Colin Posted July 13, 2007 Share Posted July 13, 2007 This is for download. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <game_info internet_server="true" internet_speed="5000" password="" admin_password=""> change true to false to host a LAN game. internet_speed value is related to the level of physics updates over an online game. The higher the value, the more accurate it will be. You can add a password. You can add an admin password. - <gametype_settings> <match_length value="30" /> change 30 to the match length you want in minutes <max_players value="32" /> change 32 to the maximum players you want. Maximum is 32 <max_deaths value="0" /> change 0 to the limited number of spawns for each player. 0 stands for infinite <name value="GRAW 2 - RvA dedicated server" /> Change GRAW 2 Demo - RvA dedicated server for the server name you want set <immortality_duration value="5" /> Protected time after spawn in seconds. <friendly_fire value="true" /> change true to false to disable friendly fire <punish_tk value="false" /> change false to true to ban player responsible for team kill <teamkill_kick_limit value="3" /> change 3 to the kick limit you want, before a player is banned for the game <auto_balance value="true" /> change true to false to disable auto balance <auto_balance_limit value="2" /> change 2 to the minimum player amount before the auto balance kicks in <scan_for_cheats value="true" /> change true to false to disable anti-cheat <start_condition value="4" /> change 4 to the condition you want to set for your server : 1: All players slots are full 2: All players are ready 4: One player per team </gametype_settings> <match_info level="rvsa_calavera" order="1">Change rvsa_cavalera to any other level and mode you want to host.</match_info> <match_info level="tdm_lagoon" order="2">Add additional lines to alternate with different maps/modes</match_info> </game_info> You guys will know what this is. Link. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
viiiper Posted July 13, 2007 Share Posted July 13, 2007 that is a sample dedicated_game_info.xml which can be generated automatically by going into the LAN/INTERNET setup menu of graw2. The problem is is has few setting and we need the setting options from the template file sb_server_settings.xml as this gives all the options, but at the moment with the information we have, we can not access. That's the problem I have, the values defined in the template seem to always override the values I try to add in the dedi files, I know the definition is good cos it's used in the templates. I just need it out and adjustable, as you can see from the file sb_server_settings.xml. all the goodies are there. sb_server_settings.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- Important note: If you are adding something that need so be syncronised between the Server and the Klient you have to add it in the following functions, and PACKET. PACKET: - from_server_gametype_settings <-- This is in settings/network.xml FUNCTIONS: - send_server_settings() <-- this is on the server side where the packet is "packed" and sent, script_network/gametype/gametype.dsf - from_server_gametype_settings() <-- this is where the clioent recives the packet, script_network/gametype/gametype.dsf --> <stats_blocks> <block name="server_settings"> <!-- Server settings --> <var name="name" type="string" default="" /> <!-- this should be empty so that the localizer can get the right default name --> [b]<var name="port" type="number" default="16250" />[/b] <var name="dedicated_server" type="boolean" default="false" /> <!-- Ranked game options --> <var name="ranked_game" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="clan_game" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="ladder_id" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="gamespy_ranked" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- general gameplay --> <var name="max_players" type="number" default="32" /> <var name="max_deaths" type="number" default="0" /> <var name="friendly_fire" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="game_mode" type="string" default="MPCoop" /> <var name="level" type="string" default="mp01" /> <var name="load_next_map" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="switch_sides" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="message_of_the_day" type="string" default="" /> <var name="auto_balance" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="auto_balance_limit" type="number" default="2" /> <var name="scan_for_cheats" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="start_condition" type="number" default="3" /> <var name="even_round" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- match/round --> <!-- OLD, no longer used. (Minutes) <var name="game_match_length" type="number" default="30"/> --> <var name="round_length" type="number" default="10" /> <!-- this is the round time we used in GRAW1 --> <!-- (Minutes) --> <var name="match_length" type="number" default="15" /> <!-- this is the round time we used in GRAW1 --> <!-- (Minutes) --> <var name="next_round_time" type="number" default="10" /> <!-- Time till next round will start, when stats is showing --> <var name="match_start_time" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- time till match start, when starting condition is meet --> <!-- Spawning --> <var name="immortality_duration" type="number" default="6" /> <var name="spawn_time" type="number" default="15" /> <var name="spawn_on_side_switch" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- this defines if you are able to spawn when you change team --> <var name="lock_spawn_time" type="number" default="45" /> <!-- (Seconds) Lock the player from being able to spawn --> <!-- HUD and subsystem setup --> <var name="has_xcom" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="has_tag_system" type="boolean" default="true" /><!-- True if the players should be enabled to tag. --> <var name="has_tag_data_system" type="boolean" default="false" /><!-- The extended data about tagged units, name, class, rank --> <var name="has_mp_map" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="update_markers" type="string" default="team" /> <var name="awa_distance" type="number" default="15000" /> <!-- password --> <var name="password_locked" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="password" type="string" default="" /> <!-- points --> <var name="match_points" type="number" default="35" /> <!-- Points to win the match. In Seige, seconds to take over the siege zone --> <var name="capture_time" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- In Seige, time in seconds to take over the siege zone --> <!-- team killing .--> <var name="punish_tk" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="teamkill_kick_limit" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- (Kills) After how many teamkills a player will be kicked --> <!-- votes --> <var name="vote_enabled" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="vote_ratio" type="number" default="50" /> <!-- ( % of all players ) --> <var name="vote_time" type="number" default="20" /> <var name="vote_kick_starters" type="number" default="2" /> <var name="vote_map_starters" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- Camera --> <var name="death_cam" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- (Deathcamera) 0=disabled, 1=friendly, 2=all --> <!-- Gametype specifik --> <!-- OLD VALUES should be removed, Wiking --> <var name="win_condition" type="number" default="1" /> <!-- Win condition used in HH and Siege --> <var name="mpcoop_timer" type="number" default="5" /> <var name="siege_time" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- Seconds (or points) needed to win in siege --> <var name="swap_method" type="string" default="side" /> <!-- Can be "side" (the sides are changed) or spawn (only the spawnlocations are switched) --> <var name="win_method" type="string" default="side" /> <!-- Can be "swap" or "old" --> <!--var name="has_sides" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- --> <var name="use_victory_points" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="show_teammates" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="show_player" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="show_supply" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="kill_score_a" type="number" default="1" /> <!-- This the normal score given to a team_a player for killing an other team player --> <var name="kill_score_b" type="number" default="1" /> <!-- This the normal score given to a team_a player for killing an other team player --> <var name="adv_scoring_a" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="adv_scoring_b" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="tk_scoring" type="boolean" default="false" /> <!-- This score is given if there are more than or equal to kill_limit_b enemies left --> <var name="kill_score1" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- This score is given if there are more than or equal to kill_limit_b enemies left --> <var name="kill_score2" type="number" default="3" /> <!-- This score is given if there are less than kill_limit_b enemies left --> <var name="kill_score3" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- This score is given if there are less than kill_limit_c enemies left --> <var name="kill_limit2" type="number" default="9" /> <var name="kill_limit3" type="number" default="4" /> <var name="ranking_system" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="minimap_player_marker" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="minimap_friendly_markers" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="minimap_enemy_markers" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="minimap_hh_slider" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="use_side_score" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="hud_abc_objectives" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="show_zoomed_markers" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="show_attachable_early" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="smoke_occluders" type="boolean" default="true" /> <var name="use_sides" type="string" default="two" /> <!-- "one", "two", "coop" --> <var name="score_listing_type" type="number" default="0" /> <var name="reset_kills_per_rounds" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="timer_type" type="string" default="normal" /> <!-- "normal" is round and Match time. "mission" is one timer that counts up --> <var name="match_is_one_round" type="boolean" default="false" /> <!-- this is only true in [GR] coop, else next map wont load --> <var name="always_reload_map" type="boolean" default="false" /> <!-- this is only true in [GR] coop, we must reload the map to spawn the enemies--> <var name="end_round_message" type="string" default="round" /> <!-- "round" will show the normal "round score". "deathmatch" will show deathamtch localized. If there is something else the text will be displayed as its written. this is for the modders.--> <var name="adversarial" type="boolean" default="false"/> <!--var name="spawn_method" type="string" default="timed" /> <!-- Can be "timed" or "select" --> <!--var name="side_effect" type="string" default="efx_hh_zone_smoke" /> <!-- --> <!-- Kick for idle, not implemented --> <var name="auto_kick" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="auto_kick_time" type="number" default="240" /> <!-- ( Seconds ) --> <!-- Maps --> <var name="next_map" type="string" default="" /> <var name="map_cycle" type="string" default="" /> <!-- (Mapnames) A string with space separated map names, "mp01 mp02 mp05" --> <!-- Invisible settings --> <var name="coop_difficulty" type="string" default="normal" /> <!--This shall be removed and game_difficulty should be used instead--> <var name="game_difficulty" type="string" default="normal" /> <!-- Use this --> <var name="skip_insertion" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="fail_on_leader_death" type="boolean" default="false" /> <var name="max_ai_ghosts" type="number" default="3" /> <!-- (AI Players) Maximum AI controlled players --> <!-- <var name="forced_spawn_time" type="number" default="60" /> --> <!-- (Seconds) Spawns the player after this time, even if he hasn't pushed "Ready". 0 = disabled --> <var name="resupply_ammo_time" type="number" default="20" /> <!-- (Seconds) How long a player has to be inside a supplied zone before he receives new ammo --> <var name="member_info_broadcast_interval" type="number" default="5" /> <!-- (Seconds) How often non-essential information about kills, deaths and score is sent to clients --> <var name="max_move_without_ack_time" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- (Seconds) How long a player may keep moving without server verification. Lower will make it harder for cheaters and people with bad connections --> <!-- (Players) How many more people on one team the server allows before forcing a change --> <var name="both_side_ready_required" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- Players on both sides need to press the ready button before match starts --> <var name="players_ready_required" type="number" default="2" /> <!-- (Players) How many people in total that has to be ready before match starts --> <var name="allow_sidechange_under_match" type="boolean" default="true" /> <!-- (Players) How many people in total that has to be ready before match starts --> </block> </stats_blocks>[/codebox] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beaver Posted July 13, 2007 Share Posted July 13, 2007 Here's some descriptions of what the sections in the the XML are (thanks colin ) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <game_info internet_server="true" internet_speed="5000" password="" admin_password=""> change true to false to host a LAN game. internet_speed value is related to the level of physics updates over an online game. The higher the value, the more accurate it will be. You can add a password. You can add an admin password. <gametype_settings> <match_length value="30"/> change 30 to the match length you want in minutes <max_players value="32"/> change 32 to the maximum players you want. Maximum is 32 <max_deaths value="0"/> change 0 to the limited number of spawns for each player. 0 stands for infinite <name value="GRAW 2 - RvA dedicated server"/> Change GRAW 2 Demo - RvA dedicated server for the server name you want set <immortality_duration value="5" /> Protected time after spawn in seconds. <friendly_fire value="true"/> change true to false to disable friendly fire <punish_tk value="false"/> change false to true to ban player responsible for team kill <teamkill_kick_limit value="3"/> change 3 to the kick limit you want, before a player is banned for the game <auto_balance value="true"/> change true to false to disable auto balance <auto_balance_limit value="2"/> change 2 to the minimum player amount before the auto balance kicks in <scan_for_cheats value="true"/> change true to false to disable anti-cheat <start_condition value="4"/> change 4 to the condition you want to set for your server : 1: All players slots are full 2: All players are ready 4: One player per team </gametype_settings> <match_info level="rvsa_calavera" order="1"> Change rvsa_cavalera to any other level and mode you want to host. </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_lagoon" order="2"> Add additional lines to alternate with different maps/modes </match_info> </game_info> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beaver Posted July 15, 2007 Share Posted July 15, 2007 As I was bored this morning I decided to run through the config XML & add some comments. There are still a number of commands missing from the config XML and hopefully we will have a full list soon. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- GR:AW2 - Dedicated Server Config v1.00 - 15th July 2007 Commented by: .TuG.Beaver - --> <!-- Server Settings: password - Make the server private by setting a password. admin_password - Admin/Console Password. If this is not set, then you cannot log into the console and admin the server. internet_server - Set if the server is visible on the Internet or LAN. internet_speed - Sets your server upload speed - ideally this should be between 1600-2200 for best results. --> <game_info password="" admin_password="password" internet_server="true" internet_speed="1800"> <!-- Game-type Specific Settings Game-modes: coop Co-operative. hh Hamburger Hill. rvsa Recon vs Assault. s Siege tdm Team Deathmatch --> <server_settings type="coop"> <!-- Game-mode --> <max_deaths value="0"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. --> <max_players value="12"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 12. --> <spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. --> </server_settings> <server_settings type="hh"> <!-- Game-mode --> <match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. --> <match_points value="1"/> <!-- No sure... --> <max_deaths value="3"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. --> <max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. --> <round_length value="10"/> <!-- Time limit in minutes of each round. --> <spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. --> </server_settings> <server_settings type="rvsa"> <!-- Game-mode --> <gamespy_ranked value="false"/> <!-- Sets if the round stats are recorded to gamespy. --> <match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. --> <max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. --> </server_settings> <server_settings type="s"> <!-- Game-mode --> <capture_time value="5"/> <!-- Time required to be in the siege smoke to capture the base. --> <match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. --> <max_deaths value="3"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. --> <max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. --> <round_length value="10"/> <!-- Time limit in minutes of each round. --> <spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. --> </server_settings> <server_settings type="tdm"> <!-- Game-mode --> <gamespy_ranked value="false"/> <!-- Sets if the round stats are recorded to gamespy. --> <match_length value="30"/> <!-- Sets the length of time the map will be played. Extends if the match time reaches 0, but there is still round time left. --> <max_deaths value="3"/> <!-- Maximum number of deaths/respawns. 0 = infinite respawns. --> <max_players value="32"/> <!-- Maximum number of players - Absolute Max = 32. --> <round_length value="10"/> <!-- Time limit in minutes of each round. --> <spawn_time value="15"/> <!-- How long you have to pick another weapon before auto spawning. --> </server_settings> <!-- Shared game-type Setting --> <gametype_settings> <auto_balance_limit value="2"/> <!-- Team Balance limit - stops sides being too unbalanced. --> <immortality_duration value="7"/> <!-- Respawn invulnerability duration in seconds. --> <message_of_the_day value="MOTD"/> <!-- Message of the Day - displayed at the top of the team selection screen, or within the Server Info page. --> <name value="Server Name"/> <!-- The name of the server as it will appear in the in-game browser. --> <start_condition value="4"/> <!-- Start condition of each round. 1 = All Player Slots are Full. 2 = All Players are Ready. 4 = One Player from each Team is Ready. --> <teamkill_kick_limit value="2"/> <!-- Number of TK's before a player is kicked from the server. --> <vote_kick_starters value="2"/> <!-- Kick player releated. --> <vote_map_starters value="2"/> <!-- Map voter related. --> <vote_ratio value="50"/> <!-- Vote ratio required (%) to make the vote take effect. --> <vote_time value="20"/> <!-- Vote time length in seconds. --> </gametype_settings> <!-- Map List Rotation - Add as many maps here as you would like to play/rotate. Gametype specific map names. --> <match_info level="coop_quarry" order="1"> </match_info> <match_info level="coop_sierra" order="2"> </match_info> <match_info level="coop_timber" order="3"> </match_info> <match_info level="rvsa_calavera" order="4"> </match_info> <match_info level="rvsa_crashsite" order="5"> </match_info> <match_info level="rvsa_lagoon" order="6"> </match_info> <match_info level="rvsa_the_cut" order="7"> </match_info> <match_info level="rvsa_timber" order="8"> </match_info> <match_info level="s_crashsite" order="9"> </match_info> <match_info level="s_fort" order="10"> </match_info> <match_info level="s_lagoon" order="11"> </match_info> <match_info level="s_the_cut" order="12"> </match_info> <match_info level="s_timber" order="13"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_arroyo" order="14"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_calavera" order="15"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_crashsite" order="16"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_fort" order="17"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_lagoon" order="18"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_nowhere" order="19"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_the_cut" order="20"> </match_info> <match_info level="tdm_timber" order="21"> </match_info> <match_info level="hh_calavera" order="22"> </match_info> <match_info level="hh_crashsite" order="23"> </match_info> <match_info level="hh_fort" order="24"> </match_info> <match_info level="hh_lagoon" order="25"> </match_info> <match_info level="hh_the_cut" order="26"> </match_info> <match_info level="hh_timber" order="27"> </match_info> </game_info> Downloadble version: here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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