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Theory or fact ... hmmm. Have a look and see >>

Sorry, too graphic for this forum. Although we have a Real World Military forum and it produces a lot of good reading, please try and remember the purpose of this forum and think about what might be deemed unsuitable. Link removed.

Edited by Rocky
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to politcal, war is blody and when you get rebels and civilians together you get casualties on both sides.

This is what happens, it only shocks people because this is one of the first times you see some of this stuff on film.

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I think that video is extremely graphic and inappropriate for this forum, not to mention its very obvious political nature.


"War is the continuation of policy by other means."

- Karl von Clausewitz

****emphasis mine****

Stout Hearts


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"War is the continuation of policy by other means."

- Karl von Clausewitz

****emphasis mine****

Stout Hearts


Actually it's politics not policy...


Actually I know that but the site I pulled the quote from had policy. Probably a translation thing but at the root policy and politics can and often are the same thing.

Stout Hearts


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