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Squirrels Creek


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Well as you prolly can see this is from the main gate of the good old Ghost Recon map mpcastle or castle day as other call it. My idea was just to basically see how it would look like in GRAW2 and see how much time I needed to spend getting it into diesel. As of now I have the whole castle with the surrounding area textured inside diesel. Still need to import the different houses and retexture them and add some detail on the map ofc. It's amazing too see it inside the diesel engine though. The lighting is just so freaking awesome compared to GR1.

So in other words, this mod will also feature mpcastle for GRAW2, as I'm pretty sure alot of people on the forum here wanted to see it.

As for the Squirrelscreek map, it's pretty much done, except the trees. Have some problems with getting them properly lightmapped, and I think I need to get the hold on Wolfsong to sort that problem out. It's basically the shadows from the trees that adds up and if I add more of them in one place, they're getting more or less black in the wood.

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Well as you prolly can see this is from the main gate of the good old Ghost Recon map mpcastle or castle day as other call it. My idea was just to basically see how it would look like in GRAW2 and see how much time I needed to spend getting it into diesel. As of now I have the whole castle with the surrounding area textured inside diesel. Still need to import the different houses and retexture them and add some detail on the map ofc. It's amazing too see it inside the diesel engine though. The lighting is just so freaking awesome compared to GR1.

So in other words, this mod will also feature mpcastle for GRAW2, as I'm pretty sure alot of people on the forum here wanted to see it.

As for the Squirrelscreek map, it's pretty much done, except the trees. Have some problems with getting them properly lightmapped, and I think I need to get the hold on Wolfsong to sort that problem out. It's basically the shadows from the trees that adds up and if I add more of them in one place, they're getting more or less black in the wood.

Biro, I'm not funny in that way but..we love ya bro none the less. :thumbsup:

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what are the chances of getting both of those maps for the TRR Mod - I know a lot of ppl who would be itching for the TRR Version of CD.

Depends on when you plan to release the mod. I have limited time to work on this week due to work and as I have decided to include castle day together with Squirrelscreek, I'm pretty sure it will take a month or something before I'm 100% satisfied with the maps and have everything sorted out.

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...and to spam a little bit and show off, here's the progress for today. First one of the houses within the castle, finished textured with more up to date textures. Still wondering what to do with the doors though, prolly just gonna have them hanging there open.

And the lighting ye Rocky, this good enough for you? ;)


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...and to spam a little bit and show off, here's the progress for today. First one of the houses within the castle, finished textured with more up to date textures. Still wondering what to do with the doors though, prolly just gonna have them hanging there open.

And the lighting ye Rocky, this good enough for you? ;)


That is looking great. Maybe we can get these characters out of their space suits and de-:AW the whole thing. Though, I will say the characters look much better from GRAW1 to 2

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Depends on when you plan to release the mod. I have limited time to work on this week due to work and as I have decided to include castle day together with Squirrelscreek, I'm pretty sure it will take a month or something before I'm 100% satisfied with the maps and have everything sorted out.

Brilliant work again Biro - as far as when the mod wil be released. The plan is to release a beta version of the gametype with the first 10 maps (working on the 10th now).

Then will continue to build another 10 or so maps - and iron out the bugs of the first 10 as Nutlink and I go. So three to four weeks for the second and hopefully final version of the Random Pack.

If we could get Squirrel and CD in there would be fantastic additions.

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