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New team forming


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We are proud to announce the formation of West Coast Tactical, a (so far) small team based in the US Pacific time zone, primarily in California.

Founding members:

ADuke (known as standalone 'round these parts)

JPhegley (not known 'round these parts)


WP33 (widely ridiculed 'round these parts <_< )

We will welcome any interest or questions regarding West Coast Tactical. Feel free to post here or PM any of us and we'll respond ASAP. :D

Edited by WP33
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We are proud to announce the formation of West Coast Tactical, a (so far) small team based in the US Pacific time zone, primarily in California. 

Founding members:

ADuke (known as standalone 'round these parts)

JPhegley (not known 'round these parts)


WP33 (widely ridiculed 'round these parts  <_<  )

We will welcome any interest or questions regarding West Coast Tactical.  Feel free to post here or PM any of us and we'll respond ASAP.  :D

Standalone, sounding off.... HOOAH!


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Congrats WP. Would absolutely love to get in some games with everyone but my VBS is so hopelessly outdated now and many of the files I need seem to not be available.

Maybe sometime I can get things sorted and start playin again.

SC, if there are some unofficial addons you think you might need, I can probably burn stuff to a CD for you and mail, if you're still on dial up. For official stuff not available on the VBS site right now, you may want to get in contact with Gordo.

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Congrats WP. Would absolutely love to get in some games with everyone but my VBS is so hopelessly outdated now and many of the files I need seem to not be available.

Maybe sometime I can get things sorted and start playin again.

SC send me a PM of what you need mate or what you think ur missing I can sort you out mate- be good to get online with ya again mate.

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