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Bug: Ready for Bear tank crew

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One of the guys wont get in his tank and just keeps walking backwards and fowards. So now I cant get any further :wall:

I've tried reloading from "mayday mayday", re-equipping my team and then starting "ready for bear" again. The same thing happens, 2 guys get into the first tank, one into the tank at the back and the last guy just stands near the front tank and walks backwards and forwards.

I've used the 1.20 patch and had been using the other patches as they cam out (up to 1.16).

Is this a patch 1.20 issue, or has the game always been like this? I gave up playing SP just before patch 1.16, but now there are no co-op servers so i guess i have to <_<

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I have this problem as well half the time and yes, I've tried pushing the guy around, standing all the way in the back of the hanger, shooting at the tanks, just about everything I can think of. It's just a really bad game bug that needs fixed. I see this happening in COOP all the time when I'm hosting and as a client. Stupid AI guy can be seen here. Someone send this guy home to his momma. He isn't ready to hang with the Ghosts.

Edited by Low Profile
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I just played the mission again (SP-hard) and the treadheads got in the tanks even though I tried to impede their route to the garage. Both times I had cleared the area of badguys before getting the tankers so there was no firefight inroute to the garage. Haven't played it in CoOp yet. Hope you sort it out!

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Yeah, i've tried pushing him, too. But he just walks backward until he gets to the spot shown in the screenshot (see the post a few above this one).

This is really frustrating as you can imagine, I can't go any further into the game.

Is there anywhere where I can download the completed mission files and then copy and paste them into my GRAW folder? I can't take it anymore. I dont want to play DOM or DM and nobody is hosting coop much anymore.

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The same thing happened to me with grpcrc1.20, maybe it's a bug? anyway i shot the two dudes to see what happens, then i got the .....GAME OVER..... because i shot the tank driver, i can't remember if i deleted some previous savegames and then restarted the level.

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Only one time was I able to push the guy around and have him finally get in the tank. Every other time he just backs up then moves forward over and over again to the spot shown in my screenshot. Let's hope that the game devs get this sorted out. There's nothing that we can do. As for the tank escort, I always clear the entire tank assembly area and tank crew area prior to escorting the tank crew. This has had no impact on the likelyhood that this last tank guy gets in the tank. He either will or he won't. Much of the time he won't.

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After the 1.2 patch, the AI seemed to have gotten "dumber" for me. Allen, for example, has a habit running in one spot no matter how much I push him or anything. I even tossed a grenade and he yelled out about it, but just stood there before being blown up :(

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Just shoot the guy!! Empty an entire clip into the ######!!

Won't help you finish the mission, but you will FEEL a whole lot better!! :whistle:

Edited by AJ59
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I've had this problem on both 1.16 and 1.20 in Co-op mode. Last time it happend 3times in a coop game and I just lost it big time.

Pushin the characters is like pushing water uphill and eventually I just killed the gunner who wouldnt mount up. This didnt come up with a GAME OVER message but tanks wouldnt leave the hanger.

The extra effect in allowing us to see them mount up was good to start with but now its just a pain.

GRIN please fix this

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  • 2 weeks later...

A belated tank crew comment (not exactly a bug but annoying)

I've rescued the tank crew and am doing my humble best to move tactically etc, move my men into the right firing positions and generally be slow and careful.............

Them my dumb assed tank crew go running off to fight snipers and 20mm cannons with a 9mm automatic pistol :stupid:

can somebody please tell these guys that when not in their tanks they are a tad vulnerable and that they shouldn't waste my precious time by sending me back to the previous save point. <_<

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  • 1 month later...

To make the above suggestion a little easier on yourself, you CAN see the 2 .50 gunners at the entrance to the tank hangar before you rescue the crews. Might wanna take a shot at them while they're not expecting it. Not sure if you can go far enough out of your way to take a crack at the tower sniper behind the hangar before the rescue, though. Anyhow, the less badguys you have to deal with the better, since you have ZERO control over the tank crews and they have ZERO common sense. Can get frustrating if you're not a run-and-gun type...

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The main idea is try, try and try again. I had the same problem. Even "killed" the culprit. Still, I had to restart the mission from the "rescue" and keep thoise damned "Tank jockies" from getting killed! Just remeber, with no "QUICK SAVE", you just have to have patience! :wall:

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I restarted the mission and then it went fine. It's just annoying. It's the second issue like that that I have. This mission was easy to restart but I had a similar thing in the embassy mission. To restart that one was a pain in the a@@.

Anyways. Thanks for the advices.



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... since you have ZERO control over the tank crews and they have ZERO common sense. Can get frustrating if you're not a run-and-gun type...

You bet. The four of them are an unruly little group running all over the map, getting in front of Mitchell and getting shot - Game Over - and all with pistols out like some kind of gunslinger movie. On the other hand, going through the campaign this time, I fumbled fingered and put Mitchell prone in the middle of the street and when I got back up, all four of them were lined up, guns blazing at someone around the corner. I wish I had a screenie of them in right echelon, changing mags, burning through the ammo like it grows on trees. Sheesh is that what tankers do? :lol:

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