffuse texture.

diffuse texture: jua_grass_xy_df (Diffuse)

bump map texture : jua_grass_xy_bm (bump map) I set this bump map to about 30 and no more

apply this to your terrain and you got it going on! next add a UVW map modifier or unwrap UVW depending on what you need to get the texture right.

just a quick help on it. :thumbsup:

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in 3dsmax after some trial and error i found that to texture your terrain, add the diffuse texture to a slot in the material editor ( the one with the balls).

then..click on the arrow under and to the right of the balls that is the "go to parent"(Here is a screenshot) click on it until you back to the place you added the diffuse texture. probably half way down the material editor, there's a slot with a "+" that is named "maps" click on the "+" (see a screen of it here)and go down to where it has a slot for bump. this is where you add the bump map that is the sister to the diffuse texture.

diffuse texture: jua_grass_xy_df (Diffuse)

bump map texture : jua_grass_xy_bm (bump map) I set this bump map to about 30 and no more

apply this to your terrain and you got it going on! next add a UVW map modifier or unwrap UVW depending on what you need to get the texture right.

just a quick help on it. :thumbsup:

Thanks man!

that helps alot, maybe you can also help me with the next one?

How do the UVW Unwrap works? ( I searching at google, but i can't realy find something.

Thanks again.

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Here's a little tutorial I found explaining some how the UVW unwrap modifier works: http://www.waylon-art.com/uvw_tutorial/uvwtut_01.html

When working with landscapes a little tip when it comes to mapping it is that you mostly can start with a simple top down planar mapping of the whole thing and use as a base. Of course you will get a lot of texture stretching on hard angles and stuff like caves etc would have to be mapped separately. However 3dsmax has some nice tools to make it a bit quicker to get a bit better UV and it works pretty well especially on landscapes.

Here's a couple of screens I took just showing mapping process on a bit deformed plane.

As you can see when I first planar map it I get some ugly stretching that I marked in uv1.jpg.


This is where the relax tool is useful if you look at uv2.jpg I have opened the uvw unwrap editor and relaxed it twice with the settings shown there.

Relax you can find in Tools>Relax Dialog (or ctrl+r).


And as you can see in uv3.jpg the stretching is gone.


Of course on a big landscape it's a bit more complex than that, especially if you have some kind of cannyons or cliffs you want to align in certain angles it takes some more work and more material ids. But the principles stay the same.

I don't know if this helped anything. But hopefully it made some sense :)

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