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You know what I think is just GREAT?


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Just speedhacks? real hacks?, or a exploit, ini setting?

What does it say exactly?

Im guessing this is the same Ammo from RVS. If so you can ask your brother he would be able to tell you what hacks are available for GRAW. Thier isnt many at all. I had 2 sent to me at RA and neither one worked after 1.20. Injectors are not abundant for GRAW and if so they are private. None of the major cheat sites even talk about graw. Much less released anything public for it. I infiltrated the major private cheat sites a long time ago. That was how we got alot of information on how to stop them in RVS. And in all the time that I have played GRAW not once have I seen anything that was outright blatent hack other than a xml exploit. That was taken care of. I have heard of a few things but never seen it in this game. Im for PB more than anyone here, but I will say that adding PB also fuels the fire with the people that do create the hacks, just to see if they work.

Cheating is not a real issue with this game as of yet. Its more of SADS and fixes to make the game playable and to allow the ladders to get off the ground.

Edited by MILAR_BDA
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Nope, not same ammo from RvS, have the game, didnt play it long nor did I use the name ammo in it nor do I have a brother.

and the reason cheating isnt much of an issue now, is because of so few people playing the game.

It doesnt mean its not possible to make them, or even difficult.

The game is just not popular, so hacking the game isnt popular either.

Edited by -|-aMMo-|-
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