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GRAW Server as not standalone vs standalone

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Last night i was doing some testing of our server due to some spike issues we were having. This is what i found

on Windows 2003 Server, 2.5GB of ram with a P4 3.0 Prescott with hyperthreading...

In standalone -

Physics and explosions are less

Feels like it has a small drag to it (you wouldn't realize this unless you connected to one that was not in standalone mode

Guys seem to be more in sync

In non standalone

You have to use the cd of course

console commands still work, even if remoting in.

Weapons seem snappier

Physics explosions are huge. On warehouses i nuked the tanks at the top of the tall building. I saw pieces fly with a smoke trail all the way over to steps, half way down them.

Both modes were using same bandwidth setting of 512.

Both were using same public script.


Standalone has some issues due to a different way of implementing physics. On our processor which is not dual core at times can lead to Graw reporting a 999 ping and drops.

I will test more tonight. If any of you are on and want to help test it, look for AttackforceZ [TDM1.35] We are usually on around 9pm est.

Can Grin give us any more incite to why this may be?

Oh and in standalone it the processor runs 4 degrees Celcius hotter (sometimes a little more) This indicated to me more processor load.

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Ill be online from 20.00-22.30 GMT-1

if there's anyone in the AFZ server I will join, maybe lure some of my clan in too....

How can you acces the remote controle when hosting non dedi on your own PC, I hate shutting down the server in order to change stuff, would like to be able to log in to a control screen (Maybe GRIN can build this in GRAW2, but I guess they shlould be allmost finished with the game by now............)

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All console commands work. It is standalone but not using the GRAW Standalone.exe.

I confirmed this issue with SCE also and they have noted it... (lol just never told anyone)

Only restart of server is when changing game modes, but can be done remotely.

Anyone else find the same?

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