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Mission HX


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Mission HX - random mission generator

a 2M mod. Requires no mods, works with all mods and styles of play.

Click Here for More Info at dragmods


note: download should be available soon from ghostrecon.net. grab it from www.dragmods.org for now

Mission HX server running at

the story behind this project:

Being generally lazy, i found that scripting missions in igor was a pain. after all, you can bust out a game type and it works on a hundred maps. but a mission only works on one.

and if you watch how players on public servers play the game, it usually ends up being a frag/respawn-fest. so you work 8 hours on a mission and they complete it in 8 minutes- if that. hrmmm lot of work - and not much bang for the buck.

so... you make it random within certain parameters (that only you mr. scripter man know and cannot forget) and so now you still know exactly whats going to happen with very limited chance for surprise. o yea now it takes 10x longer to get the bugs out of the mission cuz its random - and still only works on one map (lol?)

so what i did is i looked at all the random parameters that i have ever used in a mission, and included the best in a single gametype that works on every GR map. The completely random scenario that is generated is very reasonable and is in line with the original missions in terms of difficulty. and you get some new 'eye candy' at the objectives' locations, with all the crashed helos and stuff. and its never the same mission, no matter how many times you play your fav map. guaranteed !


theres so much stuff in here i dont know where to begin, heres a short list

supports all styles of play: stealth, run and gun, original pace of gr missions

visible in-game objects like crashed helos, ammo dumps, radio, etc.

up to 3 random objectives ( demo, recon, rescue, secure )

up to 3 enemy placed claymores

25-75 enemies in random sized fireteams of 1/3/5 rec/vet/elite

random insertion & extraction

enemies repelled 100m from your spawn so you dont get spawn killed *ever*

random intel from pows and recon (shows map of mines, hostiles at zones)

a multi-player tvt version where red tries to spoil blue's objectives. this playsDlike a thinking-mans domination, where stealth plays the key role because one team can now win without kills in a TvT game - they can win by objectives alone. so its also the most hard core all-out stealth recon possible - you got real players not AI to challenge your sneak.

support for 27 player coop



the claymores are visible and theres several means of surviving them so it adds a lot to the gameplay. and heres a wierd twist. the way you have to wait for a teammate to disarm a claymore is very similar in terms of gameplay to the medic in GR2 MP game. if theres no medic you aint goin nowhere.

enemies spawned in a team with a single path across the map to a random patrol zone over 150m away. this is a path in a gametype. deemed to be impossible by some.


enemy fireteams of varying sizes spawned around the map with team AI like in a mission. occassionally they walk in a single path to a patrol zone across the map! you will be flanked. you will cry that enemies spawned behind you. and you will die. this aint firefight. its Mission HX.

=FC= Harntrox

Edited by harntrox
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I should head off some of these problems right now, before the posts start flying... All these new features come with a few things to remember:



Single Player - Re-Pick Team is the only way to replay a map. Quick Load/Save and Restart Mission are not supported - don't use them.

Running a Server without Desert Siege or Island Thunder - If you dont have DS or IT, you can uninstall the missions so they wont show up

on the server by running the appropriate ' !_no_<mod>' batch files located in this mods' folder.

User-made map problems - Players wont get stuck but occasionally POW's will. Shoot them and fail the objective if that's the case.

All you lose is points.

You must set this mod to highest priority or there will be issues with the stock GR maps.

visit http://www.dragmods.org for more info

Edited by harntrox
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This is really some very interesting work here. What a simple yet extremely genius solution you have come up with. :thumbsup:

As soon as I get home today I'll be downloading this and checking it out. This is most likely going to be going up on the Phoenix Soldiers game server very soon.


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Nice Harntrox, came across a claymore and I moved Boom. so cool.


i take no responsibility for your post traumatic stress (and vietnam flashbacks for you older guys.)

fear the green mapz.

glad to see ppl having fun with the gametype...especially after what i went through to get this thing working just right (!)

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Nice work Harntrox. Love the randomness. This should keep me entertained for a while!

Do you mind if I put this up on MacGamingMods.com so some of the mac community can get ahold of it (as well as lightening your bandwidth load)?

BTW - we've chatted before.... my real nickname is Trox. hehe

Edited by Vir2L
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I had a funny thing happen to me. I had two recon objectives. So I was actually able to keep my sd sniper kit. I played on the Mosque Map (Alpha Squad 2.1). I was moving around dropping tangos. It was going so well. As soon as I completed my second and last objective, "CLICK CLICK". I couldn't believe I did all of that work just to get snagged on the last objective. The feeling of shock was so incredible. Plus, I went in alone and well had no one to even ask for help. I thought I was doomed, so I thought I would just run. It worked, the blast went off about one second after I moved off :rofl: . The problem is I think the noise woke some sleeping tangos up. I ran right into another sniper's bullet :o .


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re: claymore

the claymore trigger uses a three point triangulation scheme (lol never mind)

but because so much is going on in the game, the latency inherent in the network becomes the random generator. so you never know when youll trigger it or trip it ... just be aware that sometimes you will get lucky (but usually not!)

re: 'lone wolf' Mission HX

another wierd GR2 twist - you can play an incredible game of 'lone wolf' on Mission HX

its kinda tough on 'lone wolf' though. i would play recruit alone just because 25 enemies to 1 of you is just about fair (to them hehe). you will get only 1 objective, and 1-2 mines this way also.

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