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Any smart people figured out the filetypes yet?

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Any smart people figured out the file formats being used by GR:AW.

I see there are the usual BIK files for the movies, but there's some stuff I dont recognise...

.bundle (main game files, probably some sort of compressed format)

.bank (some sort of audio format)

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I looked into it as well, tried opening that bundle with winrar and other programs like that. Googled it, but nothing :) That's the file with the maps and probably most interesting files in it :D

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Any smart people figured out the file formats being used by GR:AW.

I see there are the usual BIK files for the movies, but there's some stuff I dont recognise...

.bundle (main game files, probably some sort of compressed format)

.bank (some sort of audio format)

I am pretty sure that .bundle and .bank are specific files for the GRAW engine. I have never seen these before and I am a config-file tweaking freak :)

I would love to get into the HUD files and remove the multiplayer talk window :D

;) Mike

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