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16 New GRAW Screens


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Looking at screens is not always a good way to get the feel of the game itself.

These screens are nice, but I have some Q.

Couple Questions.

1. What stage of Game Development are these screens from.

2. So far I have not seen any activety by the civil population on any of the screens, why is that.??

3. They are screens form the SP aspect of the Game.??

I do like the screens, but I must admit, and this is not going to go too well, Im not totally convinced at what Im looking at.

To be sure of this game I think I will need a Demo, or waite until the game is released.

This is the problem with screens shots and always has been, they never give a true look,feel for the actual game itself.

Grin Thanks for sharing your work, looks good.



When you give feed back on these new screens please try and be constructive.

Any none constructive/or down right negative/inflamed post will end up you know where.

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Looking at screens is not always a good way to get the feel of the game itself.

These screens are nice

This is the problem with screens shots and always has been, they never give a true look,feel for the actual game itself.

I agree with your view on the screens, as I'm sure most will. I think a video with some in game footage would answer a lot of questions. I wish they would release a video.

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I love the fact that 16 screens have been released. My impressions are -

- I really like the maps that are shown in the SS. It seems that we will have some genuine GR-type gameplay.

- The red and green diamonds are still present. I don't like it at all. Can anyone clarify whether this feature can be turned off ?

- Can we have a screen showing 'aiming using optical sight', a night screen and a very high resolution one ?

- The city seems very detailed and diverse.

- It is good to see quite a few enemies on the screens and I generally like the feel that the screens are portraying.

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Looking at screens is not always a good way to get the feel of the game itself.

To be sure of this game I think I will need a Demo, or waite until the game is released.

This is the problem with screens shots and always has been, they never give a true look,feel for the actual game itself.

I was thinking the exact same thing when I was looking at the screens, imagining people comparing it to GR:AW 360 screens. Until you see it in motion, there's really no way to know what it will look like iun motion.

Sure, the stills for the 360 are a little smoother, prettier, and a touch more realistic looking in some regards. The thing is, I don't care because when I look at the terrain, I think the terrain in the PC shots is going to provide a more interesting and demanding game, and, thus, a more entertaining game.

I have no 360-envy.


Edited by Logos
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I think these look better than what we have seen upto now.. The lighting looks quite good especially.




Texutres look a bit crappy on the last one, but I guess we wont really be conentrating on them when we are in the game :o= ...

this game has a unique look!

Edited by whoa182
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