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The Console & Admin commands

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Can anyobe plese start with telling me how the hell i get in to console or "command window" as i have seen in this forum?(i don't even know where to wright the commands in this game)

And then plz some commands for next map or anything, or everything is even greater....


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1. at the server "lobby" screen the "chat all" box is already up,

so just type /<command>

or once "in game" ...

2a. Hit T (for chat all) and then /<command>

*But be warned when using the "chat all" box if you typo the command, everyone on server could see it (NOT good if you're entering the admin password!) and sometimes the T enters twice so before you enter the /<command> make sure there isn't a T (or any other text) already on the chat box


2b. Hit o (an "oh" not a zero) for the console screen (To close console window it's /Close)

list of admin commands

/close - Close the console window

/help [command] - Show help for one or all of the commands

/list [nickname] - Lists all players and their #IDs, or any players with the specified nickname

/login <password> - Login as admin on the server

/maps - Displays the available maps on the server

/vote <type><name> - Start a vote of <type> on <name>

/ban <#n nickname> - Bans a player for limited time or forever by #ID or Nickname. is in hours

/kick <#n nickname> - Kicks a player by #ID or nickname

/kill <#n nickname> - Kicks a player by #ID or nickname

/msg <message> - Displays a system message to all clients

/play_map <#> - End current match and start a new one on the selected map

/print [command] - Listing the current settings

/reload - Reload the map with the new settings

/restart_match - Restart the entire match

/screenshot <#n nickname> - Asks a client for a remote screenshot. Client is identified by #ID or nickname

/set_admin_password - Sets the admin password

/set_anticheat <0 / 1> - Set anticheat true/false

/set_balance <0 / 1> - Set balance team true/false

/set_balance_limit <#> - How many more players that can be in a team if balance is enabled 1-31

/set_clangame <0 / 1> - If the match is a clan game

/set_friendly_fire <0 / 1> - Set friendly fire true/false

/set_immortal_dur <#> - Set immortal duration 0-10

/set_match_points <#> - Set the match points

/set_match_time <#> - Set match time 0-99

/set_max_deaths <#> - Set number of deaths 0-10, 0=unlimited

/set_min_respawn_wait <#> - Set min respawn wait time 0-10 seconds

/set_motd - Set message of the day

/set_password - Set server password

/set_password_enable <0 /1> - Use server password true/false

/set_punish_tk <0 /1> - Set punish tk true/false

/set_punish_tk_limit <#> - Set # of tk before getting kicked 0-60

/set_server_name - Set the server's name

/set_start_condition <#> - 1=All slots full, 2=All players, 3=Server Ready, 4=One per team

/set_switch_sides <0 / 1> - Set switch sides true/false

/set_vote_enable <0 / 1> - Set vote true/false

/set_vote_kick_starters <#> - Times allowed to start a kick vote in one round 1-60

/set_vote_ratio <#> - Set vote ratio 30-100

/set_vote_time <#> - Set time until vote is closed, 10-60 seconds

/set_win_condition <#> - Set the winning condition, 1-4 (HamburgerHill) or 5-6 (MPCoop)

/start - Starts a round if it has not yet begun

/unban <nickname> - Unbans a player with #ID or nickname

so for example

    /Login xxxxxx


    /Play_Map 3

will login with server admin password, list the maps available, switch to and play the 3rd listed map

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

I Remember there was a note somewhere in "GRAW1 Manual" how to use the server and admin commands in MP. Can the server and admin commands from GRAW1 be used the same way as in GRAW2?

Edited by NoFears
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  • 2 months later...

I've recently realised a good reason for not being able to reboot the whole server from the in-game console.

If you were to make a typo when editing the files in the console, then reboot the server, you would be stuck outside a non-working server without being able to fix it.

At least, that's why I think they've left the reboot to the actual server tools outside of the game.

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Also, Its weird that GRiN did not include a command to reboot the dedi server. Anyone know anything about this? or maybe I am just missing it. Thanks

I'm sorry to say that this is another reason this game is dead. I'd say that the first version had pretty active support. where as GRAW2 fell flat. I'm sorry you guys are less than thrilled. :(

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