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Mission 7: Get me Rosen

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Joined a public room this afternoon, playing Mission 07.

Once we reached Rosen, the Team Leader could not make him move at all. Tried pushing him and allsorts. We killed Team Leader and I was picked, again i could do nothing to make Rosen move?

That`s the first time it has happened to me. Has been fine multiply times before. :wacko:


You killed the team leader and the mission didn't end?

I'm getting confused about that... people are reporting so many different things...

But that discussion should be kept in here:


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Crash in application version: 30292.2673

data\lib\units\types\vehicles\helicopter.dsf(-1): cant call this thing (type: <void>)



Renderer: threaded

Physics : threaded

This is the crashlog I get when trying to load my latest save in mission 7 after updating the game.

EDIT: Seems it worked when I restarted the mission, the previous save was from an earlier install I had to redo becuase a unrelated computer error

Edited by simulacra
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Crash in application version: 30292.2673

data\lib\units\types\vehicles\helicopter.dsf(-1): cant call this thing (type: <void>)



Renderer: threaded

Physics : threaded

This is the crashlog I get when trying to load my latest save in mission 7 after updating the game.

EDIT: Seems it worked when I restarted the mission, the previous save was from an earlier install I had to redo becuase a unrelated computer error

All save games besides the progression save games are deleted by the patches because they are no longer compatible after the game has been updated. So don't add back save games after patching. You can save the progression save game, those are the "missionXX_1.dsl" files.

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Joined a public room this afternoon, playing Mission 07.

Once we reached Rosen, the Team Leader could not make him move at all. Tried pushing him and allsorts. We killed Team Leader and I was picked, again i could do nothing to make Rosen move?

That`s the first time it has happened to me. Has been fine multiply times before. :wacko:


You killed the team leader and the mission didn't end?

I'm getting confused about that... people are reporting so many different things...

But that discussion should be kept in here:


4 Man co-op campaign

We reached Rosen.

The Team Leader must give Rosen orders to follow, but was unable to get Rosen to move.

We shot the Team Leader so someone else would be picked as the Team Leader, and we could then see if they were controlling Rosen correctly. But still, whoever took turn being Team Leader, Rosen would not move.

Hope that makes it clearer.


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Hammer was hosting with team members Tinker, Apex and Talon

Hammer got shot and respawned leaving Tinker squade leader.

Tinker could not move Rosen ,

we shot Tinker,

Apex is now squad leader and he could not move Rosen,

we shot Apex,

Talon is now squad leader but he cant move Rosen,

we shot Talon, which makes Hammer team leader again and hey presto i have control of rosen again ???

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Uhm, I cant seem to get to next mission after I complete lvl 7, I get the mission debrief, but the only option I can choose is "return to menu"...

I'm running graw 1.2 on a intel c2d 2.13 ghz, 2 gig ram, gf8800gts 320 mb and a creative xfi.

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Uhm, I cant seem to get to next mission after I complete lvl 7, I get the mission debrief, but the only option I can choose is "return to menu"...

I'm running graw 1.2 on a intel c2d 2.13 ghz, 2 gig ram, gf8800gts 320 mb and a creative xfi.

Delet all your quick saves, then try again :yes: I did that and it worked

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Nope, still didn't work, I removed all my quicksaves, loaded the checkpoint save before the chopper picks us up but to no avail...

I rather not mess up my progress by dl:ing savefiles so I'll guess I'll have to wait for 1.3 to keep on gaming, frakking nonsense bug...

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All I can suggest is to try deleting the checkpoint saves for mission 7 and try again - we're venturing in to risky territory now though, so make a backup of that save folder first. You might like to leave the very first mission 7 checkpoint file, or else you might end up having to play mission 6 again.

Sorry, but we are all grasping at straws until GRAW issue a fix. this really should have been a quick fix patch IMHO though.

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All I know is in this mission, for online Campaign COOP, the enemy AI was bonkers. And when me and my friend were getting Rosen and Ramirez onto the chopper, we both got left behind. So yeah if they could figure this out, that would be greeeaaaat. I was also playing it in LAN COOP with Beasley and Hume as my AI and we all got on the chopper except for Rosen. So something's definately up with this mission.

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Please help me figure this out ! Im spotted-alarms go off. We go in and locate Blackhawk -I set C-4 ,but I cant detonate C-4 by pushing "X"...why not ? I then go after Rosen-I escort him and my other buddy down to the extraction zone-we kill all bad guys waiting on us. I've killed every bad guy on the map !. The chopper arrives...my buddy and I get in the chopper.Rosen just stands there-he wont board the chopper ! I try everything ! He just doesnt want to leave !!!! I push tab for a hint-for objectives it reads "Hold position until...."(Not sure about exact words) Is this a bug...did I miss something ? I played through this mission twice-both times same result !

Please help.


PS...when I get to Blackhawk-i get a message...something about "I bet you wish you had a extra C-4" ????

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You plant the C4, rescue rosen, go to the chopper and board it with rosen in "follow" mode. C4 goes off automatically

Thanks for the tip ! I seem to be having trouble getting the "follow mode" to work . I tried but the only way I could get my AI to go anywhere is to "move" them . Either by aiming or "push tab" and give them a location to go to.

So I must get Rosen to "follow" me onto the chopper, huh ? I will do this again. It must work sooner or later.

Thanks, jwill58

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My real issue with the "Get Rosen" map is that I can't figure out where to get the C4 to blow up the downed Blackhawk.

I have to admit the same. I ran about for a good 3 or 4 minutes trying to see where to put the C4. The problem is three fold (1) the mission brief says the BH is in two parts, so I was trying to C4 the rotor blades that were outside the barn. (2) The green marker for that objective location is outside the barn, and the BH body is inside the barn, I know it's big, but what can I say, I was under fire. :P And (3) You get a message about needing more C4, which is a confusing message because the C4 is already in your kit by default.


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You plant the C4, rescue rosen, go to the chopper and board it with rosen in "follow" mode. C4 goes off automatically

Thanks for the tip ! I seem to be having trouble getting the "follow mode" to work . I tried but the only way I could get my AI to go anywhere is to "move" them . Either by aiming or "push tab" and give them a location to go to.

So I must get Rosen to "follow" me onto the chopper, huh ? I will do this again. It must work sooner or later.

Thanks, jwill58

Do you not have a scroll wheel on your mouse ???

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