Skii Posted May 17, 2006 Share Posted May 17, 2006 Well I'm just gettin frustrated now. I just can't get past the 4th save point. Its getting to the point where I'm going to give up and wait for a crack because I'm just getting bored now. I've figured out a way to nail the 2 MG emplacements, but the 3rd one at the end of the street ? nah - ain't happening. 3 nights of gameplay and no joy. Don't lose heart. Take a really careful look at the sat view and find an approach that will either allow you angles on an MG nest or the ability to avoid it entirely on your way to an objective. You can often do that in GRAW; not every enemy has to be confronted head-on. If you backtrack a bit and work your way around, I seem to recall you can get an angle on the MGs. I vaguely recall taking out one of them from a corner with a frag without exposing myself to a frontal hail of bullets. Another could be sniped. I may even have avoided the third by finding a way quickly to cross a street some distance away and get past him. Think about where you need to go, not how many enemies you need to destroy. Thanks Bahger I'll give this another try tonight, if at first you don't succeed etc etc Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NoQuarter Posted May 18, 2006 Share Posted May 18, 2006 Hey get this, Allen(sniper), takes out that AGL for me every time... hows that for AI? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahger Posted May 18, 2006 Share Posted May 18, 2006 Hey get this, Allen(sniper), takes out that AGL for me every time... hows that for AI? AGL? Not familiar with the acronym. If you are referring to the RPG guy, where do you place Allen to take him down? Allen is good with that sniper rifle, much better than I am. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Forrester Posted May 18, 2006 Share Posted May 18, 2006 yeah that guy is pretty surgical with the GL. took me 3 or 4 times before i realized what was happening. that's one of my favorite missions though. ← likewise.. Here's some low-res texture screenies for those that couldn't get what I was talking about. He Manji what did you do to get the tactical map in color lmao, if your crying now, just wait untill you get to the embassy... oh me my ← Key to the embasy for me was to hold the high ground. you mean the main square? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SBT_CrunchyFrog Posted May 19, 2006 Share Posted May 19, 2006 I finnaly made it to the embassy. I had to restart to do it though. The only thing I did differently this time was to use the airstrike to take out the apc as well as the AA. Once I did that I had no trouble getting to the statue and then to the embassy. Don't have too much time now to play so I will have to defend it later. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstar Posted May 20, 2006 Share Posted May 20, 2006 I just want to vent about how unbelievably frustrating the Embassy mission is!!! Sooooooo want a quick-save option!! I can't remember how many times I've seen the embassy blow up now, but it's not even entertaining any more. I can kill all three tanks and the APC's but by the time the extraction chopper lands I'm on my own, and then suddenly another 10 bad guys spawn out of nowhere, even set on Easy. I really like this game, a lot. And I've played GR1 since it came out. I've already destroyed a keyboard in pure frustration, and am getting to the stage where I'm just gonna have to drop this game because it's not good for my health. A quick save option would make this so much simpler, not easier, but simpler. I hate having to go over the same bit over and over again, when it's just the bit at the end I want to focus on. I have limited time to play this game, with having a family and a busy job, and checkpoint saves are turning this into a nightmare. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stormin Posted May 20, 2006 Share Posted May 20, 2006 (edited) I just want to vent about how unbelievably frustrating the Embassy mission is!!! Sooooooo want a quick-save option!! I can't remember how many times I've seen the embassy blow up now, but it's not even entertaining any more. I can kill all three tanks and the APC's but by the time the extraction chopper lands I'm on my own, and then suddenly another 10 bad guys spawn out of nowhere, even set on Easy. I really like this game, a lot. And I've played GR1 since it came out. I've already destroyed a keyboard in pure frustration, and am getting to the stage where I'm just gonna have to drop this game because it's not good for my health. A quick save option would make this so much simpler, not easier, but simpler. I hate having to go over the same bit over and over again, when it's just the bit at the end I want to focus on. I have limited time to play this game, with having a family and a busy job, and checkpoint saves are turning this into a nightmare. I totally agree with this one... Though, I haven't destroyed a keyboard yet... All I have is a sniper at this point... Looks like I'll have to start this part over and get rid of the sniper and go a bit bit slower to save my team lives... Edited May 20, 2006 by Stormin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manson_AAN Posted May 20, 2006 Share Posted May 20, 2006 ^ really? I found this mission pretty easy once I got past the RPG after the ambush in the beginning, defending the embassy was the best part, and the tanks are pretty easy too, just camp your guys in behind the embassy gates giving them cover to run behind when a tank comes, afterwards cover just the front and the left side, and it should be all easy, I have guys on default weaps, I used the SCAR L with front grip. and yeah was one of the best missions Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skii Posted May 20, 2006 Share Posted May 20, 2006 I just want to vent about how unbelievably frustrating the Embassy mission is!!! Sooooooo want a quick-save option!! I can't remember how many times I've seen the embassy blow up now, but it's not even entertaining any more. I can kill all three tanks and the APC's but by the time the extraction chopper lands I'm on my own, and then suddenly another 10 bad guys spawn out of nowhere, even set on Easy. I really like this game, a lot. And I've played GR1 since it came out. I've already destroyed a keyboard in pure frustration, and am getting to the stage where I'm just gonna have to drop this game because it's not good for my health. A quick save option would make this so much simpler, not easier, but simpler. I hate having to go over the same bit over and over again, when it's just the bit at the end I want to focus on. I have limited time to play this game, with having a family and a busy job, and checkpoint saves are turning this into a nightmare. I totally agree with this one... Though, I haven't destroyed a keyboard yet... All I have is a sniper at this point... Looks like I'll have to start this part over and get rid of the sniper and go a bit bit slower to save my team lives... I FINALLY cracked this mission last night, having spent 4 nights of gameplay trying to get from save point 4 to save point 5. The only way I was able to get through the embassy seige was to stay a mobile as possible after dropping the VIP into the blackhawk. After this I kept my sniper in the embassy ruins, and hot-footed it to the central monument with my (now heavily wounded SAW gunner) The monument gives you a hell of a lot of cover from any direction the bullets start flying from, and the very second a tank appears you need to call in the Apache (would be nice if they stuck around) and keep clearing each side of the monument the moment you get the incoming bullets warning. Horrible horrible mission. Very frustrating and almost a stopping point for me - see earlier post. John Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Degamer Posted May 20, 2006 Share Posted May 20, 2006 Was I the only one that didn't have trouble with the RPG guy? I don't think I ever encountered him, or I shot him before I saw he had an RPG. If it wasn't for this thread I wouldn't have known he was there. Try sticking to the leftmost alleyways, it is covered by a HMG nest at the end, but there is a lot fo cover and its easily delt with using a GL or sniper rifle. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeeWee678 Posted May 21, 2006 Share Posted May 21, 2006 (edited) Hi Guys, After reading all the complaints about the embassy mission ((I'm talking about he last part of VIP2 mission after the embassy gets destroyed) and after several attempts I decided to look in the mission_03.xml file. It'very easy to tell the game to skip a part of the mission and to continue with the next mission. I don't have the file available at this moment (posting from other PC) but all you have to do is to search for the line that says something like "mission change" and copy it to the end of the "embassy boom" block. If you load the checkpoint where the explosion will occur (shortly after), the mission will end! Sorry for this bad explanation but I'll post a better one if asked for. P.S. I assume you know how to mod GRAW (the bundle extractor and stuff). Edited May 21, 2006 by PeeWee678 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstar Posted May 21, 2006 Share Posted May 21, 2006 PeeWee, if you could post details, that would be great. I have the bundle extractor. Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeeWee678 Posted May 21, 2006 Share Posted May 21, 2006 (edited) PeeWee, if you could post details, that would be great. I have the bundle extractor. Thanks No problem: first search in mission03.xml the following line of code: <element type="ChangeMission" path="/levels/mission04/mission04" level_number="3" start_time="30.0"/> Copy this line to your clipboard. Now find the following lines of code (in the enter_embassy_boom event block): <!-- <element type="TriggerEvent" event="go_tank01" start_time="21.0"/> --> <!-- <element type="TriggerEvent" event="go_panhard_embassy_a01" start_time="23.0"/> --> </event> Now paste the contents of your clipboard between these lines just before the </event> tag (last line of this piece of code). That's it. I also tried something else: inserting more savepoints. That works too! Just insert the following pice of code: <element type="SaveGame" name="check_point77" start_time="1.0"/> just before the end of one of those eventblocks (the "77" is just a unique number (not used in the rest of the .xml file). This works perfect! Edited May 21, 2006 by PeeWee678 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstar Posted May 21, 2006 Share Posted May 21, 2006 Thanks very much for this. So once I've extracted the Mission 3 data to an XML file using Nemon's unbundler, then made the changes, how do I get the changes back into the main bundle file again? Thanks Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeeWee678 Posted May 21, 2006 Share Posted May 21, 2006 (edited) Thanks very much for this. So once I've extracted the Mission 3 data to an XML file using Nemon's unbundler, then made the changes, how do I get the changes back into the main bundle file again? Thanks You don't because you don't have to. GRAW will read every changed xml-file in it's DATA directory (I assume you know where to put the unpacked files) when you start it up (instead of the code in the bundle). The only two things you have to be sure off are: 1. for every xml file there's an already compiled .bin file (same name, other extension). You have to delete that one. 2. change all "false" values in the last line of the file "context.xml" to "true" Elsewhere on the forum this is all explained earlier so please have a look over there if my info is hard to understand (it's a bit hard to explain these things in English for me and besides I'm writing this on another PC than the one GRAW is installed to). Edited May 21, 2006 by PeeWee678 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GDeath2006 Posted May 23, 2006 Share Posted May 23, 2006 I just took a break from VIP2 is Down, after several hours, to chime in about how infuriatingly insulting it is to not put a save point after loading VIP2 into the chopper. Really, it is insulting to the player base. It is, simply, a waste of our time. A game is supposed to be enjoyable and rewarding. Granted, I got to the embassy with only one ghost left... but I've managed to get all the way through till the last, pointless onslaught of baddies that seem strangely super human compared to any of the other baddies that have been in the game so far. I've even managed (after zillions of trial and error efforts) to keep my one guy alive all the way though blowing all the tanks and apcs with the apache... But somehow, at the very end, the remaining guys just get outlandishly super-human. It's one of those things where for the developers, after play testing for a few months, of course have no problem completing something like this. For the rest of us, it is, again, just a total waste of our time that leads to wanting to send the game box full of Dog **** directly back from whence it came... and I am talking about the Devs, not the retailer. To be clear, I am not learning anything by simply being taken, out of the blue, into impossible land... I realize that somehow, after wasting another several hours at this I'll get randomly lucky and kill the last super human baddy and get in the chopper... but will I feel a sudden reward? Of course not. No one does. The only thought in my mind will be "what a bunch of ass *****." I realize that there will be tons of flames telling me that I should really forfeit the rest of my life and just focus on important things, like GRAW, but this is just silly... I understand from people who have WASTED ENOUGH TIME TO GET THROUGH THIS LEVEL that the rest of the game is considerably easier and more enjoyable. Indeed, the first part of the game was challenging, but FUN... This is really not fun. Nice work, guys. Phew... Now I can get back to finishing the level. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aggressor Posted May 23, 2006 Share Posted May 23, 2006 I just took a break from VIP2 is Down, after several hours, to chime in about how infuriatingly insulting it is to not put a save point after loading VIP2 into the chopper. Really, it is insulting to the player base. It is, simply, a waste of our time. A game is supposed to be enjoyable and rewarding. Granted, I got to the embassy with only one ghost left... but I've managed to get all the way through till the last, pointless onslaught of baddies that seem strangely super human compared to any of the other baddies that have been in the game so far. I've even managed (after zillions of trial and error efforts) to keep my one guy alive all the way though blowing all the tanks and apcs with the apache... But somehow, at the very end, the remaining guys just get outlandishly super-human. It's one of those things where for the developers, after play testing for a few months, of course have no problem completing something like this. For the rest of us, it is, again, just a total waste of our time that leads to wanting to send the game box full of Dog **** directly back from whence it came... and I am talking about the Devs, not the retailer. To be clear, I am not learning anything by simply being taken, out of the blue, into impossible land... I realize that somehow, after wasting another several hours at this I'll get randomly lucky and kill the last super human baddy and get in the chopper... but will I feel a sudden reward? Of course not. No one does. The only thought in my mind will be "what a bunch of ass *****." I realize that there will be tons of flames telling me that I should really forfeit the rest of my life and just focus on important things, like GRAW, but this is just silly... I understand from people who have WASTED ENOUGH TIME TO GET THROUGH THIS LEVEL that the rest of the game is considerably easier and more enjoyable. Indeed, the first part of the game was challenging, but FUN... This is really not fun. Nice work, guys. Phew... Now I can get back to finishing the level. At least you've made it that far I still need to get to the rally point. I take out the jeep and the grenade launching dude with no problems, but the friendly AI leave something to be desired (I have this thing about keeping them all alive). Quicksaves would definitely be nice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Recon Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 I know, i know. I have never used a godmode cheat before and i'm ashamed. I just need to get through this final stretch of VIP 2 Down, and the reason is that i've found myself not playing the game for a week now - just because that mission. I want to enjoy the game again, and to do that i need to pass that mission. Is there a god mode cheat? Don't flame me, i feel bad as it is... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteelHack Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 I know, i know. I have never used a godmode cheat before and i'm ashamed. I just need to get through this final stretch of VIP 2 Down, and the reason is that i've found myself not playing the game for a week now - just because that mission. I want to enjoy the game again, and to do that i need to pass that mission. Is there a god mode cheat? Don't flame me, i feel bad as it is... Take the AI....and if its the one I think it is....put your head down..and call in some air strikes. ( not sure if I am thinking of the right mission....gonna fire it up now and check) HACK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samurai Recon Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 Believe me, i've tried it ALL. 38 times. Every other mission leading up to that one was a breeze and i almost never lost a fellow ghost on Normal settings. Defending the VIP at the embassey is a mission from HELL. I need Godmode before i go insane. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wardog1368 Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 (edited) Trust the AI? That's what makes me restart because one of my AI will take a dumb path to ge to their cover fire position. Then they die and bam gotta redo the whole thing. Edited May 26, 2006 by =TOL=Wardog1368 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 VIP2 is indeed tricky, the end is just frustrating. You just have to know where to stand to avoid getting nuked by one of those tanks. Had to play that part a couple of times till i got LUCKY .. and survived. Perhaps this helps: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mopap Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 Believe me, i've tried it ALL. 38 times. If u can keep ur ghosts alive (at least one!) by moving them behind cover, u can make it. I did that & stayed behind the broken staircase on the 1st floor of the embassy, popping out to call in the apache. The tanks are the problem, once you eliminate those, the AI will do ok against the soldiers. They stink for taking cover when tanks are firing on them however. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SteelHack Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 I must be one of the lucky ones then...I played it two times before success..... The first time I got took out right away from my left I had no idea what was about to go down.....the second time....I just put my AI in there with me...I stood over the VIP...ducked behind that rock...called in my air strikes...fired the occasional shot...carried the VIP to his chopper....ran back to the same spot...repeated....then got on my flight out...with only a few scratches to my AI. I really dont know what to tell you.... HACK Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colin Posted May 26, 2006 Share Posted May 26, 2006 Some advice. It can be annoying how a Swedish Dev Team can wind so many people up with one mission, I suspect sometimes that may have been the plan. If you are in this mission too long walk away for an hour and come back to it, this does work for me, and especially on that mission. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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