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Gametype Suggestion:Warzone


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Maybe one of you modding geniuses, or someone at GRIN can hook it up here.

Personally I like no respawn games. A bit more realistic a bit more intense. The problem is finding other player that are into it. I have played uncountable amounts of no spawn GR1 and Ravenshield.....some of the most heart pounding and fun gaming times I have had. The only thing I could see is that some of the maps in GRAW could promote camping if there is no spawns...and games would run until the end of the timer...frustrating early dyers and emptying the servers.

Suggestion: A gametype that was popular(at least on the MAC side, don't know about Windows) in GR1.

Warzone We played this gametype on the Damn R6 ladder.DBL

Details: To obtain control of the Warzone (marked by grey smoke) simply run through the central area (smoke) marked on your map. The smoke would then change to the color of the corresponding team. Very similar gametype to HH but the twist that works really well is that You DO NOT have to stay in or around the central area to Maintain Control. The team that maintains control for 3 consecutive minutes wins. After maintaining control for 1 minute you will receive a text message, after 2 minutes you will receive another text message and hear a siren. You can also win by eliminating all opposing teams.

Usually played with zero spawns and a 10 minute timer.

This gametype prevents camping/raping, and is really fun to play....very tactical. Would love to see if its possible, and if someone can pull it off.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Cell*AFZ*
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Maybe one of you modding geniuses, or someone at GRIN can hook it up here.

Personally I like no respawn games. A bit more realistic a bit more intense. The problem is finding other player that are into it. I have played uncountable amounts of no spawn GR1 and Ravenshield.....some of the most heart pounding and fun gaming times I have had. The only thing I could see is that some of the maps in GRAW could promote camping if there is no spawns...and games would run until the end of the timer...frustrating early dyers and emptying the servers.

Suggestion: A gametype that was popular(at least on the MAC side, don't know about Windows) in GR1.

Warzone We played this gametype on the Damn R6 ladder.DBL

Details: To obtain control of the Warzone (marked by grey smoke) simply run through the central area (smoke) marked on your map. The smoke would then change to the color of the corresponding team. Very similar gametype to HH but the twist that works really well is that You DO NOT have to stay in or around the central area to Maintain Control. The team that maintains control for 3 consecutive minutes wins. After maintaining control for 1 minute you will receive a text message, after 2 minutes you will receive another text message and hear a siren. You can also win by eliminating all opposing teams.

Usually played with zero spawns and a 10 minute timer.

This gametype prevents camping/raping, and is really fun to play....very tactical. Would love to see if its possible, and if someone can pull it off.

Thanks in advance.

already done... check the hambuger hill (set like you are going to make a server). There is 2 other modes... one is tug of war which i think was it.

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i'd rather have a kind of mission based tvt

where you have two teams that each have different objctives

say a bomb run,

you have two bases team a and b,

team a has to bomb base b and team b must prevent it and bomb base a which offcourse is defended by team a

no respawn and multiple tactics in one game

bases are not lit in the map so they if possible might be random placed,

team a can only see base a and team b can only see base b

you could do this with hostages, or enclosed team mates

first to free their team mates have superior fire power in numbers

opposite team can not kill the hostages or better POW's when still captive, up on release pow's get to chose limited weapons....

but i think these are wet dreams ...

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Problem I see with 'Warzone' is that some players (mostly pubs guys) would just sit back in a relatively safe spot and spam the crap out of the 'zone' whenever someone came close to it.

I swear there are folks out there who've never fired any weapon other than a GL...

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Problem I see with 'Warzone' is that some players (mostly pubs guys) would just sit back in a relatively safe spot and spam the crap out of the 'zone' whenever someone came close to it.

I swear there are folks out there who've never fired any weapon other than a GL...

That's where being stealthy takes on new meaning ...all you have to do is tag the zone...smoke grenades may come in handy.

Like I said, we beat this gametype to death on the MAC side of [GR], but it was fun as hell....plus there was the OICW/GL....so the spamming issue couldn't be worse than that. You learn the enemy hiding spots, and the way to attack it/circumvent it.

Edited by Cell*AFZ*
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