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Bug: Ready for Bear tank crew

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What I've often wondered is, if they were being held captive by the rebels then how is it they have those pistols ready as soon as you tag their guards?

Though it shouldn't matter anyhow- if they were originally just there to train Mexican tank crews, then they shouldn't have had even pistols, much less any live ammo to go with them. Just a friendly train-the-guys-nextdoor thing. TDY in Mexico City?! Heck yeah, babeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

And I figured it was for guys like THEM that the M8 Compact would be developed- helicopter and armored vehicle crews. There should be few if any M9's by 2013...

But yeah, those guys need to listen up and STOP until my guys can clear the route...

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I restarted the mission and then it went fine. It's just annoying. It's the second issue like that that I have. This mission was easy to restart but I had a similar thing in the embassy mission. To restart that one was a pain in the a@@.

The more I play this game the more I think the whole thing is a pain in the backside. Annoying is putting it lightly and I'm to the point that I don't even think quick save would make any difference. :wall:
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well I've been playing games for years and years and to be honest (and flaming is not my intention here) this issues are the kind of issues that should be top priority. These issues really spoil the fun of the game. I am a hardcore GR fan that's why I bought the game and that's why I have the patience to play it. But if I was new to the GR community and I would read about all those issues, I don't think I would spend the money for the game.

Which makes me ask the question, what is the priority of a development team? I know that they cannot adress every single issue, but hey ... come on.....


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  • 7 months later...

Luckily for me, I didn't have that bug. Mission was relatively easy. Now, Quarterback is another story.

...same here. They ran into the "garage" while all this firefight was going on <_< ...gee I wonder who shot first:whistle: while the team was sneaking around corners.

The whole time I'm wondering why I even have suppressors on our rifles. :angry:

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  • 10 months later...

I'm experiencing this bug as well. The one guy won't let himself get pushed to his tank. He keeps slipping to the side of me and walking over to the front of the first tank again. I've spent ALL AFTERNOON reloading this mission over and over again trying to get it to work. :wall:

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