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I'm planning on making a small squad mission using US Navy SEALS and I've been very impressed by some screens I've seen (both here and at the official site) of SJB's SEALS.


Where can I download these skins? For official addons, all I saw were DEVGRU UNITS by Jahve...and I think those guys are all in helmets. I like the bandanas and headbands.

:thumbsup: Thanks in advance.


I hate when I find the answer to a post that I just finished.

SJB has his own site: http://sjb.gotf.net

His SEALS are based off of the models from the movie TEARS OF THE SUN, and since I've watched that movie about a dozen times already, that must be why I fell in love with the skins.

His skin pack is a beta....with the final version about 90% done.

Edited by en4rcment
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All in good time....


AFAIK - They have not been officially released yet. You may have seen some BETA shots, from others besides Barker, but when finished they should be avialable from the resources site

ETA - you answered yourself while I was typing :thumbsup:

Edited by Whisper_44
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http://sjb.gotf.net/vbs1_addons/seals/imag...uppGunM82A1.jpgThe pbulic BETA (for OFP), which is by now over 1 year old, is available from my site as you have already discovered. The new (VBS compatible) version (pictures of which can be seen below), will be available shortly (a matter of weeks). The units require a few minor tweaks and then simply need testing. The weapons still need some code tweaks, and the SPRs need coding from scratch. It'll be done, when its done :)

Right now, here are a few images, which you may (or may not have) seen on the vbsresources.com forums.

Anyway, here are a few screenshots of the up-to-date SEALs:







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:notworthy:OMG those pics are awesome

That is exactly what I want in a SEAL team look... EXACTLY! :drool:

:welcome: Thank you so much for stopping by our little VBS1 oasis here. Mod works have always been greatly appreciated at this site as alot of us are former/current modders of other games.

Please stop by often and show us all of your latest projects! :)


Just to clarify. The public BETA on your site is only for OFP? It will not work with VBS1?

For something THAT good...I can definitely wait a few weeks...(thanks for giving us a hint about a possible ETA)

Incredible work there! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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The weapons will probably work with a simple dePBO and rePBO (as they're currently packed into a 'Resistance PBO' which as you probably already knjow wont work with VBS). The units will work, but will look very strange as the head model is for OFP, and as such, has the OFP face textures mapped to it, so the VBS face textures wont map correctly.

Edited by Barker326
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the SEALs and their associated weapons have begun their FINAL testing, which should last roughly 1-2 weeks. So far the feedback has been good, with only a few very minor issues cropping up and being quickly resolved. I'll post further news as the release draws closer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
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Sam, that's bad ass.  You going to keep the "hidden sections" the same as you did on the last one?

Similar, but the grenadier had to become a new model, as the vest has a very high poly count (vest plus grenade pouches is somewhere in the region of 3600 faces). The whole model (including all the other stuff on the SEAL unit) came to 12000 faces, and caused some weird distortions in VBS1. These distortions were fixed by making the grenadier a seperate model though, so its all good.

I'm not going to be setting a release date just yet, as I'm notorious for rarely keeping to them as something always crops up at the last minute, but I'll be sure to keep you guys informed.

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