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Class selection OGR


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hi there all,

just a simple question.

I build up a smal coop-map ([GR]) to try some scripting.

The problem is, that everything works fine until you have to

select a class in coop-mod. I red about ranks in the tutorial

and put these lines to my mission.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<mission_script name="coop">

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/common.xml#xpointer(/common/*)"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_ranks_ogr_quarry.xml"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_rules.xml"/>

the game starts, i find my "test-map" in the mp-section and

everything works fine until you have to select a class (sniper, .... )

then i see no classes to chose

would be great to get a smal "wink"

thanks in advance

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Thank you Wolfsong for this "blitz" reaction

until now i am not able to solve this problem.

mission.xml is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<mission_script name="coop">

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/common.xml#xpointer(/common/*)"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_ranks_ogr_quarry.xml"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_rules.xml"/>

<trigger name="enemy_area01_trigger" interval="0.3">

<condition type="UnitInLocation" location="location01" player_type="campaign_team" amount="1"/>

<event name="show_panhard"/>


<event name="start_game">

<element type="StartTrigger" name="enemy_area01_trigger" start_time="1.0"/>


<event name="show_panhard">

<element type="ActivateVehicle" vehicle_id="pan01" start_time="0.1"/>

<element type="OrderCar" vehicle_id="pan01" order="move" position="1900,1700,0" start_time="15"/>


<gametype_info name="enemies_to_kill" value="12"/>


world_info.xml is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<world_info name="test1" mission_time="day">

<world path="world.xml">


<mission_script path="mission.xml">


<environments path="/data/levels/global_environments.xml"/>

<massunits path="massunit.bin"/>

<texture_scope path="texture_scope.xml"/>

<extra_coverpoints path="coverpoints.xml"/>

<graph name="coarse" path="ai_coarse.gph"/>

<graph name="main" path="ai.gph"/>

<world_info path="/data/levels/common/coop_settings.xml" type="coop">



Do you need some more "file-prints" ore any other

information ??

please be lenient about my bad english

and thank you again

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Dennis. Heres a working world_info.xml and a working mission.xml.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<world_info name="the_cut" mission_time="day">

<world path="world.xml">


<mission_script path="mission.xml">


<environments path="environments.xml"/>

<massunits path="massunit.bin"/>

<sound environment="street">

<soundbank name="ambience_shanty_war_sound" type="ambient"/>

<soundbank name="mission04_sound"/>

<soundbank name="music_act01_sound"/>


<texture_scope path="texture_scope.xml"/>

<texture name="loading" texture="data/textures/atlas_gui/mission_gfx/load_mp_ogr" uv_rect="0,0,2048,1080" width="2048" height="2048"/>

<texture name="minimap" texture="/data/textures/gui/the_cut_minimap" uv_rect="0,0,877,1024" width="1024" height="1024"/>

<graph name="main" path="ai.gph"/>

<border name="minimap" min_x="-22096.729" min_y="-23903.031" max_x="17312.266" max_y="22090.539"/>

<world_info path="/data/levels/common/coop_settings.xml" type="coop">



That world one should look VERY similar to yours, so change the one thing thats alittle off(I bolded the parts for you but I dont think that will really make a difference. I would do it just for the sake of it though.)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/common.xml#xpointer(/common/*)"/>

<mission_script name="coop" type="once">

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_ranks.xml"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_rules.xml"/>

<event name="start_mission">

<element type="AllowSpawn" side="1" when="always" after_start="true" start_time="3" />

<element type="StartTrigger" name="docks_enterance" start_time="1.0" />


<trigger name="docks_enterance" interval="1" preserved="false">

<condition type="UnitInLocation" location="docks" player_type="team_a" amount="1"/>

<event name="docks"/>


<event name="docks">

<element type="ActivateGroup" group_id="docks" start_time="1.0"/>

<element type="StartTrigger" name="t_win" preserved="false" start_time="6"/>


<trigger name="t_win" interval="1" preserved="false">

<condition type="UnitInLocation" location="win_zone" player_type="team_a" amount="1"/>

<event name="e_win"/>


<event name="e_win">

<element type="EndRound" winner_side="1" reason="Mission Accomplished - all objectives completed" start_time="5" />


<gametype_info name="enemies_to_kill" value="12"/>



The first thing that looks alittle off from your script is that first bold. I think that rank is for the quarry map only? I could be wrong. Also, the most important part that you forgot is the second line that is in bold letters. Without that you wont spawn. So make those little changes, try it and report back to us. Good luck and hope that helps :thumbsup:

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The first thing that looks alittle off from your script is that first bold. I think that rank is for the quarry map only? I could be wrong. Also, the most important part that you forgot is the second line that is in bold letters. Without that you wont spawn. So make those little changes, try it and report back to us. Good luck and hope that helps :thumbsup:

I don't think those should change anything. The environment path is the path to the default environment. The spawn setup is done in the coop_rules.xml as long as the location is named right. And the quarry ranks are not restricted to the quarry level, they just have the RPG kit.

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Ok. I found the error. I had and idea yesterday, but now I've tested it and found out what's wrong.

You must have a general "mission_script" tag surrounding the entire script. You only have a "coop" specific tag, which ain't enough as you have 2 "world_info" tags in your world_info.xml.

This is what you had:

<mission_script name="coop">

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/common.xml#xpointer(/common/*)"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_ranks_ogr_quarry.xml"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_rules.xml"/>

<trigger name="enemy_area01_trigger" interval="0.3">

<condition type="UnitInLocation" location="location01" player_type="campaign_team" amount="1"/>

<event name="show_panhard"/>


<event name="start_game">

<element type="StartTrigger" name="enemy_area01_trigger" start_time="1.0"/>


<event name="show_panhard">

<element type="ActivateVehicle" vehicle_id="pan01" start_time="0.1"/>

<element type="OrderCar" vehicle_id="pan01" order="move" position="1900,1700,0" start_time="15"/>


<gametype_info name="enemies_to_kill" value="12"/>


And this is how it should look:


<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/common.xml#xpointer(/common/*)"/>

<mission_script name="coop">

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_ranks_ogr_quarry.xml"/>

<xi:include href="/data/levels/common/coop_rules.xml"/>

<trigger name="enemy_area01_trigger" interval="0.3">

<condition type="UnitInLocation" location="location01" player_type="campaign_team" amount="1"/>

<event name="show_panhard"/>


<event name="start_game">

<element type="StartTrigger" name="enemy_area01_trigger" start_time="1.0"/>


<event name="show_panhard">

<element type="ActivateVehicle" vehicle_id="pan01" start_time="0.1"/>

<element type="OrderCar" vehicle_id="pan01" order="move" position="1900,1700,0" start_time="15"/>


<gametype_info name="enemies_to_kill" value="12"/>



It was close, but 1 too many shortcuts where tried. ;)

Tested and functional.

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Thank you Evilducky, thank you GRIN_Wolfsong for your great help.

I just copy/paste your examples, made a new bundle, moved the bundle

to the right position, started GRAW2 and it doesn't work.

So I tryied various, various, various, ... versions of your examples but nothing changed.

All my changes had no results, it doesn't work at all.

Then, I was still a little bit .... , I just deleted the bundle from

the custom_levels Folder and started GRAW2 for a new time and there

was still my test-coop-mission to see. How could this be without the bundle

in the folder? Now it seem's to me, that I always tryied with the same unchanged


Would be great to get a short help again.

Thanks in advance

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the best way to set it up without a bundle file is to put it in your local/english folder. The path should be something similar to this when you set it up that way: Local\English\levels\custom_levels\"your level". Doing it that will will allow you to make script changes and have them effective as soon as you save it so everytime you start the game, it will read it from there.

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Ok. Did a test with bundle and you're right. It doesn't show up if it's bundled. I'll look into it more. But as soon as you remove the bundle from the custom_levels folder, your data/levels/custom_levels folder (they work from here when testing), and your local folder and have your context.xml set to "english", it shouldn't show up.

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O.K. Problem with the "ghost-mission" :D solved.

The new Test runs fine in the local/german/levels/custom_levels/..... but I found out some depencis between the next two lines

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> working

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> not working :hmm:

thanks a lot GRIN_Wolfsong

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O.K. Problem with the "ghost-mission" :D solved.

I've reported the problem. Spend 1½ hours doing test on a little mod I threw together and I got the same result no matter what I did. Custom level or mods, as long as it was bundled it didn't show classes and kits. It does work in local folder though.

The new Test runs fine in the local/german/levels/custom_levels/..... but I found out some depencis between the next two lines

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> working

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> not working :hmm:

In the local folder? Or when bundled?

I used "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>" and it worked in the local folder for me.

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I am using <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> , in the local folder everything is doin' fine but bundled nothing works the way i want. No classes and kits at all. For now i need some distance from this. I am shure there wil be an easy solution. But today i'm done.

GRIN_Wolfsong and all the other guys, thank you for supporting me this way. I hope some day I can give a little pay-back but now i need some bedtime.

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I am using <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> , in the local folder everything is doin' fine but bundled nothing works the way i want. No classes and kits at all. For now i need some distance from this. I am shure there wil be an easy solution. But today i'm done.

GRIN_Wolfsong and all the other guys, thank you for supporting me this way. I hope some day I can give a little pay-back but now i need some bedtime.

Like I wrote earlier, there is apparently an error with the classes and kits in bundles. So it's nothing you can do anything about I'm afraid. I can only try to get someone to fix it for us from the looks of it. And I'll work on getting it fixed as it destroys the use of the bundle system totally.

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