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XM109 Beta for VBS1


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This is an OFP weapon converted to VBS1. It's basically an anti-material weapon, and can kill a BMP in three shots (maybe less). But the author, 5133p39, appreciates any suggestions on improving it or whatnot, forum topic below:




Edited by EricJ
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Works as advertised. Killed a BMP at about 200-250 with two shots. Recoil can be a problem when zoomed way in, as you'll lose your target in a hurry if you miss (of course, I'm speaking hypothetically of missing...). It will also crush jeeps and trucks. The only issue I might have with it is if you do use it in an anti-personnel role, it'll send human targets flying skywards. Kind of humorous to watch, however. Guys are saying they're having an issue with smoke, but doesn't seem to be a big deal to me. Nice rifle, but with the 5 round magazine it's definitely an application-specific weapon. I'd say excellent for convoy killing, but wouldn't want to try a map-spanning mission with it unless you have a vehicle to pitch it into.

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