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I need some good ideas for pranks


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1: Freeze a can of shaving cream, and put it in the professors desk.

2: Sneak into the staff bathroom and put saran wrap on the toiet bowls under the seats

3: Toilet paper the lecture hall

4: Whoopee cusion

Theres some basic ideas, just get creative, thats all.

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Get that soundbyte from that last StarWars movie, where the Palpatine calls for Darth Vader to rise.

That soundbytes reverberates.

Anyhoo, call lets say John...

Caller: John?

John: Yes

Caller: RISE while playing that soundbyte...then hang up...hope your on a private line or he doesn't have caller ID

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In junior high school, we used to play the "######" game ... a bunch of us took turns somehow slipping in the word "######" ... for example, "Mrs. Robsinson, can you ###### repeat the answer to that?" ... the catch was that the next person had to say it louder.

It drove the teacher nuts.

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As my friends did to our science teacher :

If they leave a suitcase or bag on a table while in lesson, put a breeze block (heavy brick) inside.

Then when they leave class .... Stretch Armstong time.

I kid you not ... the year below us did that. Then again the also drove that teacher to a breakdown ... so ummm, well ... maybe not.

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If he/she drinks regular coffee, replace with decaf and after a week, replace with ground cappuccino.
:devil: Will do.

If they leave a suitcase or bag on a table while in lesson, put a breeze block (heavy brick) inside.

Then when they leave class ....  Stretch Armstong time.

Since one of my professors already complains about how heavy his laptop bag is (he also carries a digital projector in it) and I'm in geology and surrounded by rocks, this could be good (and easy).

Keep the suggestions coming. I've got another three semesters to go before I graduate.

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If you have access to the room at night, rearrange things significantly but not dramatically. For instance, if his/her desk is on a left corner, put it on the right corner. If on the south side, move EVERYTHING in the room so it is opposite. For this to work, the ENTIRE class must be in on it - not necessairly assist in the room rearranging - but they must act like everything is normal.

I would give it a month before he/she checks herself in for early signs of alzheimers.

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Am I glad I don't teach you....
Why? Because I think bothering people is fun? You already knew that. :D

If you have access to the room at night, rearrange things significantly but not dramatically.
I don't have access late at night, but I usually can get into rooms after the two geology professors have gone home for the day. But the janitors are usually still around then. So if I did anything big I'd have to be quiet.

Unfortunately none of the tables will move, including the one the teacher uses (they don't have desks, just a taller table). They all have electrical outlets on them so they're attached to the floor somehow.

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That's cool man ... you're gonna let some nuts, bolts, high voltage, and a couple custodial engineers get in the way of a good prank, that's just fine.

Ok ... here's something a little more tame then. Go buy 3 hamsters. Mark one with the number "1" ... another "2" and the last "4" ... then let them lose.

It'll take em forever to find #3.

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That's cool man ... you're gonna let some nuts, bolts, high voltage, and a couple custodial engineers get in the way of a good prank, that's just fine.

Ok ... here's something a little more tame then.  Go buy 3 hamsters.  Mark one with the number "1" ... another "2" and the last "4" ... then let them lose.

It'll take em forever to find #3.

I've heard of this one. I might do it.
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