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How is it?

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Anybody here remember me??

How is GR:AW??? I haven't seen anything about it (have not looked).. I've been playing world of warcraft lately..

Does AW have the same feel as GR? or is it too much like a kiddy console game??

And how is the multiplayer??

And are mods as easy to create? I loved scripting missions...

good times..


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Anybody here remember me??

How is GR:AW??? I haven't seen anything about it (have not looked).. I've been playing world of warcraft lately..

Does AW have the same feel as GR? or is it too much like a kiddy console game??

And how is the multiplayer??

And are mods as easy to create? I loved scripting missions...

good times..


Not to bust you or give you a hard time but if you search just a little bit you will get a good opinion of the game.

I personally like the game, and it will get better as they release the additional patches with Mp modes.

I DONT think it is console kiddy at all, certainly nowhere near the console kiddyness of Lockdown.

I think SP is very good and I am still enjoying it. MP is ok but getting better.

Also I just started messing with WOW, I did the 14 day trial through Fileplanet and I like it alot. I am like level 6 Paladin (with only a few hours of gameplay).

Hope I helped you, I think GRAW is really good, here is how I rate it:

SinglePlayer: (B+)

Multiplayer:(at game release) C+ (with patches and additional MP modes so far) (B)

Gameplay/Format/missions: (B)

Graphics/sounds/performance: (A)(for higher end systems) (C+) for lower mid-end systems)

Well hope it helps.....


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Yes, I remeber seeing you around here. Its been a while.

I think that GRAW IS a good game. There have been a few "patches" and additional content, and more is on the way. The GRIN team has been very committed to improve the game for us, and I believe it will be great.

I think the SP/Co-Op is solid, but limited to just 4 players. I would like to see that increased.

The MP is limited to just Domination and DeathMatch modes so far. Additional stuff coming soon.

Graphics and visuals are super and require some high end hardware, but thats expected.

All in all, I think its good and worthy of the name, Ghost Recon. It has a few issues, but as I stated they are being addressed and fixed. Look for the GRIN devs lurking about. :shifty:

It is not a "run-n-gun" arcade style shooter. It takes time,patience and team work to succeed. The HUD is really cool and the weps are pretty good.

Hope this helps you decide. Mods have been created,but not sure how easy that is.

Its great fun in Co-Op.

See you..............Kingkat

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Anybody here remember me??

How is GR:AW??? I haven't seen anything about it (have not looked).. I've been playing world of warcraft lately..

Does AW have the same feel as GR? or is it too much like a kiddy console game??

And how is the multiplayer??

And are mods as easy to create? I loved scripting missions...

good times..


Didn't you do a mod? Your name sounds familiar.

Same-mo on the demo suggestion. Its not GR1 on first impressions.

The slow-tactics----CHECK!

Switching characters/specialty-----NO GO

6 Team MP---NO GO

Eye candy----CHECK


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Why not try the demo?

Should give you an overall feel for it.

Incorrect... demo is single player only or lan... or use that crappy himatchi. It's also a somewhat buggy.

it will show you the eyecandy and movement... and a taste of sp but that's it.

perhaps SP is what he is looking for? people do have diffrent taste... :)

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Why not try the demo?

Should give you an overall feel for it.

Incorrect... demo is single player only or lan... or use that crappy himatchi. It's also a somewhat buggy.

it will show you the eyecandy and movement... and a taste of sp but that's it.

perhaps SP is what he is looking for? people do have diffrent taste... :)

Luckely yes, i don't want all you guys running behind my wife..... :rofl:

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And are mods as easy to create? I loved scripting missions...

As of now no mission scripting is available. :( Give the demo a shot and see how you like it. I didn't care for it as it lacks just about everything that made GR great. :(
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Anybody here remember me??

How is GR:AW??? I haven't seen anything about it (have not looked).. I've been playing world of warcraft lately..

Does AW have the same feel as GR? or is it too much like a kiddy console game??

And how is the multiplayer??

And are mods as easy to create? I loved scripting missions...

good times..


Hey....where you been?

GRAW is NOT Ghost Recon. It is a very different game. It has a very different feel to it. It plays differently in that you can't rotate through your team members bodies. You only have your character and 3 others on your team. For some reason dummies like me don't get, it has jaggies, no Anti Aliasing until you D/L the patch, and it isnot AA, it is something else. I suppose when I upgrade my hardware they will go away, but for now, visually it really isn't pretty. It has a sepia color tone that reminds you of the film Blackhawk down. I would love to get rid of that... It is all urban in Mexico. No maps like "Farm day" or other wilderness maps.

Overall, It is a new game that has few similarities to the GR we knew. But give it a chance and you may like it. It is as different from GR as GR was different from Rainbow 6.

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  • 1 year later...


as you can see... I'm way detached from GR at this point... I posted a year ago asking how the game was and just today read the replies (which were great btw :rolleyes: ). Time flies when you're grinding for money so you can eat and pay bills... which I didn't have to do when I used to make missions in college (none of which are available for DL anymore :rofl: )

I guess I'll try the demo one of these days... although I'm somewhat concerned that its going to bog my system down, but then again I'll never know unless I try!

world of warcraft... yeah.. that pretty much killed my drive to play TFPS games... I would need some serious MP action to get excited about playing tactical shooters again.

GR.net4lyfe though... these boards kick ass, I can't believe how many members there are!




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as you can see... I'm way detached from GR at this point... I posted a year ago asking how the game was and just today read the replies (which were great btw :rolleyes: ).

:rofl: You really haven't missed anything with the GRAW series. My copy is buried by so much dust that it would take an army of dustbusters to uncover it. :o That pretty much sums it up. :(
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