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How many could I hope to host in a GRAW2 game based on...


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Hosting is based on your Upload speed.

With an upload of 656, I would suggest trying 10 in adversarial matches and about 6-8 in co-op games. If you are dropping players or players say they are getting lag, lower the players until there are no problems. If you are holding that well, you can try increasing it, but that is really about the max you should attempt.

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i get anywhere form 636 to 661kbps up and i can usually host 12 in adversarial no booms sometimes 14. but 14 is pushing it. i heard somewhere that each person in the host's room needs about 40kbps up to run properly. i don't know how true that is but it does make a little sense. do the math. a person with upload speeds of 400kbps should host 10 people. because 400kbps divided by 40kbps a person=10. again this is a rough estimation. hope this helps.

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i get anywhere form 636 to 661kbps up and i can usually host 12 in adversarial no booms sometimes 14. but 14 is pushing it. i heard somewhere that each person in the host's room needs about 40kbps up to run properly. i don't know how true that is but it does make a little sense. do the math. a person with upload speeds of 400kbps should host 10 people. because 400kbps divided by 40kbps a person=10. again this is a rough estimation. hope this helps.

Are you sure people are not getting bullet lag when you are hosting 12? Have you asked people to check?

It has been my experience that if you are pushing toward the top of when you start experiencing problems (noticeable lag, people jumping around, dropping), then there is a good chance there is bullet lag. The thing is a lot of people don't notice it or know to look for it.

I just see an awful lot of "over hosting", where people think they can hold a room fine, but there are really problems. I would recommend to hold a smooth room without worries to have at least 50 Kbps per player and preferably close to 75 Kbps per player, especially for co-op. The higher amount allows for whatever goofy internet variances may be going on at any given time.

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Are you sure people are not getting bullet lag when you are hosting 12? Have you asked people to check?

It has been my experience that if you are pushing toward the top of when you start experiencing problems (noticeable lag, people jumping around, dropping), then there is a good chance there is bullet lag. The thing is a lot of people don't notice it or know to look for it.

i've never had anyone complain about bullet lag. but i know that doesn't mean that there isn't any. for the most part it runs smooth. keep in mind the farther the person lives from you the more lag he/she will experience. luckily most of my friends live fairly close.

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