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Single Player Question

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Sort of, but not in the classic way of thinking.

You can create a LAN or online co-op server, and play a few missions in basically firefight or extraction mode. There aren't a lot of official maps, there are some user made maps, but you do have to play in multiplayer mode, though this means that without other people playing in your server, it's just you, no AI to back you up.

Otherwise, you have to complete a mission in campaign mode before you can play it again, and then you can only play the same mission over again.

There may be a few mods out there, but in general, it's very limited in terms of single player gameplay.

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Not exactly an answer to your question, but for what it's worth, there are a couple of missions which you must play without a squad; if you play those in Co-op, you can choose up to four A.I., which adds a small amount of variety to carrying out the missions.

GRAW2 works the same way. It's so much more satisfying to take a squad on those "lone wolf" missions like Guard Rail and Mayday.

Again, slightly off the subject, but there's also a fantastic new GRAW2 mod by Nutlink (Nocom mod) which eliminates the narcom, immensely reducing the feeling of being led around on a leash by HQ, as well as the rediculous over-the-top, non-mission-essential voice acting. It is virtually a release from the narcom-implied constraints, and it somewhat allows your immagination to immerse yourself in the environment and deal with situations as you see fit. Much like Ghost Recon.

I'm no modder but I'm working on a similar mod for GRAW which I'll upload after testing.

Edited by doubletap
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