JasonFMX Posted November 17, 2006 Share Posted November 17, 2006 Xbox/PS2 - 360 and of course PC. NONE of them are what I would call a good game. Beleive it or not the closest one to being a good game is the regular Xbox version. One of its biggest let downs is the graphics. As far as I'm concerned the infinately hyped 360 version is pretty damn crappy. It seems everywhere theres a hole in the PC version the 360 fills it however the 360 versions have their downs too............alot of them. I sit here and realize why there are so many problems in the world when it comes to things like wars and famon becuase the people that are in charge of countries are just as ignorant and absent minded as the rest of the people in the world.......... like game programmers. Please, someone tell me why in the 360 versions they have 3 night missions (strongpoint is a night missions in the 360) with no night vision ? and no you cant go without it like on the PC and still see... its pitch black. Do you know what they give you ? thermal vision, and no its not regular thermal visions, its some kind of super blurred dark fuzzed green thing... I honestly don't think its might better than going without it. The only reason this game sold so much was because of 5 year hype and release hype, the demos dont properly convey the full experience of the game, you actually have to buy it then realize it sucks then UBI already made their money. I've played the crap out of the R6 vegas demo and I have it preordered. GRAW is going back on trade in. Hopefully it will be good. I got splinter cell DA on PC.... great gameplay, HOWEVER its got alot of bugs, even after holding the released date to make a patch that still has bugs. I dont care excpet it crashes the game. Geeee where have we had that problem before. Oh and did you hear abotu the PS3 ? its crap. runs hot, doesnt run all PS2 games even though they said it would then whey people in japan discovered it couldnt sony says "duhhhhhhh, yeah we knew that" . Ok sony, so why did you advertise it did ? ###### is going on with gaming ??? We never use to have all these problems. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nutlink Posted November 17, 2006 Share Posted November 17, 2006 Big companies is all that come to mind.....while things are getting more complex, companies are still trying to push a game out the door in the same amount of time that they used to without any appreciation for how hard it can be on the devs. That's my take on things, anyway. I could be way off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cuchillo* Posted November 17, 2006 Share Posted November 17, 2006 Welcome to the gaming Industry p.d. we told you , even with "tweak guide" lol cheers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nutlink Posted November 17, 2006 Share Posted November 17, 2006 Cuchillo, I don't understand a word of what you said after your first sentence Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
psiturbo Posted November 17, 2006 Share Posted November 17, 2006 (edited) I here you bro... Like I have mentioned before, please GRAW fans dont get mad at me for posting in some way, not so good comments about the game sour points. I was away from PC gaming for a while until a friend pushed me me in to try BIA (Brothers In Arms) and Call of Duty 2 and then I was hooked once again. Well, I saw GRAW and all its fancy trailers showing them in full combat action. All the tech talk, flashy clips, insane explosions, intense combat actions, etc etc... mixed with some whip cream on the top. Went and bought it just to see this game is like getting a donut, put some whip cream and a nice sugar flower to make it sell like a wedding cake, but once you get the first byte what a dissapointment. This is the problem when the gaming industry tries to make games look like the real deal. Its one of the 2; IF you are good at real portrait rendering then go for it, if not then stick with abstrack design. If you shoot for the real deal then everybody will look at what looks real and what not. The company had a very good concept. To me the game feels empty and well because they are trying to make it as real as possible, the game lacked a lot of reality. Examples; No shooting while running and no running while reloading. If you play Call of Duty 2 you will understand what I am talking about. CAD2 will keep you on your 5 senses in the middle of battlefield when at many times you will be just shocked hiding in a corner in a black out and then realize, hey its just a game... lets keep rolling, its that intense. GRAW, its like a I shoot you you shoot me, I am hiding here, come and get me. Its a game that you will be smokin everybody, full combat, and then out of the blue some dork hiding in a stupid corner boom and you are dead. All that fun adn enjoyment becomes total frustration. The game does not really develop the fear and the adrenaline rush like other warfare close combat games, IMO! What about when the mexicans saying in spanish all they are doing, lame... I am bilingual and I knew when they were reloading and where they were going. I think if we are dealing with hardcore enemies the people from Ubisoft could have used communication codes, sign language, etc... whistling, throwing stuff to cal attention... maybe the option of banging on a wall to distract etc... I am not saying all the time, but c'mmon some imrpovising would have been cool. Compare the game to Rainbow Six, Las Vegas where soldiers can shoot and throw grenades at the same time. Thats true, thats real life. In GRAW; throwing a grenade takes the skill of a keyboard, shuffle in the weapons menu between gun and grenade. Another example; in Las Vegas, you can install the silencer (its an option) in the middle of combat to supress noise and remove it if you need longer reach. In GRAW; if you dont select the sliencer at the beginning you are toast. The same goes in the middle of the game, it cannot be removed. So, its got some deals that makes the game feel like one one path can be taken and thats it. The game is not flexible and fluid. When I started the game I was waiting for jets to shred zones, tank to tank warfare; I was expecting what they protrayed which was to have a taste of the latest warfare with GRAW and all it was is the little glasses with Cross coms and anyway its useless in multiplayer mode. I M O PS: But it was only forty bucks. Edited November 17, 2006 by HydroloK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sup Posted November 17, 2006 Share Posted November 17, 2006 Saying the xbox one game was the best pretty much shot any credibility your opinion held. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonFMX Posted November 17, 2006 Author Share Posted November 17, 2006 (edited) SUP: That is an extremely ignorant comment of you to make and you obviously don't understand what I'm trying to say. Other than the horrible graphics the Xbox/PS2 version has the least........ "nonsense" going on it and its the least frustrating. The only frustration I had with that game was the last mission. I think its kinda ridiculous. Your allowed a MRC and thats it and the mission has literally 10 x the amount of bad guys and your team member "Ramirez" gets himself killed early on and is near impssible to keep him alive essentially leaving you alone. The other game versions are good but they have just as many bad things as they do good leaving them ENTIRELY too frustrating to play taking all of the fun out of it. Hydro: Your missing the point bud. From the things you just said helps explain to me why UBI/GRIN ignore about half of what we say. You have to understand, everything your saying now is nothing more than a personal opinion. You don't like the fact you cant take your silencer off... big deal. What other game could you do that ? Vegas is the only one I know. Its like they say hindsight is 20/20. Basically saying its easy to find something once its been discovered. Its like well... making graphics liek this are easy, why didnt we have them 5 years ago..... well... becuase they didnt think of it 5 years ago. You cant apply stuff we have now to the past, this game was made about 2 years ago... remember that. And it seems everyone on here complains about personal complaint stuff and they want to apply that to what they think the game should be and thats just nonsense. Thats why BO said if we made the game to your personal taste it would sell 1 copy. And that tells me that people with lagit complaints aren't getting through becuase of all of the personal complaints. You have to understand, just becuase you want something one way doesn't mean it should be that way. And GRAW shouldnt be COD2... if all games are the same they why make or play any other games ?? Its good all games are different. I actualy heard someone complain once they think the foresight when aiming with ironsights should be blurry cuz thats how your taught to aim. I mean give me a freakin break, you cant seriously think because you think that way its how it should be. Think of every opinion everyone has..... its just insane. The stuff I complain about are real lagit complaints. For instance: Why would UBI put 3 full on and several other half night missions in a game and not make night vision ? thats a real complaint.... how are we expected to play properly and have fun ? You spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars on a HDTV or monitor and hundreds on a next gen console or PC to watch pitch black or blurr so bad my cousin with a crayon could draw better. OR when a jammer comes in it gets all fuzzed (PC version, XBox and 360 versions the HUD just goes out). Thats a complaint. Another: Why did they make "instan sense" AI, they sense you in the dark, through smoke with no technology like thermal or night vision. THey detect you 80 meters away and instantaneously spin around and dead on aim right for your forehead and drop you....... thats a complaint. or when you give your guys orders and they say "negative" ... i mean what the hell is that ? I just gave a video game an order and he tells me no. IM THE BOSS. Then you have to go do it yourself and you get killed and game over. What the hell do i have team members for if they are going to tell me no ? If i tell you to take out a target you better get your ass over there and do it ! dont tell me no, or you dont have a shot... go find a place to take a shot ! thats if they respond at all, i notice the PC version sometimes its like you didnt give them an order at all. These complaints inhibit gameplay and game enjoyment which is the only reason you buy a game. You dont play video games to make money or learn new skills lets face it. You do it to have enjoyment and entertainment,... so if they make things in the game that keep you from not only enjoying the game but you cant even freaking play the damn thing properly then why even play it ? Ill give GRAW2 a chance, if it sucks I'm abandoning the Ghost Recon series. If they dont fix splinter cell PC version from its problems and if VEGAS ends up sucking when the full version comes out I'm totally abandoning UBI all togehter. GR1 and GR2 were great... GR3 bombed. Edited November 17, 2006 by JasonFMX Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
psiturbo Posted November 17, 2006 Share Posted November 17, 2006 Ok, to put it all in a nut shell. The game has good graphics, nice sceneries and thats it. The game plan is dumb, I shoot you, You shoot me. Besides tactics, there is nothing new. The only reason this game leave others in the shadow is because of its graphics, plot, warriors have no improvement. Soldiers do not get better once you advance on other missions. No more weapons, no more soldiers, nothing. The first mission is the same as the last, different leash, same dog. When you portray a game that sells, not the ultimate, but the future of hardcore combat... this game certainly is not it. That is not a complaint- that the damn soldier does not run when reloading. Oh no... it does not happen in real life. You know how frustrating it is when I decide to reload and I see a grenade falling from the sky or someone comes out of the darkness and all you can do is walk. Its not that it should be developed like I wanted it to. It should have been developed like its suppose to act. There should be a feature that will force the soldier release the magazine even if the penalty would be to lose that magazine, lets say by pressing some letter in the keyboard to override the present action. The soldier will not drop down quickly if he is reloading. You know what it is someone comes out to shoot while reloading and the least you can do is to go prone and the damn stupid soldier is taking his time reloading, daaaaa. Here is the other one; no shooting while running, daaaaa... Oh no it never happens, is legit, it would be awesome to running into a place and start spraying lead everywhere. Its just dumb... I am there running and I want to shoot because I see the enemy up front and a grenade at the same time. Its not my taste; its the way it was suppose to act, to react. I dont care if they want to hear me or not. Its my opinion, thats what I M O means.... Its not the facts, its what I see with a non marketing approach. I dont need to convince anybody, I dont need to believe in anybody. This I can tell you... Open a poll asking the question about: Would it be good that the soldier would shoot while running? Would it be good that the soldier could grab enemy weapons? Would it be good to have more variety in weaponry? What would you change from GRAW? What would you not? Would you like night vision on all episodes? What other features could be added for night combat? When all those questions are answered thats when good games are created. I may not know how to program in PowerPoint or make an artwork in Paint, but I do know what is daaa and what is totally mindblowing like COD2. Dont get me wrong, is a very good game, but it did not delivered what it portrayed thru all there trailers and marketing efforts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WhiteKnight77 Posted November 18, 2006 Share Posted November 18, 2006 Saying the xbox one game was the best pretty much shot any credibility your opinion held. Who is to say that his opinion is not spot on? You have had the chance to voice your opinion on all versions of GR since you first joined the forums here. The OP has the same freedom to do the same thing without you telling him he has no credibility. If you wish to debate the differences, do so, but stop posting like this. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonFMX Posted November 18, 2006 Author Share Posted November 18, 2006 (edited) Ok, to put it all in a nut shell. The game has good graphics, nice sceneries and thats it. The game plan is dumb, I shoot you, You shoot me. Besides tactics, there is nothing new. The only reason this game leave others in the shadow is because of its graphics, plot, warriors have no improvement. Soldiers do not get better once you advance on other missions. No more weapons, no more soldiers, nothing. The first mission is the same as the last, different leash, same dog. When you portray a game that sells, not the ultimate, but the future of hardcore combat... this game certainly is not it. That is not a complaint- that the damn soldier does not run when reloading. Oh no... it does not happen in real life. You know how frustrating it is when I decide to reload and I see a grenade falling from the sky or someone comes out of the darkness and all you can do is walk. Its not that it should be developed like I wanted it to. It should have been developed like its suppose to act. There should be a feature that will force the soldier release the magazine even if the penalty would be to lose that magazine, lets say by pressing some letter in the keyboard to override the present action. The soldier will not drop down quickly if he is reloading. You know what it is someone comes out to shoot while reloading and the least you can do is to go prone and the damn stupid soldier is taking his time reloading, daaaaa. Here is the other one; no shooting while running, daaaaa... Oh no it never happens, is legit, it would be awesome to running into a place and start spraying lead everywhere. Its just dumb... I am there running and I want to shoot because I see the enemy up front and a grenade at the same time. Its not my taste; its the way it was suppose to act, to react. I dont care if they want to hear me or not. Its my opinion, thats what I M O means.... Its not the facts, its what I see with a non marketing approach. I dont need to convince anybody, I dont need to believe in anybody. This I can tell you... Open a poll asking the question about: Would it be good that the soldier would shoot while running? Would it be good that the soldier could grab enemy weapons? Would it be good to have more variety in weaponry? What would you change from GRAW? What would you not? Would you like night vision on all episodes? What other features could be added for night combat? When all those questions are answered thats when good games are created. I may not know how to program in PowerPoint or make an artwork in Paint, but I do know what is daaa and what is totally mindblowing like COD2. Dont get me wrong, is a very good game, but it did not delivered what it portrayed thru all there trailers and marketing efforts. Excellent rephrasing... couldn't of said itbetter myself. Those are definately real complaints. And you know something ? , like I was saying earlier... alot of the things your complaining about in the PC version are filled in the 360. But also like I said, it has its holes too. Saying the xbox one game was the best pretty much shot any credibility your opinion held. Who is to say that his opinion is not spot on? You have had the chance to voice your opinion on all versions of GR since you first joined the forums here. The OP has the same freedom to do the same thing without you telling him he has no credibility. If you wish to debate the differences, do so, but stop posting like this. i appreciate the backing. I dont care if people disagree with me all day... I enjoy intelligent spirited conversation. but ignorant ones want to make me tear my hair out. . Its like something I just bought on Ebay. It was broken when I got it and I told the seller about it very politely. He flips out on me then made comments about stuff that I never even said. Again, another idiotic incompitent psycho. You gotta watch who you deal/associate with, you avoid alot of needless trouble that way. Edited November 18, 2006 by JasonFMX Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sup Posted November 18, 2006 Share Posted November 18, 2006 You have had the chance to voice your opinion on all versions of GR since you first joined the forums here. And I've occasionally been attacked for those opinions myself. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cuchillo* Posted November 18, 2006 Share Posted November 18, 2006 Nutlink dont worry m8 , you dont need to . And all of the above that is been mention about this "mediocre" product was observed since the release of the demo . O well........... there's still GHOST RECON , Island Thunder , Desert Siege and a Ton of Mods . and new games , new engines . Guess this Studio better stay doing Arcade games , they are .............. ok . cheers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonFMX Posted November 18, 2006 Author Share Posted November 18, 2006 only reason i started this thread is becuase I'm probably one of the few who have played all 3 versions and I know people ( i was one of them) are thinking that one version is better than the other. I just wanted to confirm that there is no one great version of this game. They all have really high and really low points. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xFilter Posted November 18, 2006 Share Posted November 18, 2006 (edited) Please do not compare the PC version to the 360 version. I have both . Please keep in mind I am a PC gamer more than a 360 fan boy and the 360 version is nearly flawless. If the PC version was just like the 360 you would see more than a couple hundred playing online right now. The PC version sold very well yet there are less than 200 playing mp at one time? 360 version is massively popular online still today and its been out almost a year. Even after several patches the pc versions suffers big time. Like going prone? I am in a GR clan and we have trouble getting guys on to play twice a week and were GR fans. Anyways don't trust me read for yourself how well made the 360 version is. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/926971.asp?q=graw Edited November 18, 2006 by xFilter Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RAbbi_74 Posted November 18, 2006 Share Posted November 18, 2006 I'm still not gonna buy a 360, X... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pulaski Posted November 18, 2006 Share Posted November 18, 2006 For me the biggest problem with GRAW was the poor support, or should I say smoke and mirror support. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonFMX Posted November 18, 2006 Author Share Posted November 18, 2006 Please do not compare the PC version to the 360 version. I have both . Please keep in mind I am a PC gamer more than a 360 fan boy and the 360 version is nearly flawless. If the PC version was just like the 360 you would see more than a couple hundred playing online right now. The PC version sold very well yet there are less than 200 playing mp at one time? 360 version is massively popular online still today and its been out almost a year. Even after several patches the pc versions suffers big time. Like going prone? I am in a GR clan and we have trouble getting guys on to play twice a week and were GR fans. Anyways don't trust me read for yourself how well made the 360 version is. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/926971.asp?q=graw sir, I'm going to say this as politely as possible while still getting my point across.... There is NO way the 360 is flawless............ NO WAY ! ....... not even close I'm not going to get into every reason becuase we'll argue till doomsday. But Ill just repeat a previously stated problem. You answer me this. If its sucha good game while are there 3 full on night missions and several other very dark/ half night missions and NO night vision ? .... just thermal... and not even a good thermal. Its pre schooler crayon drawn. Regular thermal you can perfectly still see inanimate objects and anything giving off heat is in different radiant colors and can still see where your going. Much like splinter cell or R6. What the heck is this fuzzed green crap they offer ? I mean, how the heck are you even suppose to properly play Strongpoint? its PITCH black ! So if the game is so great why is it like that ? I honestly can't stand to play the damn thing anymore. Its going back when I pick up vegas. And the reason theres more people playing the 360 is because more people play 360s than there are PC gamers. Look how when they are released people camp out, just like with the PS3 and WII. When Dell brings out its new model of gaming PC like the XPS do you see camping out in front of Best Buy for that ? hell no. So dont rate a games quality on how many people are online at one time. And last but certainly not least...... GRAW 360 is almost been played a year ??? what calender are you using ? Thing came out in march, its November now... march is the 3rd month of the year and November is the 11th. 11-3 = 8 .... thats 8 months its been out. there are 12 months in a year. So that means its been out a little over half a year. Dont exagerate. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xFilter Posted November 18, 2006 Share Posted November 18, 2006 Please do not compare the PC version to the 360 version. I have both . Please keep in mind I am a PC gamer more than a 360 fan boy and the 360 version is nearly flawless. If the PC version was just like the 360 you would see more than a couple hundred playing online right now. The PC version sold very well yet there are less than 200 playing mp at one time? 360 version is massively popular online still today and its been out almost a year. Even after several patches the pc versions suffers big time. Like going prone? I am in a GR clan and we have trouble getting guys on to play twice a week and were GR fans. Anyways don't trust me read for yourself how well made the 360 version is. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/926971.asp?q=graw sir, I'm going to say this as politely as possible while still getting my point across.... There is NO way the 360 is flawless............ NO WAY ! ....... not even close I'm not going to get into every reason becuase we'll argue till doomsday. But Ill just repeat a previously stated problem. You answer me this. If its sucha good game while are there 3 full on night missions and several other very dark/ half night missions and NO night vision ? .... just thermal... and not even a good thermal. Its pre schooler crayon drawn. Regular thermal you can perfectly still see inanimate objects and anything giving off heat is in different radiant colors and can still see where your going. Much like splinter cell or R6. What the heck is this fuzzed green crap they offer ? I mean, how the heck are you even suppose to properly play Strongpoint? its PITCH black ! So if the game is so great why is it like that ? I honestly can't stand to play the damn thing anymore. Its going back when I pick up vegas. And the reason theres more people playing the 360 is because more people play 360s than there are PC gamers. Look how when they are released people camp out, just like with the PS3 and WII. When Dell brings out its new model of gaming PC like the XPS do you see camping out in front of Best Buy for that ? hell no. So dont rate a games quality on how many people are online at one time. And last but certainly not least...... GRAW 360 is almost been played a year ??? what calender are you using ? Thing came out in march, its November now... march is the 3rd month of the year and November is the 11th. 11-3 = 8 .... thats 8 months its been out. there are 12 months in a year. So that means its been out a little over half a year. Dont exagerate. It was released 3/7/06 . I said almost a year, Its now the end of Nov. And read the forums in here and you will see how well the pc version was recieved better yet play online and see how few still play it. Wishfull thinking gets you no where. If you want to net pick on how long its been out thats ok. 3/4 of a year sorry. Its still been out longer than the pc version no matter how you spin it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JasonFMX Posted November 18, 2006 Author Share Posted November 18, 2006 (edited) The 360 version is approx 20% older than the PC version. When the PC version first arrived it made a big deal the 360 was alot older but now after 6 months, the 2 months isnt as big of a deal.... but yeah. 2 months is two months. 4 months is alot to be off though.. thats a 4th of a year. If i said its been about a year since I bought GRAW 360 and look at my sales reciept and find out its 8 months old.. thast a big difference. why are we talking about this? lol Edited November 18, 2006 by JasonFMX Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xFilter Posted November 19, 2006 Share Posted November 19, 2006 (edited) http://www.gamespot.com/search.html?type=1...ton&qs=graw http://www.gamespot.com/news/6159361.html?q=graw I am not replying simply to rip the pc version it's been done plenty in here but please look at the facts, the 360 version was made by Red Storm which made the old GR and is a top notch game. Yes I agree no game is perfect but lets not compare the different versions, thats a slap to the 360 GRAW and unfair. And it had night vision also, you have a option between thermal or night vision. Read your manual. Hold X then use d-pad to switch from thermal to night vision. Edited November 19, 2006 by xFilter Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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