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quick question.

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I was going and trying to change the camos for the ghosts and other players. I went into mul_camo_xy and check the format they were in and the size. So, I went and got a marpat texture, changed it to 256 by 256 and took the alpha off camo_acu_test_xy_df,saved as dxt 1. Put it in game, texture came out black *gag*. So, I dont know what to do here, maybe not have any alpha at all or what? I use DXT bmp for saving to format and the gimp for the actual skinning.


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Ok, I made a pretty nice black hawk down style marine. But I still have that problem with the alpha channel.

I tried to take the original marine alpha and imported it to the file, but its not flattened so it comes up all black ingame.

and if I use the gimps "add alpha" set it to black, flatten it, then it comes up in this weird shade of white and orange. So either someone who knows what to do gives me some help or I have to have someone add an alpha to it.

heres the link to it.


Edited by Commander Outcast
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I was going and trying to change the camos for the ghosts and other players. I went into mul_camo_xy and check the format they were in and the size. So, I went and got a marpat texture, changed it to 256 by 256 and took the alpha off camo_acu_test_xy_df,saved as dxt 1. Put it in game, texture came out black *gag*. So, I dont know what to do here, maybe not have any alpha at all or what? I use DXT bmp for saving to format and the gimp for the actual skinning.


Dxt 1 does not support alpha. But the shader does not use the alpha anyway, that's why it's dxt1. The alpha should therefore not be the issue, but try with dxt 5 and see if it gets better.

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Thanks for uploading it for me.

I tried 3 diffrent things, none of which worked. I used the gimps add alpha channel, then color to alpha. If you select a light color like white. the transparency goes to a black, and if you flatten it goes and looks normal. Then if you make the alpha layer black, the transperacy goes white, then if you flatten it it screws with the image and makes it all white and orange.

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i don't know about Gimp, but i loaded the default atlas.dds in photoshop and pasted your marine over it but NOT the alpha channel, since you only changed "cloth" for "different cloth" i left the alpha untouched as it was.THEN i saved as DXT5 with interpolated alpha, to make sure the original alpha is kept in. i don't like messin around with alpha channels if i don't have to, the default ones will do if you only change the patterns and don't add new "materials".

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