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Mission #3 : VIP2 is down

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I know, i know. I have never used a godmode cheat before and i'm ashamed. I just need to get through this final stretch of VIP 2 Down, and the reason is that i've found myself not playing the game for a week now - just because that mission.

I want to enjoy the game again, and to do that i need to pass that mission. Is there a god mode cheat?

Don't flame me, i feel bad as it is... :rofl:

Make your AI to cover various directions (let most of them be outside the ruin...), take cover yourself by the VIP, keep your head pretty much down (be croched and be prepared for close combat). Poke your head up only when needed to target the tanks (for airstrike).

Actually, I did it the first try (normal settings) but perhaps I guess I was just lucky... :blink: I only had to take out a few close enemies and helped out with some distant ones, otherwise the AI did it themselves...

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i remember that mission, really hard, especialy since i am playing at Hard mode, and it gets even harder once the VIP escapes.

this is what i did;

before i reached the VIP, i assigned the team positions, i put the sniper on 1st floor to cover left side, i put the support guy on ground floor to cover the small broken wall where enemys come from behind u. i put the last guy near the steirs on ground floor covering the middle and right side.

i took position on 1st floor near the window, where i placed my sniper. from which i had good view of all sides. once the heli lands try to be as fast as possible to get the VIP into heli, and run back to the house, take same position and be fast here, u have to be aware of everything, in my case many tango's were attacking from all sides, i basicly had to shot reload all time....

then i ordered my squad, (1died) to take position near landed heli and to cover me while i reach it, and the mission end.

this was really exciting mission, much much action, but u have to try and stay calm all time.

dont' give up and use god mode, it took me 3 days to complete it :D

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Dunno, I GL'ed the car that parks close to the building. Otherwise I peaked out, found the tank before it was even in firing range of us and order the strike on it. Both blew up from the Apache before a single shot from the tanks were fired on us.

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After about 15-20 tries on this mission now, the ONE time I got closest was when I had all 3 of the M1's killed, the Apache pilots leave saying their goodbyes and our Black Hawk actually landed and was waiting for our egress. Only problem was there was some hidden (well I couldn't see them!) enemy around that effectively had me pinned down behind the far right side planter (best choice for cover for me in order to kill those last two tanks under defilade) I've gotten close maybe 3 times but that one time I was HOME FREE!!!!! Only problem was I got killed when I tried to stand up and take cover beside the embassy wall, I was SO ######!!!!! :wall:

My advice: Do go up the ruined second floor staircase (the one that goes nowhere) fire on all enemy on the left side of the building, especially the 6 that try to sneak up on the left flank. Kill the soldiers coming from the right side, then concentrate fire on the Panhard VBL gunner ASAP and kill the dismounts too. Duck behind the cover of the stairwell and you should have good defilade cuz of the ruined pillar to your left when the first Abrams shows up, Laze his rear and he will go down. Then double time to the VIP and get him to the Helo. Go to your left from the BH and plant whoever of your team that's left behind you and order "cover fire". Go prone and kill the enemy by the monument (maybe 6 or 8 of them) wait for the first infantry to come by you on the right and kill em then the next Panhard will show up, kill the gunner, kill the dismounts and down a bit the next M1 will appear. LAZE him when he climbs the steps (or earlier if you can!) From there it gets crazy, one more Panhard shows up by the monument and the last M1 is behind that by the monument, all I can say is lay down fire, aim tight and call in the helo for the last kill. I had all the stuff I needed and the Black Hawk was THERE!!!!!! I just needed to shoot one or two remaining infantry . BTW the enemy will overrun the ruins and will fire from there. My advice is have fire team clear it out but there are still some tangos somewhere near or on the monument site I could not tell!

There you have it, "close but so far away!" lol

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Ok, as someone who posted here saying how frustrating this last pat of the level was, I did finally beat it without changing any xml files or cheating it.

I had only myself and Allen (the Sniper) left for the whole of this mission.

After the Embassy blows, get yourself and Allen up to the first floor. I placed Allen to the right of the staircase, behind the broken concrete as cover.

Both stay there until you need to extract the VIP.

Now, the way I beat this level was that after dropping the VIP, I didn't return to the Embassy, but ran to the highest level of the monument in the middle of the road, and left Allen where he is.

From here, you get to see the tanks as soon at they appear, so you can call in the Apaches before they do much harm. Then, when the extraction chopper lands, and the last wave of bad guys spawn, you are behind most of them, so between you and Allen you can take them out.

One last tip, use the sat-map to move Allen closer to the extraction chopper as bait, before you make the mad dash to it, just in case you missed any lurkers.

That's how I finally beat it, and it only took me 3 attempts, instead of the 40-odd when I was staying in the Embassy.

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That sounds like a good way to get the enemy caught in your crossfire...I finally passed this mission late last night with the way I was trying it. Needless to say I took a LONG time and was very careful with snipers around the Black Hawk (which just sat there unmolested-and no supporting cover fire from the mini guns either lol) but me and Brown made it through.

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How i got past the last bit, was to not rely on the upstairs cover, have the support guy guarding the left wall, rifle man rite next to VIP 2 to help him, and sniper guy behind a wall on the right side of the embassy. You stand in the middle with acess to cover on left and right side. As they rush you, get your Scar L, zoom, and shoot. Your teammates are good enough to keep themselves alive, once tanks start coming in, make sure they're all in cover, you pop out, target them and hid until tanks are dead, then go again killing. Afterwards when VIP 2 is out, go back to your normal spots, if you do it well both US marines should still be alive. If not oh well you can still kill the rest with your ghosts once again same tactic, tank approach, get evryone to hide, you pop out target tank, hide and wait till its dead, once your blackhawk comes, use the tactical map check for any more tanks, otherwise go up to your chopper. with that you'll be covered by the minigun people in the blackhawk, and you just hope in and mission complete.

I found this mission to be very fun and enjoyable, my favourite Co-op mission. on Normal I finished it with three ghosts still alive but both of the US marines dead. Cover is the most important thing in this section, make sure your squadron has acess to cover at all times!! otherwise good luck!!

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i remember that mission, really hard, especialy since i am playing at Hard mode, and it gets even harder once the VIP escapes.

this is what i did;

before i reached the VIP, i assigned the team positions, i put the sniper on 1st floor to cover left side, i put the support guy on ground floor to cover the small broken wall where enemys come from behind u. i put the last guy near the steirs on ground floor covering the middle and right side.

i took position on 1st floor near the window, where i placed my sniper. from which i had good view of all sides. once the heli lands try to be as fast as possible to get the VIP into heli, and run back to the house, take same position and be fast here, u have to be aware of everything, in my case many tango's were attacking from all sides, i basicly had to shot reload all time....

then i ordered my squad, (1died) to take position near landed heli and to cover me while i reach it, and the mission end.

this was really exciting mission, much much action, but u have to try and stay calm all time.

dont' give up and use god mode, it took me 3 days to complete it :D

This is sound advice. I loved this mission (I only got past both bunkers in the following map then had to start again due to a hard drive failure <_< ) and I got a proper kick outta defending a point vs greater odds.

As of restocking at the BH before heading to the Embassy my loadout is as follows:


MR-C + GL + Sight

MP5 + Silencer

Extra GL nades

Dude 1



LMG ammo

Dude 2



Sniper ammo

Dude 3

Dead, was rubbish :rofl:

Embassy goes pop, the three of us pile into the ruins. (From here on all directions are taken when facing the fountain/direction to came in from) LMG guy is on the ground floor covering the small hole in the left wall. From here he is covered from the first tank and can cover a good area. The Sniper follows me up the first flight of stairs and stands on the forward left part of the first floor. From here he has an awesome view of the fountain and also the whole area to the right of the fountain also covered by the LMG guy and he is also covered from the armour that rolls in from the left. I head up the broken stairs to where the second floor was and crouch just peeking over the end of the steps which gives me cover from the first tank and an awesome field of fire of the whole area...but not right away.

Now the rest is from memory so forgive any slight discrepencies but most of it is BURNED into my brain from the past few days. Remember, all directions are from my position at the top of the broken stairs.

As you run up the first set of steps with the Sniper dude make sure that all arms are fully loaded (GL especially as mine was empty after restocking!).

At the top of the stairs turn around and get the Sniper to stand on the platform to the left.

Turn back and move forward so that you're looking down out of the Embassy's back quarter at the corner of the adjacent building, as your pilot mate finishes telling that the Apaches' ETA is >3mins three rebels run in from here (in single file LOL) so take them out.

Once those three are down head behind you, through a gap in the wall and left up to the broken stair.

Crouch up here to keep a low profile (don't go prone because 1) it stuffs your aiming up and 2) you need to take cover from armour quickly).

Three rebels will run from an archway at about 1-2 o'clock (just to the right if you're facing directly forward) so plug them.

Two more will approach from the left of the fountain, followed by an APC and then the Abrams.

Grenade the APC, preferably before the infantry can disembark.

You will be covered from the tank at the top of the steps if you keep left.

When you get the option, wreck the Abrams by targetting the front edge that you can just see from where you are.

At this point there will be a lull in enemies and the BH will swoop in to collect the VIP.

Once you've dumped El Importo into the chopper LEG IT back to the broken stairs and be ready for phat incoming.

You may or may not get three guys run in from the direction of the fountain...

...but you WILL get 2-3 dudes run in from behind the nearby buildings to the right closely (very closely) followed by an APC and Abrams.

This is where things get a bit hairy. :g_guns:

If you're quick enough you can take out the infantry and then carefully aim and call a strike on the tank (don't do this too early as the Apaches can go for the APC instead).

Take cover until the tank is wrecked and then GL the APC and help your ghosts mop up any troops nearby.

Call a strike on more armour that will roll in from the fountain and I *think* it's just troops after that until your extraction chopper arrives. I've not managed to survive that long since my HD crash but I think this part of the mission is a very good challenge involving good use of cover, a lot of good timing and a little bit of luck :)

I hope this little guide will help those of you having trouble and at least get your VIP 2s extracted without any problems.

EDIT: Manson_AAN's post is also spot-on!

Edited by Mauler
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This is my 2nd time through the game. 1st time using the 1.10 patch.

After killing 2 ADATs, my team is directed toward the embassy.

I meet helicopter and change my squad's loadout. Helicopter departs.

As I hike towards embassy with squad, Louie says "you're leaving the mission area". Vision gets fuzzy.

Eventually Louie ######'s me and game over.

On tac map, the previous "reach drop point" objective appears red, as though I'd not achieved it (but I did).

Is the game somehow not giving me credit for the objective, therefore preventing me from advancing to the embassy?

I tried re-playing it from chkpt 4, but the same happens.

Any ideas how to fix? Probably only option is to re-play whole mission.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello fellow recons, my problem started with the check point 04 vip 2 is down. I highlight airstrike but can't get anything to happen, I can't find were to go for the reach drop point either, nothing shows on my cross com. I kill everybody in the area and run to all sides were he say's I'm leaveing the mission area and am stuck right here. Any ideas? Thanks :rofl:

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An easier and fun way to win the Embassy part of this mission....

After the Embassy goes......

This mission is fairly easy,.. and great fun if you leave the downed VP in the Embassy, and move your squad immediately to the top of the big monument across the street from the Embassy. You must first go see the body of the VP on the floor of the Embassy to trigger the next part of the mission,... then immediately position your squad around the monument's top. It is OK if the enemy overruns the Embassy,.... after all three tanks are destroyed, it will be easy to retake it.

1. From the monument top, there are 4 main streets approaching it. The Embassy itself is to the northwest from the monument.

A. Once positioned on the monument, pick off as many enemy as possible before arrival of first tank. First tank will come from the road to the NorthEast. It will be preceded by an enemy APC.. Prior to APC and tank arrivals, I move my squad away from that approach. This will keep your squad alive and away from directly confronting the tanks and dying stupidly.

Once you are given your ability to "paint" the tanks for air support,... move in and paint the first tank that will have arrived from the NorthEast St. and then quickly rejoin your squad on opposite side of the monument top.

B. The next tank will approach from the SouthWest street. Position your squad away from this approach at the top, and have them engage other enemy infantry on other sides. You can wait and paint the enemy tank as soon as it appears. Then move away and rejoin your squad.

C. The third tank will approach from the street to the SouthEast. Do the same ambush setup as before...

D. After all three tanks have been destroyed, remain with your squad at the top of monument. You will need to remain there for at least 5 more min. to slowly pick off and kill the last remaining enemy assaults and spawnings near the awaiting helicopter. Don't approach the Embassy until you can no longer find any enemy activity... Then send some squad to clear the path to the helicopter, and then to the Embassy. It is likely that 1 or 2 enemy will remain alive inside the Embassy, with 1 stationed very near the VP's body. This last guy is good at killing AI squad members, so do it yourself. He can easily be killed by sneaking around up the NorthEast street, and getting a shot at him.

E. Get the VP,.. carry him to the awaiting helicopter. Then take the next helicopter, and finish the mission.

I find this method to do the mission as very fun because you are constantly moving yourself and your squad to different positions thru out the mission along the monument's top. I have also completed it from other areas outside of the Embassy. But they all require that you move a great deal in order to survive the tanks. This way, the mission is fairly easy and very much fun... enjoy! :thumbsup:

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Is there supposed to be a mark on my map showing me where the drop point is at or am I supposed to run around pulling my hair out hoping to stumble across it? Can't find drop point or enforce air strike or blow up adat's. Don't know whats going on when I haven't had any problems with the game till now. Please can anybody help me before I get discouraged and throw the game away.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Take all your Ghosts into the Embassy and put them into cover upstairs(facing SE). Take your character and go up and all the way to the right where you can snipe and defend from the low wall. Once the first tank shows (from NE) up lean out to the left so that you can just see the rear 1/4 of the armour. Call in Apache's. Then run down, grab VIP and take him to the chopper. Once you dump him into the chopper you double time it to the large monument. Fairly easy to defend from here and you have a great shot at 2nd armour which comes from the bridge tunnel (SW). Once second armour is down you head to the north west side of the monument. 3rd armour will advance from other side (SE). After it passes, sneak behind it and call the last strike in.

Is the Large Monument in the center of the circle, outside the Embassy? Since you will be by yourself, won't it be easy to kill you up there? What weapons should you take? I used my sniper rifle in the earlier part of the VIP mission. It was great for taking out all the machine gun nests before they could do any damage. For this last part, I am no sure having the sniper rifle gives you a quick enough re-load to stay alive and kill the bad guys. What do you think?

I just want to vent about how unbelievably frustrating the Embassy mission is!!!

Sooooooo want a quick-save option!! I can't remember how many times I've seen the embassy blow up now, but it's not even entertaining any more. I can kill all three tanks and the APC's but by the time the extraction chopper lands I'm on my own, and then suddenly another 10 bad guys spawn out of nowhere, even set on Easy.

I really like this game, a lot. And I've played GR1 since it came out.

I've already destroyed a keyboard in pure frustration, and am getting to the stage where I'm just gonna have to drop this game because it's not good for my health.

A quick save option would make this so much simpler, not easier, but simpler.

I hate having to go over the same bit over and over again, when it's just the bit at the end I want to focus on. I have limited time to play this game, with having a family and a busy job, and checkpoint saves are turning this into a nightmare.

I couldnh't agree with you more. The check points are too far apart, and it really does get boring and frustrating to have to go back so far to get to the end where after waiting 5 minutes, some sucker who wasn't even there before shoots you dead from a huge distance away. When you pay for a game, you pay to be entertained, and it ceases to be entertainment when you literally waste so much time doing the first part over and over again. This is where in a game I go to God mode and get through it. Enough is enough! Unfortunately God mode is impossible, even though it is apparently easy to do on x-box.

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Its not impossible. A week or so ago, someone posted a round about way of doing it (God-Mode). I dont know if that thread is still around or what. I didnt write it down or save it because I didnt plan on doing it.

oh, it could be in the ubi graw forums, like I said I dont remember where I saw it.

Edited by Prolific
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Hi Guys,

After reading all the complaints about the embassy mission ((I'm talking about he last part of VIP2 mission after the embassy gets destroyed) and after several attempts I decided to look in the mission_03.xml file. It'very easy to tell the game to skip a part of the mission and to continue with the next mission.

I don't have the file available at this moment (posting from other PC) but all you have to do is to search for the line that says something like "mission change" and copy it to the end of the "embassy boom" block. If you load the checkpoint where the explosion will occur (shortly after), the mission will end! Sorry for this bad explanation but I'll post a better one if asked for.

P.S. I assume you know how to mod GRAW (the bundle extractor and stuff).

There is a description from another chat site on how to use the bundle extractor to get "god" mode. Do you know how to do that, and do it without crashing the whole game? I would hate to have to reinstall it, and start over from scratch. This part of the VIP mission was not the only hard part of the game up until now.

I just want to vent about how unbelievably frustrating the Embassy mission is!!!

Sooooooo want a quick-save option!! I can't remember how many times I've seen the embassy blow up now, but it's not even entertaining any more. I can kill all three tanks and the APC's but by the time the extraction chopper lands I'm on my own, and then suddenly another 10 bad guys spawn out of nowhere, even set on Easy.

I really like this game, a lot. And I've played GR1 since it came out.

I've already destroyed a keyboard in pure frustration, and am getting to the stage where I'm just gonna have to drop this game because it's not good for my health.

A quick save option would make this so much simpler, not easier, but simpler.

I hate having to go over the same bit over and over again, when it's just the bit at the end I want to focus on. I have limited time to play this game, with having a family and a busy job, and checkpoint saves are turning this into a nightmare.

I agree. There must be something lazy about not having the ability to have quick saves. The check points are spaced too far apart. What the makers of this and other similar games should do is either have quick saves like they used to, or put the check points close to each other. It is rediculous to have to see that embassy blow up a gillion times! It is too bad there are not easy cheats to install so when you get to the frustrating parts, you can go "god" mode and get through it. These game sellers forget that they are selling entertainment, not to just the most elete game players. If only the elete ones bought the game, they would be out of business. It is really a rip off, because they lure you into the game, then ambush you with this embassy bit, to the point of feeling, well that's the end of this game. It takes too long through trial and error, or pure luck to get through it, and there are bullets from somewhere waiting for you even when you think you are finally home free. It is pathetic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I never saw that guy either... If you have low graphics you don't see him so easily. I found him because one of my bots said he spotted an enemy, so when i checked the tactical map i finally knew his position.

It was annoying, like he had a crystal ball and knew exactly where to fire those GL nades or whatever it was. Luckily i'm passed it now, and a second time i'll fly through that mission

Yes, this annoys me too. Even if you slowly peek around the corner, while checking up and down, you still don't see him before he gets the drop (err, grenade) on you. I've played all the GR games with great joy on the hardest difficulty level, but I find GRAW is too much for me.

Gripes order:

1 - The maps are mostly 'corridors' with only 1 maybe 2 possible approches for enemy strongholds. The rest of the streets are oddly blocked off. Trying to flank the enemy even ends the mission ("You're leaving the mission")

2 - Along this covenient corridor, the enemy is ready and waiting in position to kill you. They have Predator-like senses and see you from very far away, often before you can see them, even if you sneak and peek carefully.

3 - Once you've fired a shot and killed a single visible enemy, _all_ other enemies know your exact location, emerge and start firing within 0.3 seconds.

4 - Your teammates are stupid. There's no reasonably sure strategy to keep them alive (OK, having them wait in the corner). I liked the old system better, where you could take personal control over every chararter and all teammates where equal. (Now, if you die, it's all over, so you send your teammates ahead as cannon fodder.)

These points make completing a mission more like a puzzle in stead of warfare.

Maybe I should try a little harder.

Oh well, the sequel to Far Cry is coming out in a year or so....



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey you guys...

I am stuck in the mission where the embassy is being blown away. It is after I destroy the 2 ADAT's.

I am left with only 1 soldier in my team and always as I try to reach where VIP2 is, the general tells me I am leaving the mission area and orders me to get back to mission area.

Any ideas what to do please?

It is said there I should set a security around VIP2 and wait for his extraction by helicopter I think, but how to do that?

I've sent my soldier near the place where the plazza there and set him on "Cover" and I am there as well but nothing happens.

I'd appreciate all your help my friends, thanks a lot!


Topic merged with existing thread.

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as I try to reach where VIP2 is, the general tells me I am leaving the mission area and orders me to get back to mission area.

This is a snag that existed from the beginning in both SP and Co-Op (Co-Op was supposedly fixed with 1.06)...after resupply from helo make your way to the monument and if you encounter the interference of your HUD backtrack quick and pick another route. What you're trying to do is trigger a sequence of events (a voice-over and then the embassy explosion). It's a pain but it's really the only option you have short of selecting a previous save-point.

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