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How rude of me

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I'll be honest and say that I don't find GRAW inordinately buggy.

It's good to see that some people don't have as many problems with GRAW as I've had but this game has given me more hangs,lock ups,ctds than all my other games combined. :wall: The PC I play it on is less than a year old and has more than enough to run the game well but GRAW see's it otherwise. Put it in last night for the first time in a few weeks and sure enough after about half an hour of [GR] firefight it hung. :wall:
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If anyone thinks they have the system to run it - definitely get yourself to Game (UK) and buy Lock On Gold - it's an awsome sim with breath taking realism :D

Pritzl - nice set-up you have there mate, I once looked at the Track IR but never got round to buying it, I use the hat switches on the X52 instead ;)

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Pritzl - nice set-up you have there mate, I once looked at the Track IR but never got round to buying it, I use the hat switches on the X52 instead ;)

Thanks. TrackIR is a must for any serious simmer imo. Their catchphrase, "put your head in the game" is spot on. Not only literally but also figuratively. The immersion is unparalleled.

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Now that's a game I would never play. The hooplah over an apparently bugged engine aside, it's too FPS, let-see-how-fast-you-can-click, for my liking. Even the original, rather robust BF1942 did not appeal to me in the least. If you haven't gathered, I'm not the 1337est gamer out there. ;)

Nice to see so many simmers here. Right sort of crowd in my book. Average age of simmers = 35, makes me feel young.

X-45 here Dazza, plus CH pedals and TrackIR. I'm constantly terrified of the day I'll walk out to the corner store for smokes with that silly hat reflector still on. I'd be pegged for an ET nut. :D

Deuces, if you ever do consider trying out a combat sim, give IL2:FB complete edition a whirl. The quality of the product out-of-the-box aside, it received dev support like no other game I've ever played. e.g. whereas some developers are reluctant to even fix bugs, Oleg Maddox and Co. have added an incredibly long list of planes and maps for free as well as a big upgrade to next-gen FM technology. Indeed, I'd buy anything with Oleg's name on it, sight unseen.

Hello and welcome.... I have IL2 and have had it since it came out, with Pacific Fighters... I've been flying sims since the plane was just a blip on the screen with the first Falcon release.. Anyways, IL2 with PF, are the BEST Flight Sim out there, period...They work together as one... Anyone interested in it, would not be dissapointed... You can paint up your own planes too.. I used to use the X-45 but it got to be too much for my hands and wrists... Fingers would get numb after a few minutes... I have a bit of carpel tunnel going on... I switched to the Cyborg 3D Gold Flightstick..

Edited by Stormin
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Hello and welcome.... I have IL2 and have had it since it came out, with Pacific Fighters... I've been flying sims since the plane was just a blip on the screen with the first Falcon release.. Anyways, IL2 with PF, are the BEST Flight Sim out there, period...They work together as one... Anyone interested in it, would not be dissapointed... You can paint up your own planes too.. I used to use the X-45 but it got to be too much for my hands and wrists... Fingers would get numb after a few minutes... I have a bit of carpel tunnel going on... I switched to the Cyborg 3D Gold Flightstick..

Stormin'? Stormin' Norman from LOCKON?

Great sim is right. Don't get the original IL-2:Sturmovik though. You want to get the following 3 titles which merge onto each other: (although Pacific Fighters can be a standalone too)

  • IL2:Forgotten Battles
  • Aces Expansion Pack
  • Forgotten Battles

A fourth, smaller add-on is the Pe-2 Addon which features a key Russian bomber and some other additions to the game.

1C Maddox is bringing out IL2 1946 soon which has all previous content and more, I may get this :D

I already have the above 3 but will still buy the DVD. Several reasons:

  1. It has all the previous content + 2 new addons, Manchuria and 1946.
  2. Much easier to reinstall if the need arises versus sequentially installing all 6 titles.
  3. I honestly feel I owe it to Oleg. At $40 a pop, over 5 years, I think I've paid less tha 1¢ per hour of gameplay thus far!

And yes, you read that right, 6 titles, all installing on top of each other! It really is that big of a sim.

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It's been delayed a couple of times now but I think it is slated for release sometime in december. You can check here for more up-to-date info: http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=144

PS: we got a lot of free stuff too (planes, maps, campaign updates, FM tweaks) in between the 6 titles AND the 6 titles were made compatible (i.e. mergable one on top of the other) in accordance with fan demand. Support is not even the word, more like dedication. Let's put it this way, it's 5+ years since the original was released but we still get free updates and patches and the Sturmovik forums are the most active on the Ubi site. I expect that the heyday is over and this won't last much longer though as the next completely rewritten game engine, Storm of War, is due late 2007/early 2008. Still, for $45 the 1946 DVD is a bargain by any standard; 300+ planes, three theatres with several maps each and a game that is the pinnacle of simdom inspite of its age.

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Yes Pritzl, your absolutely correct on those releases... I have them all.. Since reformatting my drive last week, I have yet to re-install it.. Gonna wait till the new release is out, so it's all in one package...

I also have Lock-On but it never ran well on my pc, so I didn't play it much... I think you have confused me with another Stormin Norman... lol

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