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VBS1 Game On


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Hi there T_1.

I noticed you are often leaving messages here when you want to play. But have you ever tried Daddl's server query?

An online version can be viewed here.

You can also download a program that runs on your computer, get it from here (click on the lower left "DSSQ section").

That way you can see if others are playing on other servers. I have seen you play on your own (Pave's server) while SES server, french connection or XDF servers were filled with couple of people. "RE" and "chag" are playing also (if I check there MSN messages) but I think they have private serverĀ  :(

All this offcourse only if you want to play with others than GR.net peopleĀ  :unsure:

Maybe see you around some time.

Yea, I've tried daddl's query, however it either can't connect to the servers, or the show empty. I do check the other servers they're in my hosts.txt file but are more often than not empty.

RE and CSHAG are out of sync with me so to speak.

This week's a write off for me at the moment, with Saturday being the first chance I get to do some VBS'ing.



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