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So is everyone happy with GRAW for the most part?

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Fair call Willie,

But my point is, if he comes to a Forums in which only the GR.Net GRAW lovers are going to post in - then he should expect to get majority votes for GRAW, not necessarily what the majority of GRAW buyers think.

With (at a quick count) 5 people posting in this thread that they are not happy with GRAW, it's definately not a lovers paradise in here.

Indeed, there has been some really good points made on both sides, in amongst the noise.

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Which reminds me that I should get to the Battlefield 2142 forums and harp on them that the game which I don't play sucks and that "OBF" was so much better.

Well i never played GR..but i did play GRAW quite a bit.it turned stale to me..and if u look at the BF servers.there still goin strong..its a shame GRAW turned out to be such a dissapointment..it had potential,to be a long lasting game..and atleast get the demo so u truly can say the game sucks

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I think that labelling the game with the "Ghost Recon" tag was a big mistake - that immediately set people's expectations of what it would/could be.

Perhaps the game may have been better received without it? I still doubt it - because of the initial poor content release and ongoing issues with bugs and performance.

However you approach it, AW can only be viewed (in my opinion) as a half-hearted attempt by UBI to engage the existing PC GR community to buy into the new direction for the vastly more successful 360 Ghost Recon title – itself still a departure from the original PC GR game.

The Ghost Recon tag has been used as a marketing ploy to suck people in to buying the game. No worries for 360 users who may never know what the original PC GR ever was; but not good for fans of the original GR game who have really been sold a dud.

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