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PC getting Shafted

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@ Gripen what all the patches mean is, the games buggy and still has alot of issues. why don't the reviwers for GRAW take that into consideration? why don't they install the game and every damn patch and review it objectively?

Ok patches mean that a game still has issues after a patch? That is one take on patches. I can agree that most games always need a patch as there always is an "issue" with games. My take on patches is that games gets improved by them, not retain


Try telling that to the Ravenshield gamers. while the patches DO bring new features, Graw's brought new features and new issues like Anticheat disconnects, abnormal disconnects, nade bug goes away with one patch, then returns in the next patch(Ask ROCOAFZ) on that one ;) just to name a few.

GRAW is like a firework that is supposed to shoot 200 feet in the air but just pops up 6 inches and sputters out.

I don't have to ask Ravenshield players as we are discussing GRAW in particular, besides I don't want to comment on games I don't play frequently ;)

Neither do I need to ask Roco about things in GRAW as I play the game fairly much myself (not that impressing this week, according to sig, but good enough to validate a well founded opinion).

I see that you agree with me that the disconnect bug is mostly annoying, which I have stated at other threads in this forum - good. But overall the game has improved miles and miles with the patches. But if one just focus on some small parts of the whole picture, the firing-GL-at-under-15-meter-bug for example, then one comments on something else than the game in itself. This on the other side might be nice and dandy if one already has made up ones mind about the game regardless of improvements made (which I don't think most people have, otherwise I would not bother posting to deaf ears [blind eyes perhaps :wacko: ]).

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I don't have too much of an issue with the nade bug. I have personally had people exploit the old system against me, where you run into someone point blank in a building. They could point a GL on your chest and push the Win button. Theres no explosion, you die, and they're just fine.

Under the current system, the person who shoots a gernade too close to themself dies of embarrassment after dropping to desktop. Darwin Award contention right there...

The GL bug is actually depending on server and pings, not only distance. I have the GL bug on some servers, on some I don't. On some servers I only have the GL bug when the server is under stress (lot of high pingers etc)

Also, in extreme cases have the GL bug no matter how far I shoot it...

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Hi Hotel

We read it , we agree , it's truth . "since demo" .

Try the [GR] game = Old Ghost Recon for good old times gaming :yes: , but as you say , they will be more and "better games in 2007 , rainbow six Vegas its been developed already , Red Storm Entertainment "Quality Studio dev. team"= experinced in the gaming industry give us Graw in the 360, or Bethesda and Zombie Studios with prox. proyect Rogue Warrior FPS. and Crysis , etc.

good luck and have fun .


Edited by Cuchillo*
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Hi Hotel

We read it , we agree , it's truth . "since demo" .

Try the [GR] game = Old Ghost Recon for good old times gaming :yes: , but as you say , they will be more and "better games in 2007 , rainbow six Vegas its been developed by Red Storm Entertainment "Quality Studio dev. team"= experinced in the gaming industry

Grin has experience two, they're just not quite up to the A++ quality redstorm has reached (yet?).

As for vegas, judging by the demo 95% of Ghostrecon.net and args is going to blindly hate it.

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Grin has experience two, they're just not quite up to the A++ quality redstorm has reached (yet?).

As for vegas, judging by the demo 95% of Ghostrecon.net and args is going to blindly hate it.

Did you play even Lockdown? I would hardly call that a good game. Regardless of the studio, depending on the implementation it could end up being a big steaming pile of doo doo. These days with the publisher making all the key decisions, it's not going to help too much going with a developer such as RSE. Besides RSE is a FAR FAR cry from what they were before UBI purchased them.

Wait for the game and play the demo and judge it on it's merits. That's all you are going to be able to do from now on.

For those speaking about patching not being a deal for the consoles, sorry but with XBL it's becoming more and more of a given that a patch will come down the games. Those not on XBL or internet on the console will be SOL. It won't be much longer to where the QA on the consoles will be just as bad as the PC - release it first and patch it later is no longer reserved for the PC.

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consols suck

Actually xbox360 and Live are great platforms , really changed my mind about consoles. Still hate the controller for FPS games, but that will change with more use.

Agreed on your controller comments. You know what would just about finish PC games? If Microsoft would license a full keyboard for XBox360 so games like GRAW, etc. could be played that way instead of the F-up controller. But then again, Microsoft makes money on PC games, too.

If Sony allows a keyboard with PS3 and we get GRAW2 THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH IT (HUGE "IF" THERE), then I'm done. People complain about the PS3 price but I dropped more than that on building my last gaming PC. I don't want to give up PC gaming but the trend is just about beyond obvious at this point.

Sucks, doesn't it? I wonder what happens with ATI and nVidia when PC gaming dies? No real reason for people like us to buy new vid cards every 6 months.

Sad situation.


Callsign 3Point

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consols suck

Actually xbox360 and Live are great platforms , really changed my mind about consoles. Still hate the controller for FPS games, but that will change with more use.

Agreed on your controller comments. You know what would just about finish PC games? If Microsoft would license a full keyboard for XBox360 so games like GRAW, etc. could be played that way instead of the F-up controller. But then again, Microsoft makes money on PC games, too.

If Sony allows a keyboard with PS3 and we get GRAW2 THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH IT (HUGE "IF" THERE), then I'm done. People complain about the PS3 price but I dropped more than that on building my last gaming PC. I don't want to give up PC gaming but the trend is just about beyond obvious at this point.

Sucks, doesn't it? I wonder what happens with ATI and nVidia when PC gaming dies? No real reason for people like us to buy new vid cards every 6 months.

Sad situation.


Callsign 3Poi

Doesnt Sony already have a keyboard for ps2?

Im sure i've seen it somewhere :hmm:

I think it was something that Logitech made ,if thats the case i'm sure it will run with the ps3.

MODERATOR EDIT: Removed double post.

Edited by ZJJ
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I have a compact keyboard ($9 keyboard, cheap) attached to my 360.

I am told that a full keyboard, as long as it uses USB, can be attached to the 360.

Of course you can't enter key commands like you can in a PC game.....but I suspect that is changing in the not so distant future.

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