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Now thats what i'm talking about!!!

...and believe me, i'm not easily pleased! I like what i've seen so far which admittidly isnt much, but i'm not making any negative comments since I moaned about not having any demo missions to play.

Thanks Grin :grin2:

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Wow, what have GRIN done to the game engine?

I have been playing the sp demo on 1280 1024 with the settings on medium or low on my Athlon 2 gig, 1 gig of ram and Nvidia 7600. It's been running ok. Well smooth enough to play and not worry about slowdown.

After enjoying the demo for a while i decided to ratchet up allllll the graphics, 1600 1200, full everything . . . the works. Just to see what kind of slideshow i'd get and you know what??? It ran pretty smoothly.

Man GRAW1 was a chugger but if this SP demo is anything to go by then use medium to low system guys are in for a smooooooth ride.

er, the game play is nice too. I'm very much looking forward to some TDM.

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Yeah I just hope this is the only mission with the cinematic insertion. Otherwise, I'm gonna hear a lot of griping from my friend the team leader. And that is definately not ideal. He'll mention it throughout the whole mission and I know I'll eventually leave. But I did post a gamespot link previously in this thread that shows what looks to be Ghosts fastroping and you're looking up at em so I'm hoping you get to do the sweet X insertions so I can be like ahaaaa! :rofl:

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Yeah I think I'll preorder it took. Walk up to ebgames wearing a shemagh around my face...or neck so i don't look like a terrorist. Anything to keep my skin protected from the sun. Anyways, I can't wait to get this game. But like someone said before, don't get your hopes up just yet. Ubi may have "confirmed" a date but I don't trust it yet. MERELL SAWTOOTH BOOTS

Edited by mwgfghost
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EXCELLENT! What a major improvement over the first GRAW. I'm very impressed, the graphics are far better than what the screen shots show, the lighting effects are nice. The game ran around 50 fps so it was smooth playing all throughout. The changes that have been made are really cool, I like the command map and its controls especially, the a.i seems to have undergone major improvement over the first Graw too. I just love how the game feels as well. Overall, you have done a superb job with both single player and multi player aspects of the game. I really enjoyed playing that single player mission, shame there was more... especially for that huge download.

Can't wait for the game to arrive :thumbsup:

I like the first GRAW, but this looks to be better than [GR] and Graw1

Edited by whoa182
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The good

-- Engine looks and performs beautifully. A wonderful graphical environment and a vast improvement over GRAW1, even though i loved the DRAW1 look too

--Dark hidey holes are more realistically lit now

--The COMPASS!!! thank you for making the letters bigger in hi res modes. It is important and it looks great. I can tell they are listenimg to our isses across teh board. Little thing slike this, even though i know it only took them an hour or so to fix it, tells me thjeya re the developers they seem to be. listeners to issues of common sense.

--Friendly AI shows more moments of intelligence, although i still see some stupidity

--The gritty feel of GRAW is still there

--WS fix is the bomb.

--The Map clearly showed lots of switch backs and double backs and secondary paths. I think we are in for a treat in this sense.

-- The cross com is actually useful now and can save you arsenic.

-- The new move-order placement thing is kinda big and overdone, but it is worlds better than the "coin' they used to have in coop GRAW1 (I assume players will see it in coop)


--Why do "cover that" spiraling rings still show after the order is given some times. Like persistent things in the area? Maybe it something im doing?

--The same bug from day 1 GRAW1 with move orders. sometimes, they say "I'm there" and stop moving when they really haven't gone anywhere. they just get stuck in their place. they act like they followed your move order, but actually, they are just stuck on god-knows-what. You still gotta keep a short leash as a result

--I played on HARD. The enemy AI seemed like they were asleep. Was I that stealthy? Really? is this the modelling of me running the mission etnirely in "RECON" mode? They seemed highly unaware. But maybe they are modeling my stealthy, ghosty awesomeness?


I'll be buying it. I can still see some issues but after GRiNs las patching performacnce, i see no reason to hold back. First time i see it on the shelf, im paying full price with no gripes.

Edited by Sleepdoc
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You can add 2 items to your backpack: Grenades & Smoke


Smoke is an EXCELLENT tool. In GRAW, though, it didn't necessarily obscure as it should- I'm told it had NO effect in actuality on the enemy's aim. I'm wondering if it works as an obscurant tool this time...

And this has been some promising feedback so far...

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The first time I played the demo I felt like I'd come home to GR. Excellent work.

My only gripe is the blue and white swirly things. Whatever they, they are very out of place and do not fit with the rest of the game.

I just hope we see co-op mission tournament capabilities and this game will become the "all things to all men" that [GR] was.

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Smoke is an EXCELLENT tool. In GRAW, though, it didn't necessarily obscure as it should- I'm told it had NO effect in actuality on the enemy's aim. I'm wondering if it works as an obscurant tool this time...

It seemed so to me. I threw a smoke nade in the middle of the street, and while the AI noticed something was amiss (they started moving and pulled up their weapons) they didn't shoot at either myself or my team until we cleared the smoke.

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Thanks for the demo good job, nice 1,looking forward to the full game. I think it's a lot more tactical than the previous version which is great, it does not feel as smooth playing as GRAW1, ok it's only a demo so maybe there is a touch more optimisaion to be done? but having said that it's no killer performance with regards to fps, but if i enable extreme physX my system is very very sluggish unplayable tbh again no big deal realy because with high physX enabled it's a lot better performance, normal physics is the very best performance.

win xp


e6600 @2700mhz

2gbyte ram

physx accelerator

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Question is....is it worth coming out of retirement for???? :unsure:


Are you on about retirement from modding or playing?

If it's modding , the jurys out, no active method of injecting a mod without being kicked by anticheat, no direct download path, no simple solution of activating/ deactivating mods.

If it's Playing, from what I've seen the play really hits a [GR] styled sweet spot, you will get others that still moan re: game play, I want, I want (sound familiar?) but in general, the play has moved closer to the original, controls feel good, weapons have been trimmed & the battle map has the classical pallet.

I'd say yes, have a bite... :thumbsup:

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Smoke is an EXCELLENT tool. In GRAW, though, it didn't necessarily obscure as it should- I'm told it had NO effect in actuality on the enemy's aim. I'm wondering if it works as an obscurant tool this time...

And this has been some promising feedback so far...

Oh yeah, the smoke does work. They mentioned that in the first dev diary :)


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Ok, so i have been playing the SP demo, here are my thoughts:


+Good level design, I like the smaller map approach, reminds me of [GR].

+Great sounds!

+CrossCom 2.0 is neat! lovin it! Its possible to make some cool moves now.

+Great Atmosphere.

+Models and textures are just awesome. Reloading animations continue to impress me..just wow.

+Sandbags are affected by blasts..how cool is that! : )

+Improved GHOST AI, they work a bit better, but still make a bit too many mistakes imo.

+ Different insertions (but they make almost no sense on this stage as they are very close to each other)

+ The level is build around the possibility for ambushes, I like that very much, and missed that alot i GRAW1.

+ Control feels better and more responsive and rigid.

+ The game runs better than GRAW1!?

+ Better use of lighting, especially in ill lit areas.


-The grenade sounds way too weak, it misses a real impact sound imo. It just sounds soft.

-Some of the music is way too dramatic, I really like the ambient track tho.

-Ghost telling me to act all the time is annoying. I want to play slow, don't punish me for that.

-Almost no bullet penetration...I can hide behind a paper thin metal wall and be safe?? : /

-Enemy AI too passive. I would love to see them patrol more, or be more active when engaging, but they are all just standing there like zombies...waiting to be picked.

-An option to make the GHOST throw a grenade where I want. Imagine the ambush possibilities.

- More grenades when selecting them as extra. 3-4 is not enough : /

-More variety in the enemy soldiers, perhaps some of them without a helmet, some of them with some small details that would make them stand out? They all look the same.

-Lighting is still a bit too yellowish, but an improvement none the less.

Overall I enjoyed this very much, thanks GRIN for taking in alot of INPUT. I'm buying this. Demowise, this gets a 9/10. : )

Edited by V.P.
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-More variety in the enemy soldiers, perhaps some of them without a helmet, some of them with some small details that would make them stand out?

I've read this comment more than a few times. Is it just me? I've seen several tangos fitted differently. For example, the sniper in the tower wasn't wearing a helmet at all.
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