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Too Many Firewalls Problem

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Some of you where there when we messed with trying to fix this "Network" button problem(Warhawk, Gordo, Ger, etc). It seems my mother board has a damn firwall built into the either net card thats built into my mobo. Seems that it works without me knowing it so I'm going to have to spend some time figuring out how to disable or tweak it so that I can play VBS1 & OFP... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :wall:

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Ok, This situation is starting to knaw at me, its gone from "pain in the rear" to "my rear has died and fallen off"... <_<

OFP switched to "Direct Sockets" is doing the same darn thing that VBS1 is doing. I may have to re-install both now. aaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggg!

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If I just turn it off won't it still lock things out like before?

Said somthing on the website about if you don't install the program, active armor would still protect you.

I'll turn it off and give it a try.

The only thing beyond this that I can think of is maybe my Internet Provider or the modem they gave me.

edit: this is what it said when I turned it off...

"When you turn off NVIDIA Firewall, ActiveArmor will also be turned off automatically."

crossing fingers, we'll see if it worked


Edited by TERA_Forrest
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Yeah kill the firewall, and get the Sygate Personal Firewall. It kick a.rse.

Ill find the link for you later if you like, im in a rush just now.

Modem shouldnt be a problem.

If its over ethernet connect to it (usually type in an IE window) and see if there is anything to do with ports. Maybe the port VBS uses , 2302 or something, is being blocked.

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I have been following your problems a bit and one thing is getting my attention.

You seem to have been using 3 firewalls at the same time.

XP inbuild firewall

McAfee firewall

Nvidia firewall

Now dont get me wrong but using more than 1 firewall doesnt make you saver on the net, it might even make you unsaver cause they are likely to conflict with eachother.

The best advice I have always gotten is stick to the use of only one firewall at the same time.

Now please, I would like to know what modem you use to connect to the internet.

In the official VBS forums you said you didnt use a router, but still I would like to know what brand of modem or device you use to connect to the net.

Just to make sure a hardware firewall is not blocking your ports. :whistle:

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Windows firewall? UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!

Kill that to start with. Set the Nvidia one to do noting at all with anything ever, and just focus on McAffee.

More firewalls just cause confusion. If the other 2 do nothing, you can play with settings on McAffee. Even turn them all of and see what happens.

I havnt been able to check, but have you posted this at VBS resources tech support?

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lmao, k... well, the 3 firewall thing just kind of happened. I wasn't aware of Nvidia's onboard "Active Armor" untill I did some digging through the online manual. Even then the only reason I installed the software was to turn it off. Other wise it seems as though its on auto-protect or somthing by default. Windows firewall wasn't somthing I ever really wanted to use so that left me with McAfee's.

I see that whistling smiley lol. As far as I know there is no router near or around my PC. My modem is a Motorola SURFboard VoIP Cable Modem (Thats how they have it spelled out on the installation CD, caps and all)

item #:


So far this is how it sits:

McAfee's: Turned on with VBS1 granted access

Windows: Turned off

NVidia F: Turned off (but still installed), Not sure but I think I opened ports 2302 and 2323 in the options.

This is what I've found:

By clicking on "Sockets" and switching to "Direct Play" it locks up in both VBS1 and OFP:R to the point of not being able to click on multi in either one without lockup and CTD. If I go into my user file and delete my config then it will reset my user options putting "Network" onto "Sockets" by defualt. Then I can get back in there.

Now, I've gotten a hold of Gordo's "hosts.txt" file and everything works fine on "Sockets" but not "Direct Play". I can create my own game on sockets, even connect to another server but clicking on Direct play is certainly going to cause a CTD.

How important is this? How many peeps use Direct Play and why? Is there something gained from it?

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Windows firewall? UNCLEAN! UNCLEAN!

Kill that to start with. Set the Nvidia one to do noting at all with anything ever, and just focus on McAffee.

More firewalls just cause confusion. If the other 2 do nothing, you can play with settings on McAffee. Even turn them all of and see what happens.

I havnt been able to check, but have you posted this at VBS resources tech support?


I've turned them all off and still nothing. My thought on the Nvidia FW is that if it's not installed it's gunna block things anyway without me configuring it. I could totally be wrong about that but I'm almost certian that I read on the website that if nothings there(Software install) it will "protect" my PC reguardless.

Uninstalling Mcafee is somthing I've tried but its such a nice firewall and easy to use... sort of. I like it better than the other two options anyway.

Yes, I've posted at the official forums, there is a thread going there as well.

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l How many peeps use Direct Play and why?  Is there something gained from it?

About the only guy I know of off the top of my head that uses direct is Gord. Rest of us use sockets, as do the servers. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. As far as benefit? Direct supposedly allows the use of voice-over comms instead of having to use an outside program like TS, though I hear it's a resource-hungry beast if you try and use voice-over. I forget why Gordo needed to use direct as opposed to sockets.

Edited by WP33
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Hmm are you using an inbuilt NIC?

If so have you got a PCI one lying around you can test with.

Also can u play other games online?

I don't know what an NIC is. Yup, I can play other games just not on direct play (ofp). I think I can live with this, not too much of a pain I suppose.


Nice to know, thanks for the info ;)

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well if an eithernet card is considered to be an NIC then I have two built into the mother board. One for LAN, and the other for internet connection. I can't pull them out. I have an eithernet card on my other PC but it got fried during a thunder storm, strange that it was the only part that got nuked.

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Yes your onboard ethernet card is a NIC. And it's not completely unheard of, of one componet being hit but it's likely there is other damage to the system that you don't know about yet.


You are correct.

Stout Hearts


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Is your windows XP pro up to date, with all latest patches/updates and stuff from the microsoft update site?

You also might try checking your tcp/ip configuration (in your connection properties), I read about this with searching with google and saw people giving that hint although they didnt add why you should check it. :rofl:

But just to make sure you might want to reinstall the tcp/ip stuff for your connection, might help.

Make sure you know what you are doing, so write down how the config is set up now so you can always go back to this not working config :D

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yeah sorry mate, NIC = Network card.

Hmmm Have you tried unplugging from your network when you try and play? So its just you and the modem.

Just on a side note, it might be worth getting a router, if you are running a network.

But this is an interesting problem. That only effects VBS and OFP.


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I apreciate all the help fellas, but after alot of tinkering and thinking I've come to the conclusion that I will probly not mess with this any longer...

It's become a headach and seeing as how I can still play online with you fellas through sockets, its not that big of a problem. I can live with this for the time being.


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