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Anyone else losing interest?

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I consider myself a pretty die hard fan of the GR series of games....but for the first time since I discovered [GR] back in 2002 right around the time the expansion packs came out.....Im just not as interested....

I used to come to this site every day...to read about the mods, or about Ghost Recon 2 for PC..... GRAW....and here we are waiting for GRAW 2....and I just dont care.....There just doesnt seem to be any new PC info coming...the PC crowd is once again being delayed (which we all knew was going to happen...so its not like thats depressed me)

I dont know what it is...and I am not going to say that when GRAW 2 does come out that I wont come rushing back to the well for another giant drink of the koolaid....but for the first time since me and my clan discovered the beauty of GR.......I have lost interest...

am I alone or are others feeling this as well?

I realize this is probably not the right place to ask simply because if you are here...you also have that GR addiction.....and probably are not in my boat.

Waiting for my GR withdrawal to start...


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I consider myself a pretty die hard fan of the GR series of games....but for the first time since I discovered [GR] back in 2002 right around the time the expansion packs came out.....Im just not as interested....

I used to come to this site every day...to read about the mods, or about Ghost Recon 2 for PC..... GRAW....and here we are waiting for GRAW 2....and I just dont care.....There just doesnt seem to be any new PC info coming...the PC crowd is once again being delayed (which we all knew was going to happen...so its not like thats depressed me)

I dont know what it is...and I am not going to say that when GRAW 2 does come out that I wont come rushing back to the well for another giant drink of the koolaid....but for the first time since me and my clan discovered the beauty of GR.......I have lost interest...

am I alone or are others feeling this as well?

I realize this is probably not the right place to ask simply because if you are here...you also have that GR addiction.....and probably are not in my boat.

Waiting for my GR withdrawal to start...


I still power up [GR] every few days for a quick round or two of.... well... something... SP, direct connect with a few friends... but as far as keeping up with news, etc? As hard as it is to admit... I think I'm right there with you.

I'm more excited about Blackfoot Studios' new game and it won't be ready until 2008. The dev's are on the forums and they're talking WITH us, not TO us. It's a completely different feel... but one that feels familiar... say [GR] days?

I'm not so sure I'll even buy GRAW 2 at this point. The way Ubi has treated the PC gaming community regarding the release day scenario just proves they really, honestly don't give a rat's behind about us. From the day they whacked GR2 for the PC we've been second or third fiddle. Now we don't even rate a clarification statement about them delaying the game.

I'm tired... of speculating... of wishing.... of hoping that someone at Ubi will listen... I'm pretty much just tired. I spend most of my previous Ghostrecon.net time now at BFS's forums because the excitement there is like what we used to have with [GR]. This isn't a stab at anyone on this forum or even GRiN... I think the time perhaps draws near when we saddle up the horses and go our separate ways as friends. From my time at BFS I see a LOT of the same faces already. I think that's pretty telling.


Callsign 3Point

I hate to say it, but I find myself wanting to buy an Xbox 360 more and more everyday.

I have one. I HATE playing FPS games on consoles. I yearn for a keyboard and mouse.

NOW... if or when I can buy a keyboard and mouse for my PS3? THEN might be the day I buy GRAW2 for that platform. I say PS3 simply because I doubt we'll ever see keyboard/mouse support on the X360 platform in such a way as to be usable by a game like GRAW2.

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I've noticed this place grow more empty and less posting over the past few months. People still visit, but in regards to GRAW2 there is nothing to discuss save for our own speculation and news. It is extremely sad that PC community is treated so poorly. I'm not surprised if anyone is losing interest in GRAW2.

When it was first announced, I was not very intereseted because I thought it was too soon, but my interest has grown over the past few weeks. I still like the fact that single shot fire mode counts for something in this game, so I'm cursious about GRAW2.

Lately, I've been trying to finish the weapon mod I started last summer...sheesh. So, that's kept me coming back. I hope what I've learned is useful for GRAW2 and that they are a little more forthcoming with some essentials parts this time around, but I suspect it will be pretty much the same.

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Sure it's tiresome that GRAW2 looks to be delayed.

But I still don't compare it with teh GRAW2 360 release date and say the PC crowd got it later as it's not the same game. Different games require different development times. And I doubt UBI would hold of releasing one game while waiting for another to be completed just because they share the same name and has nothing else in common. UBI is to money oriented for that. I simply don't care about 360 release dates as they mean nothing to me. :P

I'm more excited about Blackfoot Studios' new game and it won't be ready until 2008. The dev's are on the forums and they're talking WITH us, not TO us. It's a completely different feel... but one that feels familiar... say [GR] days?

We never had that with [GR]. We had a few posts after the game was released.

As for BFS... I won't give them any credit until they have at least given out a demo. Talk is easy... If they can develop a good game in short time, say 10-14 months since first design meeting, they're on my good list. Until then they are in the grey area. ;)

EDIT: Actually makes me wonder why they're in the forum awards when they still haven't produced anything so they can't be anyones favorite studio...

Edited by Wolfsong
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I know I have begun to lose not necessarily my interest but definately my anticipation. The delay isn't what makes my anticipation dwindle, it's the lack of info and media from UBI. Plus the fact of how UBI left the state that Vegas is currently in (almost unplayable) it almost makes me downright mad. I feel bad for GRIN because they all see like a group of people who genuinely care about the products they make or are making and the community that supports them but have a 500lb gorilla on their back that forbids them from trying to make their products as successful as possible. Not sure if there is anything that GRIN could do as UBI pays the bills, but you would think they would have to draw the line somewhere as GRIN's name is on the box too. UBI's treatment of the PC community with ultimately effect GRIN's name also, now and in the future.

When we did have some info coming from UBI I was pretty set in buying the game only because I did enjoy GRAW and felt that GRIN did an outstanding job in supporting it and absorbing feedback from the community. Having GRIN's name on the box outweighed having UBI's name on it. Now with the UBI's treatment of the PC community with Lockdown, Vegas, GRAW 1 & 2 I am not sure GRIN's name can carry that much weight. It's unfortunate because GRAW 2 sounds like it will be a great game.

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Perfectly understandable feelings Steelhack. I think much of it is down to the lack of PC marketing and hype, it's hard to get excited about something when you there's not much to go on.

The surprising thing though is that GR.net has never been busier, our visitor stats are through the roof compared to any other time in GR history. In fact, they are double what they used to be. Is this because of our X360 coverage, I don't know, but it does show that the GR series is far from over. All we need now is for Ubi to show some interest in marketing the PC version, and that will give fans like yourself (and me) something to get excited about again.

Come on Ubi, throw us a bone!!!

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i was really looking forward to a shiny new pc game to play, but since there has been no enticement ie gameplay many screenshots or info, i have lost interest, i was even thinking GRAW 2 could be an excuse to upgrade my pc.

Now i really don't care if it gets released, i may not have posted much here but i have been on this forum nearly every day hoping for some information. I suppose once you see no information over months you kind of lose interest in the game completely, i do not even know if i will buy this now, well let's say people will have to be blown away (excuse the pun) with this new game before i would even consider buying it.

Shame because i know it must be so frustrating for Grin not to be able to tell the fans any news. Still cannot believe that a company like Ubisoft still exist with it's lack of respect for PC gamers.

Nevermind hopefully some other company will realise it is about time the Pc market got a decent Tactical shooter.

We can all dream.

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I lost much interest after the first screens when people startet speculating nothing else happened.

Now there is nothing to talk about and I don't talk about things that are not official.

I am more often on the forums then ever before because every day past by I hope to finally find some info "PC-Trailer of GRAW 2 released" "GRAW 2 will be delayed".

This "nothingness" we have right now gives me nothing but loosing interest.

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still come in once a day to check if there is news, but there are other things in life why wait, while you can play games, go places etc. and one day find something here(or there) that grips you back in to the game ?

if they have info and want to share it, it will be read by most of us :D

and speculated upon, not losing intrest, just putting the heater on low

you can not dream of things that you know nothing about.

back to YZ

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I still come and have a look just in case i've missed something. The delay doesn't bother (or surprise) me because I wasn't planning on getting it for another 4-5 months anyway.

My only concern is not having anything else to play in the meantime. ARMA was too frustrating (based on the demo) and we need more [GR]-type-people to download Project Reality for BF2. Please download it!

Back on topic... well there's nothing more to discuss that hasn't been said countless times. :wall: Is the delay going to mean the AI is sorted out and wont walk out in the open? Probably not etc etc etc.

My question is this. Is anyone who bought GRAW prepared to pay full price for this game? If I get it, it'll be off amazon with 30% off or whatever it is, this time. :whistle:

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::being overly optimistic:: come on fellas! it's still 12 days until march 30th...there's hope

what sucks is that GRIN cannot even share the info with us because of UBI, and this situation isn't even like BUNGIE/MS case where they cant release info about halo3 yet...at least halo3 has been announced for the 360:P

hopefully monday the game goes gold, and we can have it on the 30th, if not... i am not buying another ubi game again..scda was a let down, rb6 was alright, graw2 better not be a let down (hmm too strong a word, but you know what i mean...)

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I'm not losing interest in this title. It is in the making, and when it is released, it'll supposedly play well on my PC - nothing to worry about. I check this place every day, but I don't get nervous over the lack of info, and ubi's behaviour, I got used to that. In the meantime, there are other games to play (for me, ArmA and soon STALKER), and other things to do. (also, I guess STALKER taught me how to wait ... five years, man, five years :))

Games I've completely lost interest in are the MGS series (loved the first two, but then ... not for PC, not for me), and Halo (the first was cool, but ... I mean Vista... lol, no thanks).

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I really hope they release the game this month. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. :fingersx: I haven't lost interest in the game seeing as how I show up on these forums multiple times a day to check for any updates. I just don't want to wait three months just to play it. I'll say it again, I have seen NO evidence that the game should be or is delayed. Only stores getting the date wrong, which happens all the time. Here's to the game coming out at the end of the month. :clapping:

Edit: to the person who commented about the situation with RSV. The game IS still being supported. There will be another patch for the game and new content in the future. Ubisoft is just tight lipped when it comes to info about future releases. All the talk over at the RSV forums is just that, talk. There is NO evidence to suggest that support has stopped for that game other than a few bad apples in the forums starting rumors. GRAW pc and RSV pc are two of the best games out right now in my opinion.

Edited by Demanufakture
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I lost interest after I played the demo for GRAW. :wall: Then waited months to get the retail version at a deep discount and I was even more bummed out about the retail game than I was the demo. :( So I'm not getting worked up about GRAW 2's release. GR on the other hand is as fun today as when I first bought it many years ago. :yes:

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Edit: to the person who commented about the situation with RSV. The game IS still being supported. There will be another patch for the game and new content in the future. Ubisoft is just tight lipped when it comes to info about future releases. All the talk over at the RSV forums is just that, talk. There is NO evidence to suggest that support has stopped for that game other than a few bad apples in the forums starting rumors. GRAW pc and RSV pc are two of the best games out right now in my opinion.

This is what was said about Splinter Cell: Double Agent also. While there still is the possibility that they are still going to support Vegas (as you said there is no evidence to show otherwise), the fact that UBI won't even acknowledge that Vegas is almost unplayable as of right now with no indication when/if a patch will be released, add on what happened with Lockdown (they said they would continue to support it also), plus the utter disregard to the PC players when it comes to GRAW 2 is very unsettleing. So I was just saying I don't think GRIN's name can carry enough weight to outweight all those negatives that UBI has allowed to accumulate.

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I lost interest after I played the demo for GRAW. :wall: Then waited months to get the retail version at a deep discount and I was even more bummed out about the retail game than I was the demo. :( So I'm not getting worked up about GRAW 2's release. GR on the other hand is as fun today as when I first bought it many years ago. :yes:

I have GR pc, GR2 Xbox, GR2SS Xbox and GRAW pc. Personally, I must say, GR2 and GRAW are far better than the [GR]. Of course, I'm sure I am going to draw fire from some die hard [GR] veterans for this statement. Maybe it's because I only recently (when GRAW pc was released) started playing the GR games, but ever since GRAW pc I have bought and passed all the GR games. I like the newer GR games more than the original, but that's just me. :shifty:

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I lost interest after I played the demo for GRAW. :wall: Then waited months to get the retail version at a deep discount and I was even more bummed out about the retail game than I was the demo. :( So I'm not getting worked up about GRAW 2's release. GR on the other hand is as fun today as when I first bought it many years ago. :yes:

And your here for what reason......... :banned:

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I lost interest after I played the demo for GRAW. :wall: Then waited months to get the retail version at a deep discount and I was even more bummed out about the retail game than I was the demo. :( So I'm not getting worked up about GRAW 2's release. GR on the other hand is as fun today as when I first bought it many years ago. :yes:

And your here for what reason......... :banned:

His friends.

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Anyone else losing interest?

In what?


My level of enthusiasm for :AW2 lately is about on par with that of the pubs/devs.


Noncommittal, as opposed to hiding behind a selectively enforced NDA.

I'd like to say, but I can't, no really.


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