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Changing enviroments


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In just 2 minutes, you too can play cooperative Timber at night! Well maybe.

I`m not going to tell you how to unbundle or how to make a bundle. Read Forums, tutorials, ask questions. This is just to show you how easy things really are. So we`ll just use the local folder for this test.

For me, i navigate to here: Program Files\Ubisoft\Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2\Local\English

Create a folder called: levels

In my bundle i navigate to here: data/levels and copy paste the ogr_timber folder into the new levels folder i just made.

Rename folder to: ogr_timber_night

Open the ogr_timber_night folder.

Back to the bundle folder and locate mission07 folder.

Open it and copy paste the enviroment files into the ogr_timber folder and yes to over write.

Open the world_info XML file in ogr_timber_night folder. (you can right click open with notepad if needed)

The first line is: <world_info name="timber" mission_time="day">

Change info_name to: timber_night (This is what name it shows when selecting mission to play)

Change mission_time= to night (This turns lights on / off, also for vehicles)

Close all down and play.

Same for all the maps, even missions.

Hopefully you see how easy this was, and then you will want to know some more?


Did i miss anything? :lol:

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Indeed, also for Sierra you will need to re equip your enemy AI, so they don`t carry the torch attachments. Can`t give it all away. :shifty:


Well a simple trick to not use the editor is to open the world.xml file and locate the human blocks.

There you would see a patrol like this: "mex_special_forces_heavy_night2"

Simply replace it with this for example: "mex_mercenary_patrol3"


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