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BlakOps Vehicle Mod- question


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I know this may sound like a stupid question but I was wondering how do you use the vehicles in the BlakOps-US Vehicles pack? Ive tried to use them but it doesnt work-can you even use them at all? Well hope ya get my message. Any help would be appreciated- Thx

Like your whole idea about the mod- Thanks for contributing to the community Blakarion :D

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As Jay said (thanx man for helping him) the Mod is the Models and Vehicle stats for use by the Modding Community, to be included into anyones mods that s looking for a expanded selection of Vehicles.

There are two ways u can user the Mod -

1st) Make it a stipulation of using your own Mod that Blakops Opfor/US Vehicles (whichever your using) Vehcile Pack Mod is added into the Options/Mods selector so the missions wont crash ;)


2nd) Copy across from the Vehicle Pack, the Models and other files required with them (see the Vehicle Pack Readme file for which ones are needed for each vehicle). Ive already given permission for people to do this, just remember to mention where the Vehicles came from in your own Mods Read Me file. :thumbsup:

In either case the Scripter would have to select the Vehciels during him/her building a mission in Igor.

If u just wanna have a look at them in-game, then there is a Mission bundled with the Vehicle Pack that is basically a big car-sales lot, where u can runa round and see them in-game. :devil:

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Guess Igor is not for Mac. I did some reasearch and found that it is indeed not for mac. Im just gunna have to find another way to script on Mac.

The folks who ported GR to the MacOS did not port IGOR. Basically, you are stuck with text editing, if you use a Mac.

Sorry. <_<

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Well, Thanks for your help and support guys :) One more question before i wander off to do something else- can you actually drive any of the vehicle yourself in Ghost Recon instead of being driven by the AI in the game? Sure would be nice to hop into a truck with a couple of your mates and storm a enemy base :lol:

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Yes and No :rofl:

The Player can not drive a vehicle normaly (I remember something in a mod that was a way around it but it never really took off in the Community - damn my picled brain, I cant quite remeber the Mods name - less drink for me - naaa ;) ) Im sure someone else will come up with the name :thumbsup:

However, u can be in a vehicle that the AI drives (see the trucks/APC's in the BlakOps Packs) and if set up correctly can fire from them also (again, if memory works (through the wine/beer etc) that would be the "shotgun" versions of my vehicles - so a Zil truck in OpFor Pack and the Truck, Hummer and UH-60L from my US Pack. They may be others - check the read me file in each for info.

So u could start in a truck and storm a base/town, firing from the back and then dismount to take the fight futher :devil:

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I think i found the mod you were talking about Blakarion. It's name is HX4 Fort Chaos and in the info about the mod said that it allows you to exit/shoot/ride re-enter vehicles. Sounds interesting so ill check it out :devil: . Heres the link so you can see yourself ---> http://www.damnr6.com/macmods/grtotalconversion.shtml#DAMN R6 It should be on the page.

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