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descriptions of what the sections in the the XML are

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

- <game_info internet_server="true" internet_speed="5000" password="" admin_password="">

change true to false to host a LAN game. internet_speed value is related to the level of physics updates over an online game. The higher the value, the more accurate it will be. You can add a password. You can add an admin password.

- <gametype_settings>

<match_length value="30" />

change 30 to the match length you want in minutes

<max_players value="32" />

change 32 to the maximum players you want. Maximum is 32

<max_deaths value="0" />

change 0 to the limited number of spawns for each player. 0 stands for infinite

<name value="GRAW 2 - RvA dedicated server" />

Change GRAW 2 Demo - RvA dedicated server for the server name you want set

<immortality_duration value="5" />

Protected time after spawn in seconds.

<friendly_fire value="true" />

change true to false to disable friendly fire

<punish_tk value="false" />

change false to true to ban player responsible for team kill

<teamkill_kick_limit value="3" />

change 3 to the kick limit you want, before a player is banned for the game

<auto_balance value="true" />

change true to false to disable auto balance

<auto_balance_limit value="2" />

change 2 to the minimum player amount before the auto balance kicks in

<scan_for_cheats value="true" />

change true to false to disable anti-cheat

<start_condition value="4" />

change 4 to the condition you want to set for your server : 1: All players slots are full 2: All players are ready 4: One player per team


<match_info level="rvsa_calavera" order="1">Change rvsa_cavalera to any other level and mode you want to host.</match_info>

<match_info level="tdm_lagoon" order="2">Add additional lines to alternate with different maps/modes</match_info>


You guys will know what this is.



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that is a sample dedicated_game_info.xml which can be generated automatically by going into the LAN/INTERNET setup menu of graw2.

The problem is is has few setting and we need the setting options from the template file sb_server_settings.xml as this gives all the options, but at the moment with the information we have, we can not access.

That's the problem I have, the values defined in the template seem to always override the values I try to add in the dedi files, I know the definition is good cos it's used in the templates. I just need it out and adjustable, as you can see from the file sb_server_settings.xml. all the goodies are there.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!-- Important note:
If you are adding something that need so be syncronised between the Server and the Klient
you have to add it in the following functions, and PACKET.
- from_server_gametype_settings <-- This is in settings/network.xml
- send_server_settings() <-- this is on the server side where the packet is "packed" and sent, script_network/gametype/gametype.dsf
- from_server_gametype_settings() <-- this is where the clioent recives the packet, script_network/gametype/gametype.dsf

<block name="server_settings">
<!-- Server settings -->
<var name="name" type="string" default="" /> <!-- this should be empty so that the localizer can get the right default name -->
[b]<var name="port" type="number" default="16250" />[/b]
<var name="dedicated_server" type="boolean" default="false" />

<!-- Ranked game options -->
<var name="ranked_game" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="clan_game" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="ladder_id" type="boolean" default="false" />

<var name="gamespy_ranked" type="boolean" default="true" />

<!-- general gameplay -->
<var name="max_players" type="number" default="32" />
<var name="max_deaths" type="number" default="0" />
<var name="friendly_fire" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="game_mode" type="string" default="MPCoop" />
<var name="level" type="string" default="mp01" />

<var name="load_next_map" type="boolean" default="true" />

<var name="switch_sides" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="message_of_the_day" type="string" default="" />
<var name="auto_balance" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="auto_balance_limit" type="number" default="2" />
<var name="scan_for_cheats" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="start_condition" type="number" default="3" />
<var name="even_round" type="boolean" default="true" />

<!-- match/round -->
<!-- OLD, no longer used. (Minutes)
<var name="game_match_length" type="number" default="30"/>

<var name="round_length" type="number" default="10" /> <!-- this is the round time we used in GRAW1 --> <!-- (Minutes) -->
<var name="match_length" type="number" default="15" /> <!-- this is the round time we used in GRAW1 --> <!-- (Minutes) -->
<var name="next_round_time" type="number" default="10" /> <!-- Time till next round will start, when stats is showing -->
<var name="match_start_time" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- time till match start, when starting condition is meet -->

<!-- Spawning -->
<var name="immortality_duration" type="number" default="6" />
<var name="spawn_time" type="number" default="15" />
<var name="spawn_on_side_switch" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- this defines if you are able to spawn when you change team -->
<var name="lock_spawn_time" type="number" default="45" /> <!-- (Seconds) Lock the player from being able to spawn -->

<!-- HUD and subsystem setup -->
<var name="has_xcom" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="has_tag_system" type="boolean" default="true" /><!-- True if the players should be enabled to tag. -->
<var name="has_tag_data_system" type="boolean" default="false" /><!-- The extended data about tagged units, name, class, rank -->
<var name="has_mp_map" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="update_markers" type="string" default="team" />
<var name="awa_distance" type="number" default="15000" />

<!-- password -->
<var name="password_locked" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="password" type="string" default="" />

<!-- points -->
<var name="match_points" type="number" default="35" /> <!-- Points to win the match. In Seige, seconds to take over the siege zone -->
<var name="capture_time" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- In Seige, time in seconds to take over the siege zone -->

<!-- team killing .-->
<var name="punish_tk" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="teamkill_kick_limit" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- (Kills) After how many teamkills a player will be kicked -->

<!-- votes -->
<var name="vote_enabled" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="vote_ratio" type="number" default="50" /> <!-- ( % of all players ) -->
<var name="vote_time" type="number" default="20" />
<var name="vote_kick_starters" type="number" default="2" />
<var name="vote_map_starters" type="number" default="2" />

<!-- Camera -->
<var name="death_cam" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- (Deathcamera) 0=disabled, 1=friendly, 2=all -->

<!-- Gametype specifik -->
<!-- OLD VALUES should be removed, Wiking -->
<var name="win_condition" type="number" default="1" /> <!-- Win condition used in HH and Siege -->
<var name="mpcoop_timer" type="number" default="5" />
<var name="siege_time" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- Seconds (or points) needed to win in siege -->

<var name="swap_method" type="string" default="side" /> <!-- Can be "side" (the sides are changed) or spawn (only the spawnlocations are switched) -->
<var name="win_method" type="string" default="side" /> <!-- Can be "swap" or "old" -->
<!--var name="has_sides" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- -->
<var name="use_victory_points" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="show_teammates" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="show_player" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="show_supply" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="kill_score_a" type="number" default="1" /> <!-- This the normal score given to a team_a player for killing an other team player -->
<var name="kill_score_b" type="number" default="1" /> <!-- This the normal score given to a team_a player for killing an other team player -->
<var name="adv_scoring_a" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="adv_scoring_b" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="tk_scoring" type="boolean" default="false" /> <!-- This score is given if there are more than or equal to kill_limit_b enemies left -->
<var name="kill_score1" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- This score is given if there are more than or equal to kill_limit_b enemies left -->
<var name="kill_score2" type="number" default="3" /> <!-- This score is given if there are less than kill_limit_b enemies left -->
<var name="kill_score3" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- This score is given if there are less than kill_limit_c enemies left -->
<var name="kill_limit2" type="number" default="9" />
<var name="kill_limit3" type="number" default="4" />
<var name="ranking_system" type="boolean" default="false" />

<var name="minimap_player_marker" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="minimap_friendly_markers" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="minimap_enemy_markers" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="minimap_hh_slider" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="use_side_score" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="hud_abc_objectives" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="show_zoomed_markers" type="boolean" default="true" />
<var name="show_attachable_early" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="smoke_occluders" type="boolean" default="true" />

<var name="use_sides" type="string" default="two" /> <!-- "one", "two", "coop" -->

<var name="score_listing_type" type="number" default="0" />
<var name="reset_kills_per_rounds" type="boolean" default="false" />

<var name="timer_type" type="string" default="normal" /> <!-- "normal" is round and Match time. "mission" is one timer that counts up -->
<var name="match_is_one_round" type="boolean" default="false" /> <!-- this is only true in [GR] coop, else next map wont load -->
<var name="always_reload_map" type="boolean" default="false" /> <!-- this is only true in [GR] coop, we must reload the map to spawn the enemies-->

<var name="end_round_message" type="string" default="round" /> <!-- "round" will show the normal "round score". "deathmatch" will show deathamtch localized. If there is something else the text will be displayed as its written. this is for the modders.-->

<var name="adversarial" type="boolean" default="false"/>

<!--var name="spawn_method" type="string" default="timed" /> <!-- Can be "timed" or "select" -->
<!--var name="side_effect" type="string" default="efx_hh_zone_smoke" /> <!-- -->

<!-- Kick for idle, not implemented -->
<var name="auto_kick" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="auto_kick_time" type="number" default="240" /> <!-- ( Seconds ) -->

<!-- Maps -->
<var name="next_map" type="string" default="" />
<var name="map_cycle" type="string" default="" /> <!-- (Mapnames) A string with space separated map names, "mp01 mp02 mp05" -->

<!-- Invisible settings -->
<var name="coop_difficulty" type="string" default="normal" /> <!--This shall be removed and game_difficulty should be used instead-->
<var name="game_difficulty" type="string" default="normal" /> <!-- Use this -->

<var name="skip_insertion" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="fail_on_leader_death" type="boolean" default="false" />
<var name="max_ai_ghosts" type="number" default="3" /> <!-- (AI Players) Maximum AI controlled players -->

<!-- <var name="forced_spawn_time" type="number" default="60" /> --> <!-- (Seconds) Spawns the player after this time, even if he hasn't pushed "Ready". 0 = disabled -->

<var name="resupply_ammo_time" type="number" default="20" /> <!-- (Seconds) How long a player has to be inside a supplied zone before he receives new ammo -->
<var name="member_info_broadcast_interval" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- (Seconds) How often non-essential information about kills, deaths and score is sent to clients -->
<var name="max_move_without_ack_time" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- (Seconds) How long a player may keep moving without server verification. Lower will make it harder for cheaters and people with bad connections -->
<!-- (Players) How many more people on one team the server allows before forcing a change -->
<var name="both_side_ready_required" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- Players on both sides need to press the ready button before match starts -->
<var name="players_ready_required" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- (Players) How many people in total that has to be ready before match starts -->
<var name="allow_sidechange_under_match" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- (Players) How many people in total that has to be ready before match starts -->


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Here's some descriptions of what the sections in the the XML are (thanks colin :D)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<game_info internet_server="true" internet_speed="5000" password="" admin_password="">

change true to false to host a LAN game.

internet_speed value is related to the level of physics updates over an online game. The higher the value, the more accurate it will be.

You can add a password. You can add an admin password.


<match_length value="30"/> change 30 to the match length you want in minutes

<max_players value="32"/> change 32 to the maximum players you want. Maximum is 32

<max_deaths value="0"/> change 0 to the limited number of spawns for each player. 0 stands for infinite

<name value="GRAW 2 - RvA dedicated server"/> Change GRAW 2 Demo - RvA dedicated server for the server name you want set

<immortality_duration value="5" /> Protected time after spawn in seconds.

<friendly_fire value="true"/> change true to false to disable friendly fire

<punish_tk value="false"/> change false to true to ban player responsible for team kill

<teamkill_kick_limit value="3"/> change 3 to the kick limit you want, before a player is banned for the game

<auto_balance value="true"/> change true to false to disable auto balance

<auto_balance_limit value="2"/> change 2 to the minimum player amount before the auto balance kicks in

<scan_for_cheats value="true"/> change true to false to disable anti-cheat

<start_condition value="4"/> change 4 to the condition you want to set for your server :

1: All players slots are full

2: All players are ready

4: One player per team


<match_info level="rvsa_calavera" order="1"> Change rvsa_cavalera to any other level and mode you want to host.


<match_info level="tdm_lagoon" order="2"> Add additional lines to alternate with different maps/modes



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As I was bored this morning I decided to run through the config XML & add some comments.

There are still a number of commands missing from the config XML and hopefully we will have a full list soon.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- GR:AW2 - Dedicated Server Config

v1.00 - 15th July 2007

Commented by: .TuG.Beaver - www.tugteam.com


<!-- Server Settings:

password - Make the server private by setting a password.

admin_password - Admin/Console Password. If this is not set, then you cannot log into the console and admin the server.

internet_server - Set if the server is visible on the Internet or LAN.

internet_speed - Sets your server upload speed - ideally this should be between 1600-2200 for best results.


<game_info password="" admin_password="password" internet_server="true" internet_speed="1800">

<!-- Game-type Specific Settings

Game-modes: coop Co-operative.

hh Hamburger Hill.

rvsa Recon vs Assault.

s Siege

tdm Team Deathmatch


<server_settings type="coop"> <!-- Game-mode -->

<max_deaths value="0"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. -->

<max_players value="12"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 12. -->

<spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. -->


<server_settings type="hh"> <!-- Game-mode -->

<match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. -->

<match_points value="1"/> <!-- No sure... -->

<max_deaths value="3"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. -->

<max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. -->

<round_length value="10"/> <!-- Time limit in minutes of each round. -->

<spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. -->


<server_settings type="rvsa"> <!-- Game-mode -->

<gamespy_ranked value="false"/> <!-- Sets if the round stats are recorded to gamespy. -->

<match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. -->

<max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. -->


<server_settings type="s"> <!-- Game-mode -->

<capture_time value="5"/> <!-- Time required to be in the siege smoke to capture the base. -->

<match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. -->

<max_deaths value="3"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. -->

<max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. -->

<round_length value="10"/> <!-- Time limit in minutes of each round. -->

<spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. -->


<server_settings type="tdm"> <!-- Game-mode -->

<gamespy_ranked value="false"/> <!-- Sets if the round stats are recorded to gamespy. -->

<match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. -->

<max_deaths value="3"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. -->

<max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. -->

<round_length value="10"/> <!-- Time limit in minutes of each round. -->

<spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. -->


<!-- Shared game-type Setting -->


<auto_balance_limit value="2"/> <!-- Team Balance limit - stops sides being too unbalanced. -->

<immortality_duration value="7"/> <!-- Respawn invulnerability duration in seconds. -->

<message_of_the_day value="MOTD"/> <!-- Message of the Day - displayed at the top of the team selection screen, or within the Server Info page. -->

<name value="Server Name"/> <!-- The name of the server as it will appear in the in-game browser. -->

<start_condition value="4"/> <!-- Start condition of each round. 1 = All Player Slots are Full. 2 = All Players are Ready. 4 = One Player from each Team is Ready. -->

<teamkill_kick_limit value="2"/> <!-- Number of TK's before a player is kicked from the server. -->

<vote_kick_starters value="2"/> <!-- Kick player releated. -->

<vote_map_starters value="2"/> <!-- Map voter related. -->

<vote_ratio value="50"/> <!-- Vote ratio required (%) to make the vote take effect. -->

<vote_time value="20"/> <!-- Vote time length in seconds. -->


<!-- Map List Rotation - Add as many maps here as you would like to play/rotate. Gametype specific map names. -->

<match_info level="coop_quarry" order="1">


<match_info level="coop_sierra" order="2">


<match_info level="coop_timber" order="3">


<match_info level="rvsa_calavera" order="4">


<match_info level="rvsa_crashsite" order="5">


<match_info level="rvsa_lagoon" order="6">


<match_info level="rvsa_the_cut" order="7">


<match_info level="rvsa_timber" order="8">


<match_info level="s_crashsite" order="9">


<match_info level="s_fort" order="10">


<match_info level="s_lagoon" order="11">


<match_info level="s_the_cut" order="12">


<match_info level="s_timber" order="13">


<match_info level="tdm_arroyo" order="14">


<match_info level="tdm_calavera" order="15">


<match_info level="tdm_crashsite" order="16">


<match_info level="tdm_fort" order="17">


<match_info level="tdm_lagoon" order="18">


<match_info level="tdm_nowhere" order="19">


<match_info level="tdm_the_cut" order="20">


<match_info level="tdm_timber" order="21">


<match_info level="hh_calavera" order="22">


<match_info level="hh_crashsite" order="23">


<match_info level="hh_fort" order="24">


<match_info level="hh_lagoon" order="25">


<match_info level="hh_the_cut" order="26">


<match_info level="hh_timber" order="27">



Downloadble version: here

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