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Day version of Sierra map


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It's a pitty that all these new maps (so called new) are actually GRIN's maps with some minor tweak, so sad. MAKE YOUR OWN ! then call it a new map. The correct term is "GRIN's Sierra map in DAY MODE". Credit where credit is due.


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viiiper, I don't see anyone calling it a new map or claiming it as their own, so what's the problem?

Nutlink, Read the Topic Title "New Map Sierra Day"

Says new to me. Read the inital post, does not say it's Grins, just like all posters, posting other peoples work, they have to state the original creator, it's the custom and right thing to do....ask any REAL MODDER.

Missleading !

:D Thank you to the wonderful people of Cobra clan they now have Sierra Day as a map download too.

Keep up the good work guys & thank you for all your new additions.


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I say, if you can't make your own, then don't pretend and take others work and don't give credit's ( tut tut)

The Thread would be better as, "Grin's Sierra map in DAY" not "New Map Sierra Day"

Not the first time. read the whole thread.

Read on


Too many don't want to do the work and claim it's all theirs, Biro is the only Map I've seen, so far, that is truly his.

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I'm not having a go at anyone, and Tinker knows it.

The point is if you post work or ref to work by others, then give them credit, in this case Grin (not everyone knows who actually made Dam & Sierra etc.) only the hardcore.


As for me mapping, as with alot of others (you know them from GRAW1 and now missing in GRAW2), I gave up with GRAW2 because of the backward move with editing & bundling. This is no dig, but the sequel should always be better than the previous version and that can be clearly seen in the game but no in the editor or bundling system (my view).

Round 1 with the GRAW editor was no easy job, but round 2 is no easier, if not harder. I decided to goto Crytek & Sandbox with their LUA script language. See me in the appropriate section of this website ;) with plenty of mods/ maps as well as the BDA :yes: .

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Viiiper you are splitting hairs. Day versions of night maps, and night versions of day maps are as old as GR1, nobody for a second thinks they are new creations, they are patently new versions of stock maps. Trying to intimate that the modder is claiming the map in its entirety as his own work is a real stretch. You know we tow the "credit" line very hard here, but this really is splitting hairs.

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Well I apologise if anyone was offended, but the point is, not everyone knows, new members that join read things as is. That was my only point. making a post that implies to anyone that is new, that the map was a new map is one thing but not mentioning, the original maker is another.

Like the link posted from the Weapons modding section, people should be clear. That's all I tried to say ;)

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Sorry if the title is incorrect, I thought people would want to know in future I will try to title the post correctly.

But to me I can not see the issue only nit picking.

BTW: I am only a casual gamer that found some addons I appreciate what Cobra have done I am not part of their clan.



Edited by Aracnid
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Sorry if the title is incorrect, I thought people would want to know in future I will try to title the post correctly.

But to me I can not see the issue only nit picking.

One day you might, to me it's not nit picking, to you yes, to Rocky yes, to many others Yes....

But if you took one of my maps and changed the sky and said it was new, I would be ######, if you left out the line that said, the original map by viiiper, that's the nit picking you may find when you spend 3 weeks making a map. New members don't know, and it's polite to mention the makers name in the post. No harm done.

p.s. I'm not having a go at you.

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I would look forward to that day "Aracnid" but after GRAW1, I called it a day with GRAW2, for personal reasons, the GRAW2 system is very similar but lessons learned in GRAW1 were not smoothed out. I'm now with the Crytek Editor Sandbox & LUA script language for CRYSIS and will continue there with Maps & Game play mods. Look out for them there ;) they will be big, cos I accept nothing but the best.

I look here and see so many struggle with what should now be an easier task but it is not. I compliment Biro for the excellent work in his posts and Snofella for some awesome weapon models and the rest for giving it a shot, but *I only have so much time and that is with Sandbox now.....

I still keep an eye on it all, and the wiki I made is still up and if I read a thread where I can help, I like too.

chin up ;)

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It's a pitty that all these new maps (so called new) are actually GRIN's maps with some minor tweak, so sad. MAKE YOUR OWN ! then call it a new map. The correct term is "GRIN's Sierra map in DAY MODE". Credit where credit is due.

viiper not sure what u did in GRAW1 - but what I do know about GRAW2 is you gave up on trying to Mod with it in about 5 seconds.

a REAL modder (as you so arrogantly put it) wouldnt have given up in 5 seconds.

along comes someone who IS making an effort to bring something new to the table, even if its only a small step - but IMO it is a new map for players to use.

and all you can do is sledge him...gj.

now maybe ive misunderstood ur post - but the way it came across - you just look like a bitter loser.

good luck with LUA - i hope it will be easy enuff for you.

Edited by PoW_LigHtsPeEd
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@ viiiper

Unlike some others (apparently?) I'm definitely familiar w/your many excellent contributions to GRAW1 :thumbsup: but... with all your experience... don't you know? Any modding-related posts not over-the-top in support of GRAW 2's mod tools / modders will likely be considered "splitting hairs"! :rofl::wacko:

[note: Exception #1 - posts by Papa6 ;) (exception applicability time limit has now expired); Exception #2 - posts highlighting undeniable coding mistakes/errors, e.g. Bundle Tool issue; Exception #3 - if the asset in question is a weapon, then all would be 100% in agreement w/your position that GRIN (original maker) must be given full credit first: no "splitting hairs.]

Of course IMO it was good of Aracnid to post up the info, no matter the post title--easily changed! :)

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