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What Addons To Buy?


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I need some suggestions regarding what VSB1 addons to buy initially... I know the FAQ says that:

· Australian Defense Forces 1

· Terrain Packs

· OPFOR Pack 1

· Special Forces Pack

...are among the most popular or played in multi-player; but the FAQ is old with some of it's facts clearly out of date, and the suggested Addons raise some questions like:

· Which Terrain Pack(s)? All of them?

· Do that many VSB1 Fans really play ADF scenarios?

· Has popularity of the various Addons changed?

· Are Addons unavailable when the FAQ was written popular now?

Though I'm willing to spend more, initially I'd like to make a something of a more minimal commitment that will let me join VSB1 games that doesn't leave me just $50 short of saying 'what the heck!' and splurging and buying every VSB1 Pack, Module and Addon in the full boat DVD Suite...

What are most people playing today?


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Short answer? Buy all of them... :hehe:

There are still lots of missions kicking around with a majority of ADF1 and 2 content in them, especially desert missions, but missions are slowly being either altered or made from scratch to use Army1. Many of the missions using ADF packs may or may not be ADF "related" or based, they may just be using vehicles or weapons from the packs, so keep that in mind. Things like that are easily altered with unPBO tools and the "replace" function in notepad, though. :shifty:

In all honesty, the USMC1 pack is almost a non-entity, but in order to use the Javelin you may have to have it for some missions. I could be wrong there, though.

There aren't a bunch of TP3 missions out yet, but that could change very soon.

If you want the full experience, get all of it, but I'd say Terrains 1 and 2, SF, Army and OPFOR are probably your key ones at this point.

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