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Submissions and Voting


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Here is what I see.

Submissions are made by members only, in a restricted forum. This prevents names from being made public until they are voted on and approved as cheating. I feel that it's important to keep the principal of innocent before proven guilty. All members participating in the AC community can view and vote and discussions can take place away from the general public.

I know this sounds a bit elitist. but it's necessary because you don't want to slander someone in a public forum and secondly, membership should be people who are server hosts want to use and contribute to the AC community. This keeps feedback and input contructive and on targets as much as possible. If people want to use the list or have feed back then they need to be members of the AC community. IF it's part of RA then maybe it can be open to RA members too. I dunno on that.

I'm not saying that this is the way it's got to be, I'm just getting the discussion rolling. :)

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I believe that it should be done by anyone as long as they are member. It doesn't necessarily even have to be a squad/clan, but anyone who runs the A/C on their servers.

I also believe that there should be a way to submit it privately without posting in an open forum to the members. This will take away from those who are saying that such-n-such is always accusing them of cheating.

This can be accomplished a couple of ways... E-Mail Submission, or special upload area for each member for private submissions. If there is something questionable, and someone does not know for sure what it is, then they can submit it in open forums that everyone can see.

Keeping the accusations down and the whining of players saying that 'such-n-such' is always accusing them to an absolute minimum.

A submission can be added to the forums without the the members knowing of who turned in who and to give the person who submitted the info a little privacy.

Each report could be titled "Submission: #####, Date/Time" or "ID#: Date/Time", then have it cast as a vote on whether or nto someone is cheating.

Or it can be a combination of the two:

ID: ##### (person submitting, and is the first part of the title of the thread)

Submission: ##### (it is as it says... Keeping track of which submission is which)

Date/Time: 01-jan-07:2310hrs (any format for date will work, but the time should reflect the current server time when it was recieved)

Basically, leaving it in the forums as anonymous with staff knowing who submitted.

Yes, this may take a little extra work, but it will keep the flying accusations down and leave things more flame retardant.

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We have a system like that in place at TAGaming.com for [GR]. When people feel someone is cheating then they send in replays and ss. Three admins have to review it and when someone is caught cheating they are added to the banned IP / username list.

It is just a bit unfortunate that you can change IPs faster than women change their mind :(

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