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Whats important in a game (shooter) is just to eliminate "Dolphin Diving" or "Porpoising" that stupid kind of stuff ruins games too...I can see why it is easier to just leave it out when developing...but hey BF2 (EA as screwed up as they are) managed to make a patch to fix that.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they just make it impossible to jump & shoot at the same time? Because if I remember correctly, that was the same time they patched away the ability to jump and throw a frag, or jump and throw a C4, or jump and detonate a C4. Really, really dumb moves by EA IMO.

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add weapon restrictions to server to disable the choose of explosives or remove the Grenadelauncher completely from MP...

nobody is using conventional weapons anymore, everyone is laming with GL all the time in Multiplayer!

i also want to see other locations in maps... add a forest map / jungle

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If you add a jump key I will walk over all of your 53 or so bridges all the while drinking gallons of PUCKO and when I find the office of GRIN/UBI will go PUCKO.

Then I will find a kiosk and have on of those dogs with mashed potatoes and that creamy shrimp stuff.

Get to Sweeden my friends=PUCKO and hotdogs!

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I didn't think it would be appropriate to start a new thread, so I decided to somewhat ressurect this one. This is a list of things I personally believe need to be implemented or changed in order for the game to make a comeback.

Reticule - Make it dynamic. Right now, it doesn't matter how far apart the lines are spread, you have a damn good chance of hitting someone if you just put the circle over them. This will also stop people from running and stopping to kill someone from 50m away without having to aim down the sights.

Grenade Launcher - Tone it down somehow, whether it's lowering the number of grenades that comes with it, lowering the splash damage, or changing the arc, something has to give in order to keep this weapon balanced.

Swaying Sights - Whenever you aim down a weapon, it is 100% accurate and does not budge. When standing, especially with a sniper rifle, the sights should sway at least a little bit in order to actually make people aim their shots instead of running n gunning while spraying n praying.

Bigger, More Open Maps - As it is, the new maps that came with Hamburger Hill are WAY too small. Once you get to the hill, the other team doesn't stand much of a chance because it is so easy to spawn rape them. Bigger, more open maps would help this go a long ways into making the game feel less like an Unreal clone trying to act realistic and more like [GR].

More Map Variety - More stock maps with more open settings, like swamps, forests, jungles, arctic deserts, mountains and the like would be a very warm welcome and be a great change from the so many city maps that all start to look the same. The current maps would feel more at home in Rainbow Six than Ghost Recon.

Mex/US Multiple Camos - Each team should have multiple camos to choose from. It would be nice to be able to select a desert camo, winter camo, jungle camo, urban camo and the likes. It would help make individual people more distinguishable rather than looking and thinking "Mexican" or "US." You would have a better chance of knowing if you see a brief glimpse of someone running whether or not it was the same guy you saw firing at you ten seconds ago. Of course, this would have to be a protected file by the AC so you don't have folks making bright skins for both teams just to make it easier to see.

Server Downloads - I like playing on the BDA server, but it seems like every time I try to join, I don't have one of the maps, no matter how many of their map packs I install. Instead of having to leave the game, download and install new maps, why not just have the client autodownload from either the server itself or somewhere the server dictates. This could be done with not just maps, but custom camos, weapon skins, sounds, minor mods and such.

Audio - I know this is just rehashing another topic, but seriously......while overall the game has great audio effects, some things need changing. No matter what time in the future this game takes place, it still sucks to try sneaking around a building only to have someone on it's roof, 3 or 4 stories up, hear you and know exactly where you are just to drop a grenade on your noggin. Add that to the fact that when you are standing still but looking around with the mouse, the people around you hear your feet shuffle, but you don't hear the noise you're making. If you argue the first problme as because of future head gear, why can't I hear my feet shuffle 6 feet below me?

Tracers - Using a silencer (or suppressor, whatever) is almost completely useless because even if you drop the first guy without him seeing you, you can sure bet his buddy saw the tracers and knows almost exactly where you are.

That's all I can come up with right now. I do not believe most of this stuff would be really hard to implement or change (mainly the reticule, grenade launcher, audio, and maps), but these little changes would make a whole world of difference in the game that I believe most [GR] players would appreciate. As much as I love this game, I'm getting tired of playing this game in its current form and will end up resorting to games like Armed Assault for realism and Crysis for tactical play if this game stays on it's current path.

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I didn't think it would be appropriate to start a new thread, so I decided to somewhat ressurect this one. This is a list of things I personally believe need to be implemented or changed in order for the game to make a comeback.

Reticule - Make it dynamic. Right now, it doesn't matter how far apart the lines are spread, you have a damn good chance of hitting someone if you just put the circle over them. This will also stop people from running and stopping to kill someone from 50m away without having to aim down the sights.

Grenade Launcher - Tone it down somehow, whether it's lowering the number of grenades that comes with it, lowering the splash damage, or changing the arc, something has to give in order to keep this weapon balanced.

Swaying Sights - Whenever you aim down a weapon, it is 100% accurate and does not budge. When standing, especially with a sniper rifle, the sights should sway at least a little bit in order to actually make people aim their shots instead of running n gunning while spraying n praying.

Bigger, More Open Maps - As it is, the new maps that came with Hamburger Hill are WAY too small. Once you get to the hill, the other team doesn't stand much of a chance because it is so easy to spawn rape them. Bigger, more open maps would help this go a long ways into making the game feel less like an Unreal clone trying to act realistic and more like [GR].

More Map Variety - More stock maps with more open settings, like swamps, forests, jungles, arctic deserts, mountains and the like would be a very warm welcome and be a great change from the so many city maps that all start to look the same. The current maps would feel more at home in Rainbow Six than Ghost Recon.

Mex/US Multiple Camos - Each team should have multiple camos to choose from. It would be nice to be able to select a desert camo, winter camo, jungle camo, urban camo and the likes. It would help make individual people more distinguishable rather than looking and thinking "Mexican" or "US." You would have a better chance of knowing if you see a brief glimpse of someone running whether or not it was the same guy you saw firing at you ten seconds ago. Of course, this would have to be a protected file by the AC so you don't have folks making bright skins for both teams just to make it easier to see.

Server Downloads - I like playing on the BDA server, but it seems like every time I try to join, I don't have one of the maps, no matter how many of their map packs I install. Instead of having to leave the game, download and install new maps, why not just have the client autodownload from either the server itself or somewhere the server dictates. This could be done with not just maps, but custom camos, weapon skins, sounds, minor mods and such.

Audio - I know this is just rehashing another topic, but seriously......while overall the game has great audio effects, some things need changing. No matter what time in the future this game takes place, it still sucks to try sneaking around a building only to have someone on it's roof, 3 or 4 stories up, hear you and know exactly where you are just to drop a grenade on your noggin. Add that to the fact that when you are standing still but looking around with the mouse, the people around you hear your feet shuffle, but you don't hear the noise you're making. If you argue the first problme as because of future head gear, why can't I hear my feet shuffle 6 feet below me?

Tracers - Using a silencer (or suppressor, whatever) is almost completely useless because even if you drop the first guy without him seeing you, you can sure bet his buddy saw the tracers and knows almost exactly where you are.

That's all I can come up with right now. I do not believe most of this stuff would be really hard to implement or change (mainly the reticule, grenade launcher, audio, and maps), but these little changes would make a whole world of difference in the game that I believe most [GR] players would appreciate. As much as I love this game, I'm getting tired of playing this game in its current form and will end up resorting to games like Armed Assault for realism and Crysis for tactical play if this game stays on it's current path.

I agree about most of what you have stated.

* The maps is less of an issue. We will get more official maps and they will look different to those we got. And on top of that we got the custom ones too.

* The camo is also something of less importance.

* With server download the cammo, map weapon mods etc problem become solved: with no effort people will get the required files at an instant.

* The GL. Do not change the splash damage, change the number of grenades instead (2 nades standard and additional 2 on slot 3 as option) and make the GL lighter to carry as a consequence of the reduced number of nades (it was realism we wanted, so do not reduce splash damage).

* Swaying Sights & Reticule: spot on.

* Tracers should be optional (a click-able box by the weapon) and I also want them to be more visible from the firers point of view compared with the other ones so the tracers become of more use for the firer and not the enemy (they do happen to burn at the rear )

* Audio. Some tweaking should be done, but the Swaying Sights & Reticule are most important.

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1. Team based VOIP, or at least squad-based, in MP. REALLY nice

2. Squad-based Cross-Com capabilities in MP would also be nice. REALLY nice i mean

3. Rural maps PLEASE, like the first mission from [GR], where its all forest and almost no buildings, and u have to crawl on your belly half the time

4. Special diamonds for squaddies on HUD in MP


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About jumping, it will not happen. And I am glad of that fact as it would contribute to absurd silliness not associated with the GR label. You will be able to jump to very strange positions, or the jump will be so powerless so that it is useless. For example, anyone who have played Enemy Territory on a competitive level knows what I mean with silly jumps (beating maps by avoiding certain mandatory mission tasks by jumping etc).

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