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How to make gametypes


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i wanted to script new gametypes for my campaign but i don't know how to make it!

can somebody help me!

I want to have this gametype: a mix between recon and firefight

1st objective: kill all enemies

2nd objective: get to extraction

Greets, Stalker

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Just a quick thought. Although the missions would still be considered missions in the selection, you could just make the objectives as you want in the script. I.E.- First objective complet when all enemy units dead, second complete when extration zone reached. This is probably the most obvious answer, so you probably already saw this- oh well I tried.

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A quick question. If you've already completed Objective 1: Kill all enemies then what will remain to stop you completing Objective 2: Get to extraction? Are you thinking of spawning a new set of enemies to try and stop you reaching the extract point or instead give a time limit for reaching there?

If it's the second option then that could certainly lead to an interesting mission to clear a building of hostiles, rescue the prisoners / get the intel and then get out before the demo charges go up / shelling starts.

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If it's the second option then that could certainly lead to an interesting mission to clear a building of hostiles, rescue the prisoners / get the intel and then get out before the demo charges go up / shelling starts.

I like the sound of that...

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Me too - that's why I thought I'd ask if that was what Stalker had in mind. The idea of getting to an extract point before shelling begins seems particularly fun to me. You'd probably want a timer running throughout the mission (shelling starts in 15) and have some sort of story about exactly why you've got an SF team in an area that's about to get pasted. You COULD maybe get out during the bombing (or whatever) but it'd be a mad dash between cover etc. Spend too long completing an objective and you're on your own.

As for the demo charges, accidents happen. Maybe the terrorist leader you kill had a dead-mans trigger on the detonator. Alternatively he has a third-party with whom he must check in every 10 minutes or the bombs go off. If you pop him once you've completed the other objectives you're fine - 10 minutes to clear the area. If you kill him before then though it becomes more interesting. Especially if he appeared in random positions and looked just like a normal bad guy. Even if you played it many times you'd probably never really know if you'd started the timer. And if there were multiple people who had to check in....

Perhaps this belongs in a new thread?

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