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GRNET Staff see GR:AW in the flesh!

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Does anyone else besides me think that Colin looks like Mr. Bean????  :huh:




lmfao thats funny

but i want to ask one question and one question only,

when will you be able to share your valuble information of this preview colin

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Strangely enough i feel kind of worse off on hearing news of the big game test and iminent report.

As someone said earlyer now we have to agonise that we can't hear any details of it and probably have to wait ages for it to be compiled then longer while it languishes on a UBI desk waiting for clearnace.

The ZJJ report is so long overdue now that even if it does come out it will be out dated to the point of not even being relevant.

I hope you guys don't sucumb to 'isider-itus' and spend the next month telling us that 'gee we'd really like to tell you what we saw but it hasn't got clearace yet, why don't you just trust me that we had a great time with it'.

I think we'd all rather read a miss spelled, crappy grammarized rough draft now than a polished account a week from release date.

Sorry to sound so down but . . . ah hell you surely get why by now.

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4 Hours  :)  :wub:  :drool:

Colin I was looking through this thread again, I just noticed that you played for 4 hours?!?! If you guys played GR:AW that long, it must be good. I hope you played some co-op while you were at it. Please hurry up with that report. Don't wait on UBIRazz and ZeroAlpha.

It would be nice to read the reports from all three perspectives.


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Colin and ZeroAlpha thanks for doing this for all the GR fans. I'm not expecting a report anytime soon, because they usually take forever to be typed up and cleared, but I appreciate all the things you guys have done for the community. I can't wait to hear more about it! Now, give us some fricken info ASAP! :rocky:

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Sorry for this post,  I am totally excited about GR:AW, just disgusted with UBI marketing.

Let's remember it is thanks to Ubisoft that we got this fairly unique opportunity :thumbsup:

Rocky I have the upmost respect for GR.net so I'm not trying to pick a fight.

but ...

If someone starves a man of food and then after 5 days gives the guy a piece of bread, should the guy be grateful? Obviously this is just a game and marketing I am talking about here, but you get the idea. Yes, UBI produces my favorite (GR) and soon to be favorite (GR:AW) games, yes they hired GRIN to make GR:AW, yes I will actually (probably) be playing GR:AW sooner than later ....

but ...

I still think the entire way they have gone about things concerning the hype and the marketing of GR:AW sucks. Thats all, just my opinion.

This is in comparison to the way and the methods they use to hype the same product on a different platform, so its not like this is their SOP for every product, They have shown they actually are capable of mounting an effective "hype" campaign. Just not with this product.

I am infinetely more grateful to BoGrins' responses to the forum goers of this fansite, and him making himself available to these events for us, than I am for UBI "allowing it".

Again with the imminent release of GR:AW, I am sorry for these "sour grapes" type comments, I am just reflecting my level of frustation with the entire 4 year process of waiting for another "GR". Sorry.

Edited by *CDN* 12Gauge
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Sorry for this post,  I am totally excited about GR:AW, just disgusted with UBI marketing.

Let's remember it is thanks to Ubisoft that we got this fairly unique opportunity :thumbsup:

Rocky I have the upmost respect for GR.net so I'm not trying to pick a fight.

but ...

If someone starves a man of food and then after 5 days gives the guy a piece of bread, should the guy be grateful? Obviously this is just a game and marketing I am talking about here, but you get the idea. Yes, UBI produces my favorite (GR) and soon to be favorite (GR:AW) games, yes they hired GRIN to make GR:AW, yes I will actually (probably) be playing GR:AW sooner than later ....

but ...

I still think the entire way they have gone about things concerning the hype and the marketing of GR:AW sucks. Thats all, just my opinion.

This is in comparison to the way and the methods they use to hype the same product on a different platform, so its not like this is their SOP for every product, They have shown they actually are capable of mounting an effective "hype" campaign. Just not with this product.

I am infinetely more grateful to BoGrins' responses to the forum goers of this fansite, and him making himself available to these events for us, than I am for UBI "allowing it".

Again with the imminent release of GR:AW, I am sorry for these "sour grapes" type comments, I am just reflecting my level of frustation with the entire 4 year process of waiting for another "GR". Sorry.

i'm with you on this 12Gauge, it is so hard to forget getting the shaft the last time, I'm also a little ###### that we are not getting any answers on MP or the Demo. The game is coming out soon, what is the big deal if you tell us about some MP options. I love how Bo is answering our questions, but I wish he would just answer more. how about it Bo, why can you not divulge anymore informatioin about the MP or DEMO???????????

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Because he can't.  Plain and simple.


Tom Cruise has a movie coming out in may, he answers all types of questions about the movies, trailors come out, so we get excited about movies. I do not see what the big deal if he answers some questions about MP.


Bo, is there going to be 32 or 64 players on a map.

Bo: Answer, there will be 32.

Wow, I really dont think other game companies are going to want to "copy" that and incorporate in their games and releash it before GRAW comes out.

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