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Potential Problems with Multiple Map Packs


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Is RSE/Ubi thinking about the issue of having multiple map packs and how it will cause a nightmare for trying to join games?

Right now if I am hosting and have map pack 1 and a friend does not have it, I must turn off DLC for him to be able to join.

Now consider this.

I have map pack 1&2 and a friend has map pack 1. I want to host a game on Mountain Falls, but because my friend has pack 1 and not pack 2, he cannot join my room if I have DLC on. The only way for him to join my room is for me to turn DLC off, in which case, we cannot select Mountain Falls as a playable map.

Ubi/RSE what is your solution to this going to be? Unless you have a way for me to play map pack 1 maps with friends that don't have map pack 2, I will probably not be purchasing any further map packs, as they will actually make it more difficult to play the game and reduce the value of map pack 1.

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Is RSE/Ubi thinking about the issue of having multiple map packs and how it will cause a nightmare for trying to join games?

Right now if I am hosting and have map pack 1 and a friend does not have it, I must turn off DLC for him to be able to join.

Now consider this.

I have map pack 1&2 and a friend has map pack 1. I want to host a game on Mountain Falls, but because my friend has pack 1 and not pack 2, he cannot join my room if I have DLC on. The only way for him to join my room is for me to turn DLC off, in which case, we cannot select Mountain Falls as a playable map.

Ubi/RSE what is your solution to this going to be? Unless you have a way for me to play map pack 1 maps with friends that don't have map pack 2, I will probably not be purchasing any further map packs, as they will actually make it more difficult to play the game and reduce the value of map pack 1.

I know......make it free then everyone can play!

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Well, on the heels of this from CNN, I don't expect them to change anything. I expect that if/when Map pack 2 is released that this exact situation will occur. Ubi intends for players to purchase the DLC or just go away.

I am inclined to go away.


"The (downloadable maps) are very profitable for us," said Tony Key, vice president of marketing for UbiSoft Entertainment SA, whose Tom Clancy-themed shooters such as "Rainbow Six" and "GRAW 2" are among the most popular games on Xbox Live.

"If you're a 'Rainbow' guy and you don't have the maps, then you can't play a match," said Key, referring to online competitions. "I doubt there will ever be a Clancy game without the Xbox Live component any more. It's now a key part of the game's DNA."

Games such as UbiSoft's "Rainbow Six Vegas" and Activision Inc.'s "Call of Duty 3" can cost as much as $25 million to make, but extra game levels and maps are extremely cheap to produce, by comparison. Key said they required only about 10 percent of a game's development staff.

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If they keep putting out good content at a readonable price my buddies and I will keep purchasing it and playing.

It sure sucks for guys that are not willing to purchase content, but that is the way it is.

I kind of think of it like this. We both want to go to the Stanley Cup playoffs. I decide I want to sit 5 rows behind the penalty box so I get out my wallet and ante-up for the tickets....and you wanna sit in the less expensive seats.

Well, I guess we will see you at each brake and the end of the game then........

Edited by Ick
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I know exactly what you are saying, Ick.

Unfortunately, since the Map Pack 1 came out, I have been able to play only a limited amount of adversarial games on the new maps. And those were no more than 3 on 3 with my friends in the room.

In about 5 hours of hosting public matches, I have had 2 players from the general public join my games. As soon as I turn off the DLC, my rooms fill up to 16 in just minutes.

That leaves the only value in the DLC maps in playing a limited amount of adversarial and co-op with friends. The value just has not been there for Map Pack 1 for me. Add that to the problems that could arise with a Map Pack 2 (as posted above), and I just can't say I am going to further be a Ubi customer.

Also, this game is already #9 on the list of XBL played games, and that is after the DLC came out, which should in theory increase the amount the game is played. It actually dropped two spots on the heels of the DLC release. Pathetic.

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I am another who would purchase the map packs, I consider the price fair. but it could have the problems as described above,

if they was free I don't think it would be long before DLC was dropped, maybe sponsers could pay for the maps and have their products on the bill boards in the game or on posters on the walls?

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I am another who would purchase the map packs, I consider the price fair. but it could have the problems as described above,

if they was free I don't think it would be long before DLC was dropped, maybe sponsers could pay for the maps and have their products on the bill boards in the game or on posters on the walls?

I don't even need to see it free, I just want to see some sort of fix to avoid the problem. Like being able to turn on/off specific map packs.

That way if I have 2 map packs and my friend only has one, I can turn off the map pack he does not have, but still play the maps we both bought.

Unfortunately, it seems by Ubi's own statement that they would rather try and use peer pressure to force people into making a decision of either purchasing maps, or no longer playing the game.

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There certainly is no easy answer...except that in 5 years we are all going to laugh at how much discussion there was. As more and more people go the colsole route...and more and more download content hits the market....I think we will see two things:

1. Content for a game will become a second nature purchase. You used to buy a burger and then they asked you if you wanted fries....NOW everyone gets a #2 and it includes everything. We are gong to see the same thing here. Not sure exactly what it will look like. Hey, McDonalds made small profits off the burger....and a bundle off the fries. They used to ALWAYS ASK YOU if you wanted fries. Now they figured out a way to get you to ALWAYS buy fries. They get profit, you get fries, and the whole process is streamlined. When was the last time you went to McDonalds and didn't eat fries?

2. As the community size grows, you will see more and more people with the content...and this will become more and more of a mute point.....finding players that purchased the content I mean.

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There certainly is no easy answer...except that in 5 years we are all going to laugh at how much discussion there was. As more and more people go the colsole route...and more and more download content hits the market....I think we will see two things:

1. Content for a game will become a second nature purchase. You used to buy a burger and then they asked you if you wanted fries....NOW everyone gets a #2 and it includes everything. We are gong to see the same thing here. Not sure exactly what it will look like. Hey, McDonalds made small profits off the burger....and a bundle off the fries. They used to ALWAYS ASK YOU if you wanted fries. Now they figured out a way to get you to ALWAYS buy fries. They get profit, you get fries, and the whole process is streamlined. When was the last time you went to McDonalds and didn't eat fries?

2. As the community size grows, you will see more and more people with the content...and this will become more and more of a mute point.....finding players that purchased the content I mean.

Good points. Not terribly promising points, but true.

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I am another who would purchase the map packs, I consider the price fair. but it could have the problems as described above,

if they was free I don't think it would be long before DLC was dropped, maybe sponsers could pay for the maps and have their products on the bill boards in the game or on posters on the walls?

I don't even need to see it free, I just want to see some sort of fix to avoid the problem. Like being able to turn on/off specific map packs.

That way if I have 2 map packs and my friend only has one, I can turn off the map pack he does not have, but still play the maps we both bought.

Unfortunately, it seems by Ubi's own statement that they would rather try and use peer pressure to force people into making a decision of either purchasing maps, or no longer playing the game.

I dont think that there will be a option to turn off different maps, going by UBI's statement if you dont get the maps you don't play the game. which is a bit of a kick in the teeth. its a little like day UBI released GRAW 2, everyone who was UBi accounts got the map, But I had to walk some guys though how to get a UBi account and what it ment etc. most of these guys where of a older generation and didnt have a clue about the intenet side of things. so I had to create the accounts for them. then there was the problems some people had with the map.

DLC is a great idea, keeping a game going, but it has to be done right. I'd like to see weapons packs, more cammo's head gear, etc but would pose a major headache if there was a dozen different packs. Imagine buying GRAW 2 and then having the purchase every single pack before you even get a game, that could end up more expensive then the actual game itself. and because of the problem packs can create would this stop UBI putting out the smaller type of content, say a helmet pack?

Edited by methz68
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I still believe for DL content that there should be 1 of 2 things or even both.

1. DL's should decrease in price over time! Maybe even becomeing free after awhile.


2. Once a game goes Platinum Hit the games DL's becomes free (At least the old DL's than its back to a time thing for new ones)

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