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JFK Shooting video stabilized


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I dont think you will see the government release anything remotely near the truth even at that stage.

Lots of links and pictures:


Download Documentary - very informative indeed <<

Very Good Documentary to order

There was a TV documentary that was on the aniversary about the truth ... but it was pure dis-info rubbish that stated it was a lone gunman, and ... you realy have to be a brain dead monkey to still believe that "piffle".

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I dont think you will see the government release anything remotely near the truth even at that stage.

Lots of links and pictures:


Download Documentary - very informative indeed <<

Very Good Documentary to order

There was a TV documentary that was on the aniversary about the truth ... but it was pure dis-info rubbish that stated it was a lone gunman, and ... you realy have to be a brain dead monkey to still believe that "piffle".

Yeh, that last shot was (for me) obviously from the front, right of JFK. The way the blood sprays and his head snapped back on impact...and so on and so forth.

Anyway, I agree with that comment on the site though. This really doesn't show us anything new.

Discovery channel had an 'Unsolved History' show about the JFK assasination. Pretty cool stuff, especially about the 'grassy knoll'.


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Its not supposed to show anything "new" I mean it speaks for itself shaky cam or not ... it wasnt 1 man that did it, it wasnt what the official line tells you/us to this very day, its not what history books and school books tell kids to this very day.

Its a lie and thats not very good ... basicly.

That footage is just a clearer version of the obvious ... but clearer none the less.

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if it was a cover up i dunno....

but from the videos iv seen it looks like his skull was cracked right along the Coronal Suture

Bullet physics are tricky and from what I know can not be determined 100% by a video. Things like Muscles twitching or the car accelerating could come into play on how the president head snaps to a direction.

Without the propper biopsy the facts are surely lost by now.

W/E happened atleast he didnt suffer long.

Well probly never get the facts.

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I dont think you will see the government release anything remotely near the truth even at that stage.

Lots of links and pictures:


Download Documentary - very informative indeed <<

Very Good Documentary to order

There was a TV documentary that was on the aniversary about the truth ... but it was pure dis-info rubbish that stated it was a lone gunman, and ... you realy have to be a brain dead monkey to still believe that "piffle".

Ah cool, I wanted to do more reading on this, you saved me from some googling - cheers!

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Oh yeh forgot to say that JFK site has a mint MOV version of the stabilised footage. Thats where I originaly got it.

Deffo watch that documentary some good leads indeed. Alot to back it up too with the links from the documentary.

I'm watching a lot of clips from http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com at the moment, I wouldn't mind a look at the video documentary they produced, but it's a bit pricey. They say the Giancana family were involved (hey, what weren't they involved in?).

I read a truly awesome book about Sam Giancana on holiday once, I have read it twice actually.

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I did some more research, that remastered and stabalised footage is..... SEVEN years old!

You can buy the full DVD from here, it is a terrific factual documentary detailing the life eof that film. Highly recommended (hire probably, not buy).

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What about that missing splice from the Zapgruder film that shows the road sign being penetrated by an additional round? This alone shreds the idea of a single gunman.

This was obtained from the Japan copy of the film that was unspliced.

This road sign was later removed by persons unknown and has disappeared.

Hmm, link me up big guy. The official line about the missing frames is that some were damaged by the firm entrusted with the initial copying process, and too avoid embarisment (I guess), they removed them.

"Japan copy" and shot road sign, sound very conspiracy-like.......? There was no official Japan copy AFAIK....

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The information was published in an interview with Jim Marrs on a radio broadcast. You will see it specifically mentioned in the summary, with also the allegation that the dimensions for Dealey Plaza were altered by the Warren Comission to throw off reenactments and computer models.


Beware, I could find no other reference to this, so it could be a load of malarkey! :ph34r:

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