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Better than any Spielberg movie!

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Just watched my own creations in action in the editor and it's better than a spielberg movie :)

10 MIA1 tanks....count them...10! and two squads of infantry were just obliterated by my nasty OPFOR AI emplacements. These poor OPFOR guys only have two T80's and a BMP2.

There was shells going off everywhere! To coin a phrase from yet another movie..."it was beautiful man..!"

OK...I should also add that the poor OPFOR AI also had the following assisting them...

1. AT traps to slow down the BLUFOR tanks in the killingzone(s) so the infantry could have their way with them.

2. AT mines at strategically placed points

3. Barricades that included AT traps and barrels full of fuel that blow once ignited.

4. A few infantry AT teams behind fixed emplacements

5. The 2 T80's were bunkered in emplacements, so the BLUFOR AI tanks didn't always hit their targets

6. MG posts that help finish off the BLUFOR infantry

7. Spawned OPFOR infantry reinforcements that race to the battlefront where a T80 has been lost.

8. Snipers - of course :)

9. Ammo dumps so the OPFOR groups can rearm their AT weps

10. Positions set up so whatever way the BLUFOR approaches, the OPFOR will be able to initiate a crossfire situation. (God I LOVE Freya!!)

Having said all that, the OPFOR was still vastly outnumbered, but it does show what bunkered defensive troops are capable of.

I should also add, that this section I was watching is the last part of the BLUFOR assault on an OPFOR base. Things I didn't mention before this are:

a. Shilkas that will move to random locations after firing on the BLUFOR helo's - after all, they are mobile. Some of these shilkas in exposed terrain have bmp escorts.

b. Patrolling BMP troops that will exit the BMP if it is under fire to help assist in the defence (You can't shoot anyone inside a tin can). If their BMP is destroyed after exiting they will follow the next armoured vcl in the group; if all armour is destroyed, they will hunt down the guys that destroyed their armour. These particular BMP's are of course patrolling with T72's.

c. OPFOR Troops within 500m of each other will share information about their targets.

d. All OPFOR use the recently released Cobra Scoped weps to make it fair when up against the Elcan sight. Which will make it very interesting since this mission has almost as many playable OPFOR slots as it does BLUFOR. (BLUFOR get more spawns since there up against a well dug in enemy)

I could go on, but you probably getting bored.....

I guess I didn't think of what would happen if the BLUFOR armour had Captain UNISOL (aka Gordon) in their midst. Those things you just can't predict - I'll have to wait and see how my AI defenses hold up.....

Seriously - sorry to bore you with this post, but I was stoked at how my own "AI" boys held up against such an overwhelming force. I had to tell someone and god knows my wife isn't interested...:(

Oh, and by the way, if you haven't guessed....a new mission is under development.


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yeah that was a truly awesome mission. Not a good one to play after watching Rambo 2 and 3 on consecutive nights :P

Best played with alot of guys :thumbsup:

Yeah - best fun I had with a mission for a long time. Damn those XDF boys were methodical! God help any RL OPFOR these guys come up against :o=

Will make some minor changes and then re-test. Won't be able to distribute until 2.03 is finished as it uses some of the new commands.

Actually, just thinking of it - with the test going past 1 hour for the mission itself, we never got to see the onslaught of the kill zone I had developed and discussed above.

That part would have come next..... :devil:

Also a Mi-17 was ready to pounce, but never got released.....which is a good thing since in the excitement I think all forgot about the importance of keeping some Stingers handy...;)

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  • 2 months later...
yeah that was a truly awesome mission. Not a good one to play after watching Rambo 2 and 3 on consecutive nights :P

Best played with alot of guys :thumbsup:

Yeah - best fun I had with a mission for a long time. Damn those XDF boys were methodical! God help any RL OPFOR these guys come up against :o=

Will make some minor changes and then re-test. Won't be able to distribute until 2.03 is finished as it uses some of the new commands.

Actually, just thinking of it - with the test going past 1 hour for the mission itself, we never got to see the onslaught of the kill zone I had developed and discussed above.

That part would have come next..... :devil:

Also a Mi-17 was ready to pounce, but never got released.....which is a good thing since in the excitement I think all forgot about the importance of keeping some Stingers handy...;)

Any updates on the mission? Like to try it. Sick and tired of waiting on new updates from Bis, and VBS devs <_<

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