Papa6 Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 (edited) What will GRAW2 be? I think we need to take a historic look at UBISOFT's track record. UBISOFT has but obliterated the following franchises; 1)Rainbow6 (include the offshoots(Ravenshield, Lockdown) 2)Ghost Recon Those two were the cream of the crop that made UBI Very rich. but there's another player in the mix..Electronic Arts. EA as we all know bought shares of UBISOFT. I'm thinking UBISOFT MIGHT have been in financial straights.We all know that EA seems to have lost a large crowd from 2142 bcz most were unsatisfied with BF2. I hope I haven't lost you but, I wouldn't be hesitant to say that UBISOFT would tank a title like GRAW2 for the PC, so as to ruin it's numbers to justify not developing anymore Pc titles to put the company online for strict console only games. But the ends would justify the means. Ask yourselves this; How many knackerd titles would you buy before you threw in the towel? Seems that game developing firms are merging for a larger global dominance. Alot of games are cookie cutter in that, they are quickly produced, quickly released. this way the firm can net in the cash flow until the price of a game drops. Some threads here have stated that after 5 months, GRAW went from a $50 title to $9.99! Yet GRAW is still all buggy. sure thay have added alot and what not, but the game still has the same issues that were fixed or supposed to be fixed two patches ago. Is this good business? no, but it makes money. face it, you paid for the game, alot of you when it was new like I did. the money was secured from you. no going back. Added:Kind of like AMWAY. They come in with this great business model on how money can flow quick. they get you to bring your friends in. then the tidal wave goes out and you ruined your friends lives and all have lost their money. but the friends in this case would be all the fans of Ghost Recon. So this brings me back full circle...What will GRAW2 be? will it be another game with a 14 month development cycle as GRAW was? GRAW was released in may 2006 and a scheduled GRAW2 release in 2007(when is debatable). I'm a pessimistic person and don't think GRAW2 will advance anything in the way of improvements. I think GRAW will be the support base for GRAW2 and the content will be packed on top like mud. -Papa6 Edited October 28, 2006 by Papa6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nutlink Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 If history always repeats itself, GRAW would be very much like GR1. Most games these days published by EA, Ubisoft, and the likes all have short developement cycles to maximize profit. Games produced under id Software, Valve, and Epic all focus on creating the game rather than deadlines. It's a shame that their is so much bashing about this game from [GR] players (considering the rest of the world seemed to like it). I always check out games before I purchase them, and GRAW was no exception. Neither was Raven Shield, or Oblivion, or FEAR, or Quake IV, or UT2004, or CoD2, or [GR], any other number of games I've bought. Best way to make the companies listen isn't with petitions, or angry outbursts, it's by not purchasing the game. I would rather have a few games that were as good as Oblivion and Half-Life 2 than a bunch of games that were like BF2. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jay316 Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 What will GRAW2 be? I wouldnt be suprised if graw2 is graw 1 with better graphics worse or equal gameplay and higher system specs and resource usage. I would doubt that the people unhappy with graw1 will be pleased by graw2, Ask yourselves this; How many knackerd titles would you buy before you threw in the towel? my answer to this would be zero, i dont buy knackered titles, i try the demo and only buy decent games i can enjoy and i support. to do otherwise i believe does not benefit PC gamers or future game quality (i never preorder, always test the demo and check the product to make sure its worth the money before i hand it over) What will GRAW2 be? will it be another game with a 14 month development cycle as GRAW was? Wouldn't suprise me. If they could make money off it last time they will likely try again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dannik Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 Ubisoft didn't 'obliterate' any franchises. Sorry. They did take certain ones in a direction that alienates a small aspect of the marketplace. Sure, that aspect may have been the reason the brand did as well as it did, but factually, if the R6/GR brands had died, we'd still have games like Lockdown, R6:Vegas, or GRAW on store shelves. The only difference is the names wouldn't be the same. As for EA losing a 'large crowd' with the BF2142 situation, sure they did... if by 'large crowd' you mean the miniscule portion of consumers who spend their time complaining online. Now, I fully agree that the R6, and GR franchises are not what they once were, but so does Ubisoft. So does the market. The difference is, Ubisoft is selling a lot more of those franchises now than they did when folks like me thought they were the best thing since sliced bread. The companies that create these games are making more money off of those who don't claim some unfounded vested interest, than they ever did, from the 'diehards' who claim to be so important. Here's a thought: Every time Ubisoft puts out a game that you really want to be exactly the way you think it should be, don't buy it. Instead, bank the retail price. After a couple of titles, take that banked money, and actually vote with your wallet. Purchase a few shares of Ubisoft stock, and exercise your right to be present and heard at a board meeting. Tell them how you think. They'll ignore you in that situation, too, but it will have a LOT more an effect than any complaining online will ever have. Oh, and before anyone starts throwing rocks, I hate the fact that the above sentiment is probably more true than even I understand. I guess I'm just frustrated by the situation from both ends. The game companies don't care about me, and the uber-fans only discredit the community by calling for heads on a pike. Not that there isn't room for dissent, just that no matter how eloquent your argument is, the brick wall really doesn't care. On both sides. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JASGripen Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 Ubisoft didn't 'obliterate' any franchises. Sorry. They did take certain ones in a direction that alienates a small aspect of the marketplace. Sure, that aspect may have been the reason the brand did as well as it did, but factually, if the R6/GR brands had died, we'd still have games like Lockdown, R6:Vegas, or GRAW on store shelves. The only difference is the names wouldn't be the same. As for EA losing a 'large crowd' with the BF2142 situation, sure they did... if by 'large crowd' you mean the miniscule portion of consumers who spend their time complaining online. Now, I fully agree that the R6, and GR franchises are not what they once were, but so does Ubisoft. So does the market. The difference is, Ubisoft is selling a lot more of those franchises now than they did when folks like me thought they were the best thing since sliced bread. The companies that create these games are making more money off of those who don't claim some unfounded vested interest, than they ever did, from the 'diehards' who claim to be so important. Here's a thought: Every time Ubisoft puts out a game that you really want to be exactly the way you think it should be, don't buy it. Instead, bank the retail price. After a couple of titles, take that banked money, and actually vote with your wallet. Purchase a few shares of Ubisoft stock, and exercise your right to be present and heard at a board meeting. Tell them how you think. They'll ignore you in that situation, too, but it will have a LOT more an effect than any complaining online will ever have. Oh, and before anyone starts throwing rocks, I hate the fact that the above sentiment is probably more true than even I understand. I guess I'm just frustrated by the situation from both ends. The game companies don't care about me, and the uber-fans only discredit the community by calling for heads on a pike. Not that there isn't room for dissent, just that no matter how eloquent your argument is, the brick wall really doesn't care. On both sides. Spot on. Over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CkZWarlord Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 "I hope I haven't lost you but, I wouldn't be hesitant to say that UBISOFT would tank a title like GRAW2 for the PC, so as to ruin it's numbers to justify not developing anymore Pc titles to put the company online for strict console only games. But the ends would justify the means." Yeah that makes sense ... Of course UBI invests millions upon millions of dollars so that they can give you a crappy game and get such a bad rep for it that they never have to make another PC game... Good thinking... LMAO Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
semjonov Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 (edited) What I am hoping for: A refined GRAW without the HERO. More diverse maps, don´t cheap out on the mapping again. Squads you can order around. Squadmembers that ain´t waiting out peacetime in the rear with the gear (Stay close..). Fixed multiplayer. Not omnipotent enemies that spot you skulking around every time, seriously, if I peak around a corner a block away they don´t need to spot me instantly. All this and I will buy it without hesitation. Edit: COOP that works for all maps! Edited October 28, 2006 by semjonov Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cangaroo.TNT Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 What will GRAW2 be?Fun? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
semjonov Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 (edited) ' date='Oct 28 2006, 11:25 AM' post='431498'] What will GRAW2 be?Fun? =) Well, that certainly helps...=) What I think it will be: Graw with a new story and new maps, with some bug fixes. So still hero, still not coop for all maps. And please give us a sniper rifle with more that 20 bullits. Edited October 28, 2006 by semjonov Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papa6 Posted October 28, 2006 Author Share Posted October 28, 2006 (edited) Quote From dannick ; Ubisoft didn't 'obliterate' any franchises How about R6 as an example? Ravenshield had to be patched, repatched god knows how many times. I remember having to install something like 6 patches when I stopped playign because it just got too confusing on which patch to install first. I guess it was like 1.0-1.1 then 1.1-1.2 then 1.2-1.33 and it went on.I was thinking, I'm spending more time patching then playing the game. Then Lockdown with the starforce drivers and it's being a reported "port" that is obliterating a title mate. I hear Vegas seems to be another port ala' Lockdown as well. As for GRAW, GRAW2. I'll let the cards fall on this one. I think as stated before, the specs will be outrageous. Will people spend more quid yet again to play a game that may or may not please them? that would be a matter of personal choice I should think. We'll probably need one of the newest DX10 cards like a Nvidia Geforce 8000 or 9000 series cards? (I'm hearing that a 8000 series card from Nvidia is in development) I guess a proper thing to state would be, Don't build a PC based upon "A" particular game title. build it to do what you want it to do. IF a game railroads you into having to build A PC of a certain caliber, then the investment could be knackered if the title flops. Games used to be "this is the minimum and this is the maximum spec." Now it's, "you must have this, up at the highest end of the spectrum." some can't afford *Ahem*,such as yours truly, to upgrade as aften as titles try to force you too. FARCRY started this all off I think. in order to use the editor, you needed 1GB of ram alone. but hey, I'm a simple bloke. Edited October 28, 2006 by Papa6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KRP 56 Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 (edited) What will GRAW2 be? I think we need to take a historic look at UBISOFT's track record. UBISOFT has but obliterated the following franchises; 1)Rainbow6 (include the offshoots(Ravenshield, Lockdown) 2)Ghost Recon A lot of what you say seems true to me but I'm really not sure if Red Storm had not been bought by UBI things would have been much different. Red Storm cranked out some games that seemed to be developed with a passion for gameplay with the R6/GR series but now it seems like everyone wants to jump on the eye candy/special effects,lame gameplay bandwagon. If that's where all the money is then we won't ever see another game as great as Ghost Recon is. If GRAW2 is anything like GRAW I'll be waiting till it hit's the $10 bargin bin like I did with GRAW as I still think it's a poor excuse for a Ghost Recon game. On the other hand I'll have to disagree with you about Raven Shield. The patches were a nightmare and we never did get an SDK but that game stands way above GRAW with all the different gamplay modes,plus they gave us Iron Wrath free. :)I'm sure glad some of the racing games haven't been ruined yet. GTR/GTR2 Edited October 28, 2006 by KRP 56 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OliverReed Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 (edited) What will GRAW2 be?Fun? For the PC? What ever it will be, it will be forever disadvantaged by its misconceived and ill-wrought predecessor. “You don't build a reputation on what you're going to do.†– Henry Ford Edited October 28, 2006 by OliverReed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papa6 Posted October 28, 2006 Author Share Posted October 28, 2006 What will GRAW2 be? I think we need to take a historic look at UBISOFT's track record. UBISOFT has but obliterated the following franchises; 1)Rainbow6 (include the offshoots(Ravenshield, Lockdown) 2)Ghost Recon A lot of what you say seems true to me but I'm really not sure if Red Storm had not been bought by UBI things would have been much different. Red Storm cranked out some games that seemed to be developed with a passion for gameplay with the R6/GR series but now it seems like everyone wants to jump on the eye candy/special effects,lame gameplay bandwagon. If that's where all the money is then we won't ever see another game as great as Ghost Recon is. If GRAW2 is anything like GRAW I'll be waiting till it hit's the $10 bargin bin like I did with GRAW as I still think it's a poor excuse for a Ghost Recon game. On the other hand I'll have to disagree with you about Raven Shield. The patches were a nightmare and we never did get an SDK but that game stands way above GRAW with all the different gamplay modes,plus they gave us Iron Wrath free. :)I'll sure glad some of the racing games haven't been ruined yet. GTR/GTR2 Not familiar with Iron Wrath mate. but I get the idea of what you're saying. I heard that UBISOFT is/was eyeing to buy Crytek. that's my biggest anger. this is alot like Microsoft. they don't innovate anything anymore, except Windows. but they find a company with a neat technology, then swallow it up. RSE would've been a great dev company had ubisoft kept it's hands off. Now RSE is known as a ubisoft entity that pushed out crap titles like Lockdown as of late. I understand that these small guys may fall by the wayside because some just fail. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
semjonov Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 What will GRAW2 be? I think we need to take a historic look at UBISOFT's track record. UBISOFT has but obliterated the following franchises; 1)Rainbow6 (include the offshoots(Ravenshield, Lockdown) 2)Ghost Recon A lot of what you say seems true to me but I'm really not sure if Red Storm had not been bought by UBI things would have been much different. Red Storm cranked out some games that seemed to be developed with a passion for gameplay with the R6/GR series but now it seems like everyone wants to jump on the eye candy/special effects,lame gameplay bandwagon. If that's where all the money is then we won't ever see another game as great as Ghost Recon is. If GRAW2 is anything like GRAW I'll be waiting till it hit's the $10 bargin bin like I did with GRAW as I still think it's a poor excuse for a Ghost Recon game. On the other hand I'll have to disagree with you about Raven Shield. The patches were a nightmare and we never did get an SDK but that game stands way above GRAW with all the different gamplay modes,plus they gave us Iron Wrath free. :)I'll sure glad some of the racing games haven't been ruined yet. GTR/GTR2 Not familiar with Iron Wrath mate. but I get the idea of what you're saying. I heard that UBISOFT is/was eyeing to buy Crytek. that's my biggest anger. this is alot like Microsoft. they don't innovate anything anymore, except Windows. but they find a company with a neat technology, then swallow it up. RSE would've been a great dev company had ubisoft kept it's hands off. Now RSE is known as a ubisoft entity that pushed out crap titles like Lockdown as of late. I understand that these small guys may fall by the wayside because some just fail. Raven shield: Iron wraith is an add-on that UBI released for free, the maps are not spectacular but they are allright. I didn´t even know about it until like thursday so I have had som fun this week.. Raven shield I consider is a good game that they messed up by not managing to patch it up...ever....and the they give us Letdown and think we will like that consol crap, thanks... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CkZWarlord Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 and the they give us Letdown and think we will like that consol crap, thanks... LOL I just love how high and mighty some of you act about PC games... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wille Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 this is alot like Microsoft. they don't innovate anything anymore, except Windows. they innovate with windows? you havent noticed certain likenesses between windows vista and mac OS ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ROCO*AFZ* Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 I would say to push it out that fast... same engine, possibly just revised. Additional add-on features like using a gpu for physics would be there. Different terrain and maps. I'm thinking GRAW2 will be more of an expansion then a whole new game hence the GRAW in it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
semjonov Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 and the they give us Letdown and think we will like that consol crap, thanks... LOL I just love how high and mighty some of you act about PC games... If you like console "crap" you really are on the wrong forum. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papa6 Posted October 28, 2006 Author Share Posted October 28, 2006 (edited) this is alot like Microsoft. they don't innovate anything anymore, except Windows. they innovate with windows? you havent noticed certain likenesses between windows vista and mac OS ? Not To get off topic , yes to a point. but they each steal ideas from each other. that's worse. GRAW2 might be the same. but they might have advanced the game engine. I surely hope they make GRAW2 from lessons learned of GRAW. this time they need to have modding in mind for GRAW. no more editing hundreds of .XML files. have custom maps made in 3dsmax easier to design and export. @ Grin_Wille, PM me your firms address and I'll send you my copy (at my cost)of GR1 and what you see inside is what we have been harping about. Edited October 28, 2006 by Papa6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sup Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 Those two were the cream of the crop that made UBI Very rich. but there's another player in the mix..Electronic Arts. EA as we all know bought shares of UBISOFT. I'm thinking UBISOFT MIGHT have been in financial straights.We all know that EA seems to have lost a large crowd from 2142 bcz most were unsatisfied with BF2. If that made any sense it would be a very interesting theory. Less bizarre speculation and more plausible arguments, please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cangaroo.TNT Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 I think as stated before, the specs will be outrageous.The minimum specs for GRAW are low-end compared to SCDA, and they were released 7-8 months apart. Get used to it. Game developers are pushing the technological envelope, not just treading water. On a side note, one can tell from reading threads such as this that economic education (globally) is woefully inadequate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Papa6 Posted October 28, 2006 Author Share Posted October 28, 2006 Sup, I don't know if you knew this but, EA is a competitor to UBI, but yet EA owns a part of UBI. EA makes crap games, UBI has been making crap games. But someone dumped UBI Stock for some reason. I think EA bought 20% of Ubi if memory serves. with that said, EA does have say in UBISOFT. 20% = 1/5 of Ubisoft. That's alot given an overall view of 100%. EA and UBISOFT buy up small developers, thereby shrinking independent companies and the ability to develop new content. Why would I spend big $$ on game technology for my company when, I can buy your company? ' date='Oct 28 2006, 11:31 AM' post='431530'] I think as stated before, the specs will be outrageous.The minimum specs for GRAW are low-end compared to SCDA, and they were released 7-8 months apart. Get used to it. Game developers are pushing the technological envelope, not just treading water. On a side note, one can tell from reading threads such as this that economic education (globally) is woefully inadequate. And YOU are the majority of the adequately educated? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cangaroo.TNT Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 And YOU are the majority of the adequately educated? That doesn't make any sense, but I understand your point. And, in this case, yes, I am. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZJJ Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 @ Grin_Wille, PM me your firms address and I'll send you my copy (at my cost)of GR1 and what you see inside is what we have been harping about. Somehow I don't think that will be necessary. Keep an eye on the GR Games forum for details. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sup Posted October 28, 2006 Share Posted October 28, 2006 EA makes crap games, UBI has been making crap games. That isn't true. EA makes games both of us don't personally like, and Ubisoft makes games you don't like, but they both deliver quality products that sell very well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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