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GRAW $9.99 Circuit City

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This forum has more topics then GRAW has players. Too bad, it had such potential. Well theres always R6 Vegas. Maybe UBI wont screw us on that. Im getting kinda tired of them telling me to bend over.

hey, if you actually do it....

... you'll take a bit of a run up next time? >_<

Edited by OliverReed
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This forum has more topics then GRAW has players. Too bad, it had such potential. Well theres always R6 Vegas. Maybe UBI wont screw us on that. Im getting kinda tired of them telling me to bend over.

hey, if you actually do it....

... you'll take a bit of a run up next time? >_<

I dont even know what that means! :ph34r::)

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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

Direct2Drive still has it at $30


That's a damn shame, for a game that has so much potential. THe reality is that when people pay for something, they expect it to be worth it. There was massive anticipation for this game before its release because of the popularity of the Original. That needs to be understood...that's why people still bring up [GR].

This game was released over 7 months ago, and it is still buggy as hell. The anti-cheat causes multiplayer issues....people crash for using close range gl's, multiplayer lag is seriously frustrating, all these things contribute to a frustrating game that discourages the average gamer. Besides the lack of versatility, options, server customization, weapons, gametypes, maps and battle stats.

The one positive is that there still are plenty of people sticking it out. There are plenty of us that are rooting for grin to smooth this thing out, fans of the title and the series that just want to play this game the way it was intended, hoping it will be fixed, and that there will be an expansion. Personally I get real frustrated with some of the issues at times, but after I go and play some of the "popular games" (like CS:Source & BF2 & 2142) I am left empty and unsatisfied with thier lack of realism. Two cheers for GRin!.... "Rah Rah...fix the bugs" "Hip Hip ...Expansion pack!!!"

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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! :o Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. :P
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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! :o Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. :P

oooh that was a CHEAP shot!

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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! :o Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. :P

oooh that was a CHEAP shot!

No harm in a little humor every now and then. Admit that it made you crack just a little smile. :g_withgrin:
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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! :o Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. :P

oooh that was a CHEAP shot!

You know Willie, I have to give you credit, there is alot of frustration from the players with the game. You roll with the punches and even punch back sometimes, but it's almost always good natured.

I hope Grin can fix this game before everyone decides it time to shelf it.

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Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! :o Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. :P

oooh that was a CHEAP shot!
He has a wonky sense of humour? Me too so: Future Shop, Ontario lists GRAW-PC at $29.99=>original price was >$50.00; to be fair, xbox GRAW is reduced to $19.99; =>interesting but xbox360 GRAW is still $69.99!

Also, GRAW:PC is not listed as a "Tom Clancy's...etc." whereas both console GRAWs are.


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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! :o Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. :P


gobble gobble

Edited by Cell*AFZ*
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I was at my local Wal Mart here and thought I would check the price on GR:AW, it was 29.98 last I looked. They had about 8 in the rack when I looked last and the back ones literally had dust on top of them. This time when I checked, they were gone, all of them, no tag left not a trace, the lady in electronics told me they pulled them because they were not selling. Was there not enough advertisement for GR:AW PC????

Same here in the southern Ohio Wal Mart. Lockdown (Letdown) also got the heave ho! :o Maybe when it gets closer to Thanksgiving they'll bring them back out since turkeys sell good around that time. :P

oooh that was a CHEAP shot!

No harm in a little humor every now and then. Admit that it made you crack just a little smile. :g_withgrin:

It wasnt the advertizing it was the game

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